Writting Flashcards
Boat Couple Lake Rubbish/refuse 时空间相结合
A wooden boat drifts smoothly in a lake .
A young couple sit on the boat.
They are eating snacks and casting the packaging into the lake.
The lake is filled with refuse.
整合:A wooden boat drifts smoothly in a lake;a young couple are sitting on it ,eating …and casting ….
A couple ,sitting on a boat which drifting smoothly in a lake, are eating snacks and casting packaging into the lake filled with refuse.
【 In a lake drifts a boat,on which sits on a young couple,eating snacks and casting packaging into the lake that is filled with refuse.】
👍[The picture is about ]a lake in which drifts a boat,on which sits on a young couple,eating snacks and casting packaging into the lake that is filled with refuse.
Hairstyle 发型
A young man has “BECKHAM”, a famous football player,painted on his left check.
Another young man spends 300 yuan to get a special haircut that makes his look like Beckham.
做一个造型have the hair styled.
👍we see two young 「devoted 」fans in the photos:
首段如何指出寓意 图画作文三大特征 1、普遍性 2、对立性 3、讽刺性
1、指出现象的句子结构 1⃣️很明显obviously,it isalmost certain that 2⃣️现如今/最近/过去十年以来等时间状语nowadays 3⃣️很多/一些an increasing number of 4⃣️人/粉丝/外国人westerners,foreigners 5⃣️尤其是/特别是especially,particularly 6⃣️变得/愈发/开始/已经start doing,begin to do 7⃣️倾向于/沉迷于/着迷于be addicted to doing,be obsessed with,be the keen lovers of 8⃣️做某事
Obviously, over the past decade, an increasing number of westerners,especially young westerners ,begin to be addicted to Chinese traditional culture.
避免:❌ 1⃣️堆砌句型 2⃣️内容空洞 3⃣️逻辑混乱 4⃣️没话找话,正话反说,反话正说… 🙆正确✅的操作: 1⃣️有比较清晰的结构:firstly,secondly…,因果,递进,对比🆚等等。 2⃣️有细节details,可能让考官产生共鸣。
加分点: 1⃣️用词精准 2⃣️表达不死板,尽量生动形象 3⃣️最重要的是逻辑结构,推理链条!!!! 4⃣️篇幅的设计:有因果、例证、反证、比较、转折、上下义…
1⃣️Tomas Edison 爱迪生,他成名很早early life,但他还在不断地设置新目标,去超越过去的自己。
On the one hand
On the other hand
句子与句子之间:就像一串葡萄🍇 1⃣️因果 2⃣️比较 3⃣️转折 4⃣️上下义(上抽象、下具体举例子) 🌟现象型【中间段在分析原因】 ⚠️建立因果链条(多因一果) ⚠️可以只建立一种链条,多种也可以。
3⃣️网友会让人有成就感、新鲜感[achieve a great a sense of satisfaction.]
🍁First,they achieve a great a sense of satisfaction.
[做比较]While they may be bullied on campus or scolded for doing a bad job on homework by teachers, these growing juveniles can select their favorate ,strong game characters to slay enemies and destroy turrets in King’s Canyon.[王者峡谷]
🍁Second,online games ,mobile games in particular,offer them various fresh experiences [新鲜体验] they seldom get in the real world. You never have experiences like fighting a beast that breaks into your home,but it is amazing that you can slay a virtual monster many times using different characters,weapons and tactics.
开头写一个问句:why ……
Reasons for this abound,but two stands out.
👉🏻 I think the following reasons may account for this phenomenon.First, more and more people, especially young people [are blind by] 被遮蔽了双眼👀 craving for money. Always daydreaming of becoming rich overnight,they eventually end up [in cheaters.]
👉🏻second,during the [close examination]仔细审查of cases about financial fraud,it is found that most of the criminals [have poor awareness of law,]法律意识淡薄thinking that they did not violated the law or that their [tricks won’t be penetrated.]戳穿诡计🌅
👉🏻 Finally ,the current supervision and penalty system should also [be to blame.] 也要担责For example,though tax fraud [abound ]大量存在in many institutes,the majority of these crimes cannot be detected,so the criminals cannot be charged.
For the most part,a good start is half a success because it usually entails being well prepared for all the trials[考验] you can conceive of. 🍁And you may also rule out[排除]a couple of approaches that gives rise to failure so that the success rate is elevated from the very beginning.
