Wuchereria bancrofti Flashcards
Wuchereria bancrofti. Other name
Bancroft’s filaria
Wuchereria bancrofti. Habitat:
Wuchereria bancrofti. Vector:
Mosquito (Anopheles, Culex, Aedes)
Disease: Elephantiasis. What parasite
Wuchereria bancrofti
Wuchereria bancrofti. Disease:
Elephantiasis (lower) with chylocoele/hydrocoele and chyluria, Tropical Pulmonary eosinophilia
Wuchereria bancrofti. Microfilaria: size?
270 – 290 um
Wuchereria bancroft. Microfilaria: Highest concentration in nighttime, about ___ to ____ (same with B. malayi)
10pm to 2am
Wuchereria bancrofti. Microfilaria: Highest concentration in nighttime, about 10pm to 2am (same with ___)
Brugia malayi
Its microfilaria is a Minute snake like organisms in red
blood cells, “graceful appearance
Wuchereria bancrofti
Wuchereria bancrofti. Microfilaria is a Minute snake like organisms in red
blood cells, “____ appearance
graceful appearance
Wuchereria bancrofti. Adult: males sizes
20 – 40 mm in length and 100 um in width
Wuchereria bancrofti. Adult:
males: has a ventrally curved tail with how many pairs of caudal sensory organs
15 pairs
Wuchereria bancrofti. Adult: Female sizes
80-100 mm in length and 300 um in width
In this parasite, the adult - generally, are cylindrical, whitish and somehow transparent; they have a neck area
Wuchereria bancrofti
Maturation time of Wuchereria bancrofti
2-3 weeks
in Wuchereria bancrofti, the microfilariae appear in the blood ____ year after infection
1 year
Wuchereria bancrofti. Presence of thousands to millions of microfilariae in peripheral blood with no
clinical manifestation
Wuchereria bancrofti. Acute stage: early manifestations ___ and inflammation of lymph glands
fever and inflammation of lymph glands
Wuchereria bancrofti. what stage in pathogenesis, . Recurrent attacks are those involving funiculitis, swelling and redness of arms
and legs.
Acute stage
Wuchereria bancrofti. Chronic pitting edema progressing into non pitting edema. Positive for fibrous hyperplasia. Lower elephantiasis may occur
Chronic stage/lymphedema
Wuchereria bancrofti. PATHOGENESIS. Can stimulate apoptosis of dendritic cells and CD4+ T cells
Immunologic consequences
Dreyer’s staging for chronic lymphedema. Swelling increases in day but disappears overnight (especially when lying in bed)
Stage 1
Dreyer’s staging for chronic lymphedema. Swelling no longer reversible, occurrence of acute attacks and can have bad odor
Stage 2:
Dreyer’s staging for chronic lymphedema. Presence of shallow skin folds, occasional acute attacks and bad odor
Stage 3