World Wars Flashcards
this republic was the very unpopular German government formed after the loss of World War I
Hitler was willing to go to war to gain additional territory
Germany’s plan to attack France quickly through Belgium
Schlieffen plan
the Night of ______ resulted in the deaths of nearly 100 Jews and the damage or destruction of thousands of Jewish businesses and synagogues
Broken glass
the spark which set of WWI
a system of labor camps in Siberia
the area between opposing trenches
no man’s land
a cease-fire or truce between warring nations
to justify this invasion, Japan blew up a section of Japanese railway and blamed China
a strong devotion to one’s own group or culture
the attempt by a government to control all aspects of life
giving in to aggressive demands in order to maintain peace
its sinking in May 1925 caused public opinion in the US to turn against Germany
Chinese Communists journey to find a safe place in western China
long march
German term for the annexation of Austria
the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
Italian forces invaded this African nation in 1935
Hitler met with French and British leaders at Munich in September 1938 in order to annex part of
The British used a new technology in the Battle for Britain
the federal government’s limitation on the distribution of certain foods, clothing, and gasoline
While in prison, Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf
my struggle
when investors borrow money from stockbrokers in order to purchase stocks
buying on margin
some 300,000 Allied troops were rescued in the evacuation of this French port
information designed to influence people’s opinions in order to support the war effort
when the government makes all major decisions about the production of goods
centralized planning
Japanese pilots who loaded their planes with explosives and deliberately crashed into Allied ships
the desire to avoid involvement in the affairs of another nation
US president FDR called the attack on Pearl Harbor a day that will live in -
a secret message from Germany promising Mexico the return of the land she had lost to the US
Zimmerman note
at least 100,000 Chinese civilians were killed by Japanese invaders in 1937
Nanjing Massacre
the battle saved the city of Paris and halted the German advance in France
a totalitarian system based on extreme nationalism founded by Benito Mussolini
FDR’s program to increase government spending and to create new laws regulating the stock market and banking system
new deal
“Lightning War” which creates panic and overwhelms resistance
treaty that ended WWI
the allied invasion of France on D-Day landed on these beaches
the first atomic bomb dropped in a war setting was dropped by the US on this city
the British prime minister who believed that the Munich Pact with Hitler would create “peace in our time”
Neville Chamberlain
Elected president of the US in 1916 on the slogan “he kept us out of war”
called for the establishment of a League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson
charismatic leader who became German chancellor in 1933
the “Fuhrer”
Adolph Hitler
the dictator of Spain after the Spanish Civil War ended in the 1930’s
Francisco Franco
Replaced Lenin as Soviet Leader in 1924
his “Great Purge” eliminated thousands of enemies
Joseph Stalin
Indian leader who practiced non-violence toward living things and civil disobedience to injustice
Mohandas Gandhi
“Hatchet man” for the Bolshevik party in their early years
negotiated the peace with Germany
Leon Trotsky
Appointed by the Duma to lead Russia’s provisional government in Feb 1917
Alexander Kerensky
led the Chinese Communist Party during the Chinese Civil War
Mao Zedong
became the new prime minister of Great Britain in May 1940, saying he could bring nothing but “blood, toil, tears, and sweat”
Winston Churchill
the Allied invasion on D-Day was largely planned by this American general
Dwight David Eisenhower
led a small number of American and Filipino troops in a doomed defense of the Philippines
Douglas MacArthur
US president who favored a minimal government response to the 1920’s economic crisis
Herbert Hoover
Leader of France in WWI who wanted a buffer zone between France and Germany
Georges Clemenceau
Idealist, leader of the Bolshevik party, considered the father of the Russian revolution
Vladimir Lenin
Self-proclaimed holy man and healer who became Czarina Alexandra’s personal advisor
Gregory Rasputin
the German doctor responsible for cruel medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners
Joseph Mengele
leader of Great Britain in WWI who wanted the German navy destroyed
David Lloyd George
his “March on Rome” brought him to power in 1922
Il Duce
Benito Mussolini
US president who decided to drop the atomic bomb to force Japan to surrender
Harry Truman
Maximilian Kolbe was a
To Adolph Hitler, the Jews and Slavik people were Untermenschen or
When Kolbe offered to replace another prisoner, he asked to replace the one who had…
a wife and children
In the starvation cell, Kolbe led the other prisoners in
singing hymns
According to the author of the article, what Kolbe did resulted from
what he was - a lifelong follower of Christ
The documentary was prepared by Elie Wiesel, a man who had
been imprisoned himself in a German concentration camp
The first interview is with a woman who had been saved when she was seven years old from a German roundup of Jews in
the girl finally felt safe when she reached
the entrance to the subway
The second interview (of the lady in the white lab coat) is of a “Righteous Gentile” from the city of
This lady was hiding a father and three children. When the local sheriff returned and caught them, she
pulled out a pistol and killed the sheriff
The third interview (of the lady in red) was of a cook and housekeeper who hid 12 Jews
in the cellar of the house of a major in the Gestapo
When she was discovered with some of the Jews she was hiding, what was her first response?
