HOOKWORMS Flashcards
blood-sucking nematodes that attach to the mucosa of the small intestines
Necator americanus. Common name
New world hookworm
Ancylostoma duodenale common name
old world hookworm
dog hookworm
ancylostoma caninum
cat hookworm
ancylostoma ceylanicum
long buccal cavity, short genital primordium; anal pore is 80 um from
posterior end; esophagus to intestinal length ratio can be 1:4
shorter esophagus, sheathed tail, females have posterior spine
Shape: Sharply bent, small, cylindrical, fusiform grayish white
Necator americanus
Shape: Slightly bent, pinkish/grayish
white in color
Ancylostoma duodenale
definitive hosts aredogsbutcan also infect cats
1 pair of semilunar cutting plates
1 median tooth
Necator americanus
Longer than broad
Dorsal rays: deep cleft
and tips bipartite
Necator americanus
2 spicules: fused and
Necator americanus
2 ventral pairs of fused teeth
Ancylostoma duodenale
Short and broad
Dorsal rays: Shallow
cleft and tips tripartite
Ancylostoma duodenale
2 spicules: Unfused and
NOT barded
Ancylostoma duodenale
3 ventral pairs of fused teeth
Ancylostoma caninum
Large, flame-shaped
Rays: long and slender
Ancylostoma caninum
2 ventral pairs of ufusedteeth As broad as long Rays: stunted
Ancylostoma ceylanicum
Dermititis lesion (skin at point of entry
produces ground itch/dew itch/colite itch)
Larval penetration
a Costa Rican porridge
Mazzamora/water sore
Anemia microcytic hypochromic
((0.03 mL blood/day) due to blodd loss this
will cause
nausea, vomitting, pharyngeal irritation, cough, dyspnea
“Wakana syndrome”
Ancylostoma caninum Ancylostoma ceylanicum