Here is a good example. I inquired about the test before setting out to prepare for it . Unlike my peers who build up vocabulary by rote[死记硬背], I spent one hour every day in the first month memorizing hundreds of common word roots,prefixes ,and suffixes—elements that make up words. So when my open my vocabulary book,I found it much more efficiently to memorize the words than before.
🍁It pays off[🈶️回报] to humble. If you tend to brag about yourself [吹嘘],your peers and friends may consider you to be arrogant and to show a sense of superiority. So they may decline to cooperate with or help you when in need,since people who are arrogant and superior are often rejected[不受待见] in our society.
🍁 On the contrary,if you are genuinely modest,you will earn much respect[赢得尊重]from people around you. They are willing to not only support for you career but to give you a hand when in trouble. Eventually,you are more likely to succeed and more important, befriend a great many peers.
no outside food and beverage
In response to a lawsuit against its “no outside food and beverage” policy, Shanghai Disneyland said on Monday that the rule is “consistent with many other theme parks across China” and “guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages outside the park”.
需将背包中携带的零食丢弃或吃掉(either throw away the snacks she had brought in her backpack or finish them)
投诉热线(complaint hotlines)
吃掉一部分零食并丢弃一部分(finish some snacks and discard the rest)
合法权益(legitimate interests)
确认禁止携带食品入园的格式条款无效(overturn the no-outside-food-and-drink policy)
赔偿原告损失(compensate her loss)
“服务合同纠纷(service contract dispute)”
法庭尚未判决(the verdict is pending)
对外带食品饮料没有限制(open to food and drinks from beyond its services)
酒精饮料(alcoholic beverage)
对亚洲国家采取”双重标准”(apply a “double standard” on Asian countries)
[相关词汇] 主题公园 theme park 门票 admission ticket 游乐园 amusement park 旋转木马 merry-go-round 过山车 roller coaster 摩天轮 ferris wheel
[终点又有新的起点]To sum up, one’s view on his success determines his future. In my opinion,it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publishing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well.
In my opinion,refusing to look after one’s own elderly parents not only tears apart family ties but also destroys social harmony.
So it is high time that people from all walks of life[各行各业]should combine to [improve the current situation.]. For example teachers should make children brought up to think that family members are more important than anything else. Bank should refuse to lend money to those showing no filial piety.[孝心]
It is precisely through teamwork that we achieve goals and realize dreams. I think school teachers should develop students ’team spirit and create for the latter opportunities for fulfilling tasks by cooperation.
展望Only in these ways can we build a more harmonious society.
1、称呼 Dear Mr Smith, My dear Jane, Dear Sir/Madam, To whom it may concern, 不知道写给谁
2、正文:英式写法 首行缩进 段落之间不空行
3、署名:英式写法 右边对其
In my humble opinion, it may be useful to assemble students representatives from all departments to promote saving electricity and water.
My dear Tao,
I couldn’t be more excited to learn that you receive the offer from Harvard. Congratulations 🎉.
To whom it may concerns,/Dear Sir/Madam,
Being a regular customer,I am disappointed that the dictionary I bought from your online store the other day.
My dear Hua,
I know you are in a bad mood right now,but as we have known each other for many years, I decide to write down these words from the bottom of the heart.
I think you have always tried to prove that you are a tough guy,no less excellent than anyone else. But daily routines of the Students ’ Union endless groups discussions on mathematics modeling,and of course preparation for iBI—all these stuffs just overwhelm you,bro.
Maybe you can take a few days off to downshift the pace of your life. And write to or call me if you need.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear HR manager,
I am writing here to recommend Li Lin,one of my [best students], for a [marketing position ]in your [homered] company.
Li is the sort of person that easily leave an impression on you. He tends to dress himself stylishly, and he has a pleasant telephone voice and a natural charm that puts clients at ease. Being [moderately] confident , he is likely to reassure his colleagues when dealing with thorny issues.
I strongly recommend this promising young man and hope you give his application full consideration.
Sincerely Yours,
Li Ming
Professor of xxx University
原因:not what you expected
Dear Mr. Wang,
I have been there for almost one month and very glad to have such a wonderful time with your team. They are fabulous guys, energetic,optimistic and innovative. I feel honored being one of them but nowadays a thorough consideration was made : I am going to quitting for my own sake. (我写的开头太长了,应该开门见山直接点!)
杨老师的第一段:I thank you for the opportunity to have served this company. Now I find that the job is not as fitting as I thought. My job is to collect and analyze the fashions worn by celebrities in our country,but I prefer to comment on special clothes and accessories worn by common people. So I have to quit.(合理杜撰)
杨第二段:I am really sorry to tell you this and ask for your forgiveness for whatever inconvenience I bring to you and your company. I really hope that you can hire a more fitting person to continue the job.
