Trichuris trichiura. Common name
Trichuris trichiura. Disease:
The name Trichuris means a
‘hair-like tail’
trichos— ___, oura— ___
trichos— hair, oura—tail
Egg. barrel-shaped/Japanese lantern with bipolar plugs
Trichuris trichiura
Trichuris trichiura. Eggs may be destroyed by
sunlight, desiccation, heat (above
30C) and 30% ammonia
Trichuris trichiura. Adult
Anterior - Attenuated, whiplike, esophagus resembles ____
“string of beads”
Trichuris trichiura. Natural host
Trichuris trichiura. Infective form:
Embryonated eggs containing Rhabditiform larva.
Trichuris trichiura Diagnostic stage
unembryonated eggs, adult worm
Trichuris trichiura. The females begin to oviposit ____ days after infection
60 to 70 days
Trichuris trichiura. . Female worms in the cecum shed between ___ to ___ eggs per day.
3,000 and 20,000 eggs
Trichuris trichiura. The life span of the adults is about
1 year
Trichuris trichiura. Blood loss per day
0.8-8.6 mL
Trichuris trichiura. Blood loss per day 0.8-8.6 mL - what anemia
Microcytic anemia
protrusion of rectum from anus
Rectal prolapse
(human whipworm infection)
Trichuris trichiura. Diagnosis. ___ is useful as worms are found in the rectal
mucosa in whipworm diarrhea and dysentery
Capillaria philippinensis. Common name:
Pudoc worm.
Capillaria philippinensis. Disease:
Pudoc disease or Mystery disease
Egg. Shape: Peanut-shaped or Guitar- shaped with flattened bipolar plug
Capillaria philippinensis
Definitive host: Birds (Fish eating birds)
Capillaria philippinensis
Infective stage: Larva in fish
Capillaria philippinensis
rumbling sound in intestines