WW2 Definitions Ch4 Flashcards
- used to describe dictatorship
- dictators controlled their populations (could seize power and strictly control the populations under rule)
benito mussolini
- formed political party called fascisti (facist)
- threatened to overthrow italian gov during march on rome 1922 when unable to achieve election victory
- formed blackshirts (quasi-military group) as his political goons (26,000 men)
- demanded italian gov be handed over to him
weimar republic
- new democratic german government
- formed by new leaders after kaiser (former german leader) gave up power on nov 9 1918
- thought it would help germans in peacemaking process and that it would please the americans to want a more lenient settlement regarding germany
- sacrificed democracy after 14 years
-economic condition when currency of a country becomes less and less valuable
adolf hitler
- political party nazi’s leader
- tried to overthrow german gov during inflation crisis
- gained popularity by promising he would destroy democracy and stated that germans would never be victims of such events again
- german name for the german socialist workers party
- shortened version (first word) of “nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei”
- to dislike or even hate jewish people
- (blamed for germany’s difficulties)
- someone blamed or punished for the errors of others
- (jews were germany’s scapegoat)
enabling act
- made hitler all powerful
- brought an end to democracy in germany and beginning of totalitarianism
night of the long knives
- june 1934
- hitler had about 1000 people murdered
- victims were enemies of the state by the nazis
nuremberg laws
- package of laws between 1933-1939 that outlines hitlers harsh and unjust measures against the jews
- passed without resistance and supposed to warn world about hitlers intentions but worked to reinforce anti-semitism
- name of infamous event on nov 9, 1938 nazis encouraged germans toattack jews
- jewish shops attacked, windows smashed, jews were publicy beaten, many imprisoned for no reason
- literally translates as “crystal night” referred as “night of broken glass”
- german secret police
- could do anything as long as hitlers believed they were serving the state
joseph stalin
- gained complete control of soviet union in 1928
- shaped country with his vision of communism
- was a totaliratian dictator
- wanted to modernize the economy of the soviet union
- feared foreign country invasion
five year plans
- introduced by stalin to achieve his goal of ensured industrialization
- was stalins attempt to completely take control of all aspects of economy
the great terror
- introduced by stalin during era of 1930s
- anyone who was considered an enemy of stalin’s goal would be executed
-occurs when a certain country becomes aggressive and other countries give the aggressor what it wants to prevent a war
nazi-soviet non-agression pact
- signed august 23, 1939
- hitler approached stalin to make pact
- (deal where both countries would promised not to attack each other and divide poland between them)
- in reality it was made to gain/stall time
- used by nazis
- “lightning war”
- attacks led by airplanes by knocking key enemy positions which were followed by tanks and motorized infantry attacks
- attacking forces would sweep past enemy and close in from behind trapping the enemy
-compulsory military service
phony war
- october 1939-april 1940
- people expected germamy to attack western europe but it didnt due to weather and indecision
- allied soldiers waited for the attack
- period where there was little fighting
evacuation of dunkirk
- 1940
- collapse of belgium, british and french troops retreated to french beaches of dunkirk on english channel (became trapped)
- 900 ships arrived to rescue 340,000 soldiers
- represented moral victory for allies-saved best british forces
battle of britain
- summer of 1940
- british royal airforce (raf) and german luftwaffle (air force) fought in airspace over britain
radar and sonar
- radar: similar to method called echolocation (locate things with great accuracy like blind bats) -uses radio waves to detect locations of things allowing britain to detect german bombers and fighter squadrons from far away
- sonar: works in water using sound. sound waves travel through water and bounce off enemy submarines alerting allies of their presence
the blitz
-hitler abandoned assault on raf airfields and orderd daylight bombing raids on london