Yours truly,➡️
Li Ming➡️
试衣间:Fitting room英/dressing room 美
身体健康:Physical fitness
融入:Fit into
The best accepted way to maintain physical fitness is to work out on a regular basis.
The award is a fitting tribute to his years of devoted work.
Comment on sth Make a …comment on sth Make a …remark on sth/about sth Remark on/about 例句1:街边几个游手好闲之徒正在对路过的女孩评头论足。 Some street idlers are making dirty/insulting comments on passing girls. 例句2:对他人私生活说三道四通常被认为是不礼貌的。 It is usually not polite to comment on other’s private life.
Leave office/one’s job/be suspended from office
Take career breaks
My neighbor Paul was seriously crippled in an accident and had to leave the job.
Even today,many young women take career breaks to bring up children.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am a junior and have frequented the library often during my time here. I would like to give some suggestions for the improvement of its service.
First,could you extend the open hours to include evenings and holidays? Many students want to stay in the library day and night,after all. Second,quite a few books are outdated and yellowish, making them difficult to read and irrelevant. The collection should be updated better on a regular basis. Finally,the reading room should be enlarged to accommodate more students.
I hope the suggestions can help improve the library.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
左边那张图片:the picture on the left
A young man with a word“Beckham ”,a name of a famous football star,painted on his left check, while the picture the right shows another young man getting a haircut, at 300 RMB, to make himself look more like Beckham.
These two photos disclose a common social phenomenon that people,especially young people,tend to worship their idols in a public and expressive way.
This trend in China is largely attributed to global social development over the past few years. Since the implementation of china’s reform and openings-up policy, China has witnessed an enormous change in all social aspects. Not only has the national economy boomed, but also the quality of people’s life [生活质量]has improved sharply.
More importantly,China has become more tolerant to new ideas. These changes encourage young people to express their likes and dislikes in a more public and eye-catching way. That’s why we can see more and more people imitate the famous in public.
Some experts might argue that such shallow idol worship is harmful to the growth of young people. But in my opinion, expressive idol worship, as well as other expressive[张扬的] behaviors ,is an inevitable trend. We cannot boldly prohibit young people from making such expressions,as suggested by these experts ;so why not accept them and guide or advise them when needed?
关于偶像的说法 1、idol 2、hero,强调令人钦佩 3、icon,偶像,代表人物,比如,罗志祥——亚洲舞王 4、cult figure,部分人疯狂崇拜的偶像🤩 🌰 保罗在街上偶遇了少年时代的偶像,竟然激动地瞠目结舌。 When Paul came across his teenage idol, he was tongue-tied.
An investigation reveals that 70% respondents claim idols have played a positive role in their growth.
Grow rapidly /rapid growth
Expand rapidly /rapid expansion
Race ahead
In the Southeast coastal region of China [where economy booms], supporting infrastructure is all in readiness.
讽刺的是, 随着经济快速发展,人们的道德水准却在下降。
Ironically, as the economy grows rapidly, people’s moral standards are declining.
v.Tolerate/endure/put up with
n. Tolerance of/to
Adj. be tolerant of/be happy to live with
Even the slightest tolerance of sexual harassment will [give rise to] more victims.
Paul likes to eat durian in the dorm. I can’t be happy to live with it/that.
Prohibit someone from
Forbid someone to do /from doing
Ban something/someone from doing
It is hard to tell that totally banning ivory trade has saved [the] elephant from extinction.
Almost all museums have a regulation that that visitors are prohibited/forbidden takes photos.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am a junior and have frequented the library often during my time here. I would like to give some suggestions for the improvement of its service.
First,could you extend the open hours to include evenings and holidays? Many students want to stay in the library day and night,after all. Second,quite a few books are outdated and yellowish, making them difficult to read and irrelevant. The collection should be updated better on a regular basis. Finally,the reading room should be enlarged to accommodate more students.
I hope the suggestions can help improve the library.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
左边那张图片:the picture on the left
A young man with a word“Beckham ”,a name of a famous football star,painted on his left check, while the picture the right shows another young man getting a haircut, at 300 RMB, to make himself look more like Beckham.
These two photos disclose a common social phenomenon that people,especially young people,tend to worship their idols in a public and expressive way.
This trend in China is largely attributed to global social development over the past few years. Since the implementation of china’s reform and openings-up policy, China has witnessed an enormous change in all social aspects. Not only has the national economy boomed, but also the quality of people’s life [生活质量]has improved sharply.
