Terms of the week - Cardiovascular Flashcards
What does EF stand for in medical terms?
Ejection fraction
What does AKI stand for in medical terms?
Acute kidney injury
What does CVA stand for in medical terms?
Cerebrovascular Accident
What does ARF stand for?
Acute renal faliure
What does HTN stand for?
What does IHD stand for?
Ischaemic heart disease
What does CAD stand for in medical terms?
Coronary artery disease
What does MI stand for?
Myocardial Infraction
What does UAP stand for?
Unstable angina pectoris
What does STEMI stand for?
ST-elevation myocardial infraction
What does AF stand for?
Atrial fibrillation
What does CHD stand for?
Coronary heart disease
What does NSTEMI stand for in medical terms?
Non ST-elevation myocardial infraction
What does HF stand for?
Heart faliure
What does CVD stand for?
Cardiovascular disease
What does PVD stand for?
Peripheral vascular disease
What does TIA stand for?
Transient Ischaemic Attack
What does UA stand for?
Unstable angina
What does CKD stand for?
Chronic kidney disease
What does ACS stand for?
Acute coronary syndrome
What does CRF stand for?
Chronic renal faliure
What is an antiarrhythmic?
A drug or physical force that acts to control or prevent cardiac arrhythmia’s
What is an Asystole?
Cardiac standstill; absence of contractions of the heart
What is an atrial fibrillation?
Irregular and rapid discharges (irregular and rapid heartbeat) from multiple ectopic atrial (It is an extra heartbeat). From foci that cause randomised quivering of the atria.
What is bradycardia?
A slow heartbeat characterised by a pulse rate below 60 beats per min.
Define cardiac output.
The amount of blood discharged from the left or right ventricle per min
What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
The process of ventilating and circulating blood for a patient in cardiopulmonary arrest, usually by combining mouth-to-mouth ventilation with external chest compressions
Define cardioversion.
Synchronised electric shock used to terminate cardiac arrhythmias
What is a coronary artery bypass surgery?
Surgical establishment of a vessel that permits blood to travel from the aorta to a branch of the coronary artery at a point past an obstruction.
What is an echocardiogram?
A non-invasive diagnostic method that uses ultrasound to visualise internal cardiac structures and calculate ejection fraction.
What is an electrocardiogram?
A record of the electrical activity of the heart
What is a intermittent claudication?
A severe pain in the calf muscles that occurs during walking but subsides with rest/
What is Ischaemia?
A local and temporary deficiency of blood supply due to obstruction of the circulation to a part of the body.
What is tachycardia?
An abnormal rapid heart rate, usually greater than 100 beats per minute in adults.
What is angina?
Chest pain that occurs when diseased blood vessels restrict blood flow to the myocardium
What is angioplasty?
A non-surgical technique for treating diseased arteries by temporarily inflating a tiny ballon inside an artery
What is an anticoagulant?
Certain medication that keeps the blood from clotting - its a blood thinner
What are antihypertensives?
Any medicine or other therapy that lowers blood pressure
What is the aorta?
The largest artery in the body and the main blood supply vessel from the heart
What is an artery?
A vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood to the body
What is atherosclerosis?
A disease process that leads to the build-up of a waxy substance, called plaque, inside blood vessels
What is the atrium?
Either one of the hearts two upper chambers
What is a blood clot?
A jelly-like mass formed by clotting factors in the blood. clots can form inside an artery when the artery walls are damaged by atherosclerotic build-up, possibly causing a myocardial infraction or stroke.
Define blood pressure.
The force or pressure exerted by the heart in pumping blood; the pressure of blood in the arteries
What is cardiac arrest?
The stopping of the heartbeat, usually because of interference with the electrical signal (often associated with coronary heart disease).
What are cardiac enzymes?
Complex substances capable of speeding up certain biochemical processes in the heart muscle. Abnormal levels of these enzymes signal myocardial infraction
What is the carotid artery?
A major artery (right and left) in the neck supplying blood to the brain
What is a cerebral embolism?
A blood clot formed in one part of the body and then carried by the blood stream to the brain, where it blocks an artery.
What is a cerebral thrombosis?
Formation of a blood clot in an artery that supplies part of the brain
What is cholesterol?
An oily substance that occurs naturally in the body, in animal fats and in dairy products, and that is transported in the blood. Limited quantities are essential to the normal development of cell membranes
What is a conduction system?
Special muscle fibres that conduct electrical impulses throughout the muscle of the heart.
What are coronary arteries?
Arteries arising from the aorta that arch down over the top of the heart and divide into branches. They provide blood to the myocardium.
What is coronary artery disease?
A narrowing of the inside diameter of arteries that supply the heart with blood. this condition results from a build-up of plaque and increases the risk of a myocardial infraction
What is cyanosis?
Blueness of mucus membranes causes by insufficient oxygen in the blood
What is deep vein thrombosis?
A blood clot in the deep vein in the calf
What is a defibrillator?
A machine that helps restore a normal heart rhythm by delivering an electrical shock
What is systolic blood pressure?
The pressure in the arteries as the heart beats (contracts), to force the blood around the body.
What is diastolic blood pressure?
The lowest blood pressure measure in the arteries; it occurs when the heart muscle is relaxed between beats
What is a diuretic?
A drug that lowers blood pressure by causing fluid loss; promotes urine production
What is ejection fraction?
A measurement of blood that is pumped out of a filled ventricle. The normal amount is 55-70%
What is an embolus?
Also called an embolism; a blood clot that forms in the blood vessel in one part of the body and travels to another part.
What is the endothelium?
The smooth inner lining of many body structures
What is an enzyme?
A complex chemical capable of speeding up specific biochemical processes in the body
What is a myocardial infraction?
Dealth of, or damage to, part of the heart muscle due to an insufficient blood supply.
What is preload?
The amount of ventricle stretch at the end of diastole
What is afterload?
Also known as the systemic vascular resistance (SVR), is the amount of resistance the heart must overcome to open the aortic valve and push the blood volume out into the systemic circulation.
What is NSTEMI?
Partial thickness damage to the myocardium, cant be seen on an ECG
What is a STEMI?
Full thickness damage to the myocardium, seen on an ECG
What is unstable angina?
Ischaemic chest pain