Only ciliate protozoan than infects humans
Balantidium coli
Largest protozoan parasite of human
Balantidium coli
Balantidium coli. Phylum ___, Family ____
Phylum Ciliophora, Family Balantididae
Balantidium coli. Trophozoite
Size: __ in length
30-150 um
Balantidium coli. Trophozoite
Size: __ in width
25-120 um in width
Motility: Rolling ball or thrown-ball
Balantidium coli
Size:40-60 um in diameter, spherical to oval and round in shape, refractile and is double walled
Balantidium coli Cyst
Balantidium coli. Its trophozoite are capable of attacking the intestinal epithelium and creating characteristic ulcer ____ and ___
a rounded base and wide neck
- production of hyaluronidase
Lectin necrosis
causes bloody diarrhea and is categorized as a tissue invader immunocompromised individuals are at risk, especially those with HIV
Balantidium coli
the disease of this parasite (Balantidium coli) which has three forms of clinical manifestation.
three forms of clinical manifestation of Balantidiasis.
- Asymptomatic carriers
- Fulminant balantidiasis, or balantidial dysentery
- Chronic form
forms of clinical manifestation of Balantidiasis. those who do not present with diarrhea or dysentery, but may serve as parasite reservoir in the community.
Asymptomatic carriers
forms of clinical manifestation of Balantidiasis. involves diarrhea with bloody and mucoid stools, which is sometimes indistinguishable from amebic dysentery. often associated with immunocompromised and malnourished states
Fulminant balantidiasis, or balantidial dysentery
Fulminant balantidiasis, or balantidial dysentery. Acute cases may have ___ to ___ episodes of diarrhea per day accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting
6 to 15 episodes of diarrhea per day
forms of clinical manifestation of Balantidiasis. whereindiarrhea may alternate with constipation, and maybe accompanied by nonspecific symptoms such as abdominal pain or cramping, anemia, and cachexia.
chronic form
Balantidium coli. Extraintestinal infection. Could spread in ?
mesenteric nodes, appendix, liver, genitourinary sites, pleura, and lungs
Complications of balantidiasis include intestinal perforation and ____
acute appendicitis.
Cases of mortality related to balantidiasis were reported to be associated with
intestinal hemorrhage and shock, intestinal perforation,
Balantidium coli. Cysts and trophozoites can be seen in formed and watery stool direct examination or concentration (___ or ___) techniques
sedimentation or flotation
Balantidium coli. Its life cycle is pass through how many host only
Balantidium coli. Natural host:
Balantidium coli. Accidental host:
Balantidium coli. Reservoirs host:
Pig, monkey, and rat.