More importantly,China has become more tolerant to new ideas. These changes encourage young people to express their likes and dislikes in a more public and eye-catching way. That’s why we can see more and more people imitate the famous in public.
Some experts might argue that such shallow idol worship is harmful to the growth of young people. But in my opinion, expressive idol worship, as well as other expressive[张扬的] behaviors ,is an inevitable trend. We cannot boldly prohibit young people from making such expressions,as suggested by these experts ;so why not accept them and guide or advise them when needed?
关于偶像的说法 1、idol 2、hero,强调令人钦佩 3、icon,偶像,代表人物,比如,罗志祥——亚洲舞王 4、cult figure,部分人疯狂崇拜的偶像🤩 🌰 保罗在街上偶遇了少年时代的偶像,竟然激动地瞠目结舌。 When Paul came across his teenage idol, he was tongue-tied.
An investigation reveals that 70% respondents claim idols have played a positive role in their growth.
Grow rapidly /rapid growth
Expand rapidly /rapid expansion
Race ahead
In the Southeast coastal region of China [where economy booms], supporting infrastructure is all in readiness.
讽刺的是, 随着经济快速发展,人们的道德水准却在下降。
Ironically, as the economy grows rapidly, people’s moral standards are declining.
v.Tolerate/endure/put up with
n. Tolerance of/to
Adj. be tolerant of/be happy to live with
Even the slightest tolerance of sexual harassment will [give rise to] more victims.
Paul likes to eat durian in the dorm. I can’t be happy to live with it/that.
Prohibit someone from
Forbid someone to do /from doing
Ban something/someone from doing
It is hard to tell that totally banning ivory trade has saved [the] elephant from extinction.
Almost all museums have a regulation that that visitors are prohibited/forbidden takes photos.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am a junior and have frequented the library often during my time here. I would like to give some suggestions for the improvement of its service.
First,could you extend the open hours to include evenings and holidays? Many students want to stay in the library day and night,after all. Second,quite a few books are outdated and yellowish, making them difficult to read and irrelevant. The collection should be updated better on a regular basis. Finally,the reading room should be enlarged to accommodate more students.
I hope the suggestions can help improve the library.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
左边那张图片:the picture on the left
A young man with a word“Beckham ”,a name of a famous football star,painted on his left check, while the picture the right shows another young man getting a haircut, at 300 RMB, to make himself look more like Beckham.
These two photos disclose a common social phenomenon that people,especially young people,tend to worship their idols in a public and expressive way.
This trend in China is largely attributed to global social development over the past few years. Since the implementation of china’s reform and openings-up policy, China has witnessed an enormous change in all social aspects. Not only has the national economy boomed, but also the quality of people’s life [生活质量]has improved sharply.
More importantly,China has become more tolerant to new ideas. These changes encourage young people to express their likes and dislikes in a more public and eye-catching way. That’s why we can see more and more people imitate the famous in public.
Some experts might argue that such shallow idol worship is harmful to the growth of young people. But in my opinion, expressive idol worship, as well as other expressive[张扬的] behaviors ,is an inevitable trend. We cannot boldly prohibit young people from making such expressions,as suggested by these experts ;so why not accept them and guide or advise them when needed?
关于偶像的说法 1、idol 2、hero,强调令人钦佩 3、icon,偶像,代表人物,比如,罗志祥——亚洲舞王 4、cult figure,部分人疯狂崇拜的偶像🤩 🌰 保罗在街上偶遇了少年时代的偶像,竟然激动地瞠目结舌。 When Paul came across his teenage idol, he was tongue-tied.
An investigation reveals that 70% respondents claim idols have played a positive role in their growth.
Grow rapidly /rapid growth
Expand rapidly /rapid expansion
Race ahead
In the Southeast coastal region of China [where economy booms], supporting infrastructure is all in readiness.
讽刺的是, 随着经济快速发展,人们的道德水准却在下降。
Ironically, as the economy grows rapidly, people’s moral standards are declining.
v.Tolerate/endure/put up with
n. Tolerance of/to
Adj. be tolerant of/be happy to live with
Even the slightest tolerance of sexual harassment will [give rise to] more victims.
Paul likes to eat durian in the dorm. I can’t be happy to live with it/that.
Prohibit someone from
Forbid someone to do /from doing
Ban something/someone from doing
It is hard to tell that totally banning ivory trade has saved [the] elephant from extinction.
Almost all museums have a regulation that that visitors are prohibited/forbidden takes photos.