Inequalities Sociologists Flashcards
What did Marx say about Social Class Inequalities?
- Infrastructure shapes the superstructure
* Bourgeoisie own the majority of wealth in society so they design education to help them maintain power
What did Westergaard say about Social Class inequalities?
Polarisation - gap between rich and poor is getting bigger
What did Scott say about Social Class inequalities?
Ruling class practice social closure to maintain wealth
What did Kenway say about Social Class inequalities?
Girls in private schools judge girls who didn’t go to private schools harshly
What did Gramsci say about Social Class inequalities?
Hegemony, upper class use political and cultural means to get others to follow their values
What did Wright say about Social Class inequalities?
Contradictory class location - Middle Class exploit and are exploited
What did Bravermaan say about Social Class inequalities?
Proletarianisation - middle class are more like the working class
What is the reserve army of labour?
Deskilled workers, women or ethnic minorities who will always be a back up for work or work for cheaper
What did Benston say about Social Class inequalities?
Marxist Feminist
Women do unpaid work in the home, if it was paid there would be a massive redistribution of wealth
What did Feeley say about Social Class inequality?
Marxist Feminist
Women aid capitalism by reproducing the next generation of workers and socialising them
What did Ansley say about Social Class inequalities?
Marxist Feminist
Women are the ‘takers of shit’ as the men take out their work frustrations of their wives
What did Beechey say about Social Class inequalities?
Marxist Feminist
Women are used as the reserve army of labour as they will work for less pay
What did Durkheim say about Social Class inequalities?
Class stratification exists as it’s functional to social order
What did Parsons say about Social Class inequalities?
Value consensus- Family, authority, achievements, possessions - less of these equals more inequality someone will face
What did Davis and Moore say about Social Class inequalities?
Stratification is a feature of human society
What did Saunders say about Social Class inequalities?
New Right
Inequality is justified as it promotes economic growth
What did Murray say about Social Class inequalities?
New Right
Underclass a culture of dependency. Depend on the welfare state, this leads to number of social problems such as poor socialisation, unemployment and crime
What did Weber say about Social Class inequalities?
Class, status and party.
What did Draper say about Social Class inequalities?
Middle class is so diverse in lifestyle and attitudes
What did Savage say about Social Class inequalities?
Middle class separate between public sector profession and private sector entrepreneur
What did Giddens say about Social Class inequalities?
Upper class is fragmented - traditional, jet set pop aristocracy, entrepreneurial rich
What did Pakulski and Waters say about Social Class inequalities?
Globalisation consumer choice gives people more identity, Social Class is dead
What did Beck say about Social Class inequalities?
Risk society - Technological and biological developments mean we are exposed to the ‘risks of the unknown’
Everyone, despite Social Class background is vulnerable
What did Murdock say about gender inequalities?
Women are located in the home as it is their biological function of bearing children
Gender division of labour is functional
What did Parsons say about gender inequalities?
Women = expressive role Men = instrumental role
What did Rastogi say about gender inequalities?
Pay gap is justified as men have more ‘human capital’ than women due to their greater focus on the labour market
Human capital = skill,ability,knowledge, work experience and commitment
What did Murray say about gender inequalities?
New Right
Rising birth rates, crime and unemployment is due to the underclass Blames single parent mothers Housewife role is functional
What did Schalfly say about gender inequalities?
New Right
Marriage is the most fulfilling role a woman can take
What did Engles say about Gender inequalities?
- Result in ownership of private property and the nuclear family, exploit their wives due to being exploited by capitalism
- Men gain control over women as they want to pass their private property into their legitimate heirs
What did Stanko say about gender inequalities?
Radical feminist
Sexual harassment ‘keeps women in place’ and it’s not taken seriously in the workplace
What did Adkins say about gender inequalities?
Radical Feminist
Horizontal segregation, males/females given different job roles in the same company
What did Delphy and Leonard say about gender inequalities?
Radical Feminist
Oppression comes from the family, men are seen as the head of the household as they hold economic power
What did Miller say about gender inequalities?
