Wound Care Flashcards
What are the patient related factors in dressing selection?
Wound aetiology
Known sensitivity
Fragile or easily damaged skin
Hygiene need/bathe or shower frequently
What does the T in the ‘TIME’ acronym stand for and what is its aim?
Aim: Identify tissue health/control absent or devitalised tissue - establish depth and area. Debride necrotic tissue (if safe), and protect viable tissue
What does the M in the ‘TIME’ acronym stand for and what is its aim?
Moisture balance
Aim: hydration or moisture control/prevention desiccation, maintain moist environment but control excessive exudates
- if no blood supply keep it dry
What does the E in the ‘TIME’ acronym stand for and what is its aim?
Edge security/ migration and surrounding skin
Aim: Maintain integrity of periwound skin and maximise support and function of surrounding skin. Prevent maceration/excoriation.
Prevent/reduce oedema/ischaemia
Exposed bone, tendon, and cartilage must be kept what?
Nectrotic tissue i.e tissue with no blood supply must be kept what?