Radical Feminist
Biological factors oppress women as they can get pregnant and need to take time off work
What did Johnson say about gender inequalities?
Radical Feminist
Patriarchal terrorism men control their wives through violence, threats and isolation
What did Oakley say about gender inequalities?
Liberal feminist
Primary socialisation Verbal appellation Domestic activities Canalisation Manipulation
What did Brewer say about gender inequalities?
Black feminist
Triple systems theory - Class, race, and gender inequality
What did Yuval-Davies say about gender inequalities?
Black Feminist
Doubly disadvantaged through racism and sexism
What did Abbott et al say about gender inequalities?
Black Feminist
Women’s experiences and feminism derive from white perspectives and ignore black ones
What did Modood say about ethnic inequalities?
3/5 of Bangladeshi women and 1/2 Pakistani women in Uk can’t speak English
What did Roberts say about ethnic inequalities?
Asians are more likely to be self employed
Colonialism affects attitudes of Afro-Caribbean groups
What did Sewell say about ethnic inequalities?
Hypermasculinity - single parent with a maternal background lack of male role models
What did Patterson say about ethnic inequalities?
Host immigrant model - ethnic minorities haven’t socially integrated
Fear social change, resentment over competing for jobs
Failure of ethnic minorities to assimilate
What did Cox say about ethnic inequalities?
There is a direct relationship between racism and capitalism
What did Castles and Kosack say about ethnic inequalities?
Immigrants are concentrated in low pay/low status work
Reserve army of labour
Racism is encouraged to divide the working class so they don’t focus on the ruling class exploiting them
What did Parkin say about ethnic inequalities?
Social closure is used to keep ethnic minorities out of important positions
What did Vertorec say about ethnic inequalities?
There is super diversity now, wide range of social groups and cultural values
What did Back say about ethnic inequalities?
Black, white, Asian youths all socialise together
Cultural borrowing
Cultural masks
What did Burdsey say about ethnic inequalities?
Code Switching (especially Asians)
What did Gill say about ethnic inequalities?
What did Walby say about gender inequalities?
Private patriarchy - women who are limited to home
Public patriarchy - women in public sphere who are still disadvantaged
What did Hakim say about gender inequalities?
Post feminist
Women are not victims of unfair employment but just hold higher priorities like child care over employment
What did Weber say about gender inequalities?
Horizontal segregation
Vertical segregation
What did Barron and Norris say about gender inequalities?
Dual labour market
Primary labour market
Secondary labour market
Political activism gap - women are less likely to participate in campaign/voluntary organisations
What did Skeggs say about gender inequalities?
Society is too divided to talk about patriarchy
What did Faludi say about gender inequalities?
Women have a lot more choice, males more likely to suffer from inequality
What did Prout and James say about age inequalities?
Age categories are socially constructed
What did Carrigan and Szmigin say about age inequalities?
Elderly are labelled negatively in the media
What did Cohen say about age inequalities?
Moral panics, media amplify youth deviancy
What did Hockey and James say about age inequalities?
Infantilisation - old people are treated like children
What did Weber say about age inequality?
Young and elderly have less status due to their age
What did Parkin say about age inequalities?
Negatively privileged status groups - elderly are often socially segregated
What did Arber and Ginn say about age inequalities?
Age on women effects their status even more
What did Branden say about age inequalities?
Middle Aged Pivot Generation - switching between their children and parents
What did Sontag say about age inequality?
Double standard of ageing
What did Itzin say about age inequality?
What did Parsons say about age inequalities?
Organic analogy
Certain age groups have norms and values that could threaten social stability
Old people get Social solidarity
What did Cumming and Henry say about age inequality?
Social disengagement old age
What did Eisenstadt say about age inequality?
Youths use subcultures for a forum of frustrations
What did Phillipson say about age inequality?
Capitalism needs to continually renew its workforce
Elderly are institutionally marginalised
What did Laczko and Philipson say about age inequality?
Inequality is due to health not ageing itself
What did Featherstone and Hepworth say about age inequality?