they are my friends
the fourth interview was with a boy who, as a teenager, had been hidden in a
when he was stopped by the Gestapo, the local village elder actually vouched for him and
paid the fine the Gestapo assessed him
The sixth interview was with the Trocme family, who saved thousands who came through their small village in
The mother said there will be many decisions in your future requiring courage, but the decision will always be primarily about
who you are
A desire ________ was the primary cause for the military buildup during the late 1800s-1900s
protect overseas colonies from other nations
an informal promise to cooperate between France, Russia, and Great Britain
Triple Entente
a partnership between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Triple Alliance
the most visible power struggle during WWI time was where
in the Balkans
the assassination of __ of __ was the spark that set off the Great War
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
the assassination took place in the city of
The assassin was a young Serb named
Gavrilo Princip
After Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia ________ began mobilizing to fulfill her promise to support Serbia in case of attack
Germany faced a two front war with
Russia to the east
France to the west
Germany’s quick sweep led ______ to enter the war to defend a neutral country
Great Britain
made up the Central Powers
Germany and Austria-Hungary
made up the Allied Powers
Great Britain
stopped the Russian invasion of Germany
Battle of Tannenberg
after retreating in the Marne, the Germans ________ in order to hold their positions
dug a series of trenches
5 new weapons used during WWI
poison gas rapid-fire machine guns artillery tanks fighter planes high-explosive shells
the reorganization of a nation’s society in order to focus all national resources on the war effort
Total War
In May 1915, ____ entered the war and attacked the southern border of Austria
The German assault on the French fortress of ________ was intended to bleed France white, but ended up costing nearly as many German lives as it did the French
The British attack in along the ______, intended to pull German troops from Verdun but ended in stalemate
Somme River
Allied forces tried to take control of the Dardanelles by landing on the _____ but troops from _______ remained in command of the strait
Gallipoli peninsula
Ottoman Empire
Beginning in the spring of 1915, Ottoman leaders began removing _______ from the Caucasus Mountain region, claiming they were assisting the Russians_____died from starvation and violence
a group of radical Marxist elites who desired to lead a revolution and keep much of the power in Russia
March 8, 1917 __________ was the scene of citizen revolts protesting the lack of food and fuel
Nicholas ordered the _____ to disband, but they defied his order
On March 15, Nicholas was forced to ________ as czar
the revolution with petrograd and Nicholas was called the _____ and why?
February Revolution
Russian calendar is different
The provisional government planned to ______ WWI, even though most Russians were thoroughly tired of the war
continue fighting
2 goals of the Bolsheviks
abolish private property
enforce social equality
considered the Father of the Russian Revolution
Vladimir Lenin
arranged Lenin’s return to Russia, hoping to stir unrest and weaken the war effort there
In November 1917, ______ took control of government buildings and forced the Kerensky government to flee
Red Guard
what was the Red Guard
armed Bolshevik factory workers
Lenin sent ______ to negotiate peace with the Central Powers
Leon Trotsky
Opponents of the Bolsheviks organized what was called ______ and fought against the Red Army in a 3 year civil war
White Army
In 1921, Lenin introduced the ________ which permitted some private enterprise in order to encourage food production
New Economic Policy
was made in 1922 from some lands that had been part of the Russian empire
The Union of Soviet Socialist Repubics
was re-elected president of the US in 1916 using the slogan “He kept us out of war”
Woodrow Wilson
3 reasons the US entered the war in 1917
German U-boats were sinking American ships
the Zimmerman telegram
Allies owed the US a great deal of money
the German policy of ____ meant that neither merchant vessels nor passenger ships were safe in the waters around Great Britain
unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany approached the Allies seeking _____ in October 1917
Peace terms were agreed to on
November 11, 1918
Leader of US with 2 point policy
Woodrow Wilson
14 points adapted
sacrificed everything for League of Nations
Leader of France and 2 major goals
Georges Clemenceau
buffer zone between France and Germany
Germany impoverished by reparations
Leader of Great Britain with 2 major goals
David Lloyd George
Germany’s navy destroyed
Germany to pay all war costs
4 decisions of the Peace Conference
Germany assumed total “war guilt”
Germany paid reparations of $31 billion
Germany lost vital industrial territory (buffer zone of Alsace-Lorraine)
League of Nations is formed
Why was the League of Nations formed?
to encourage international cooperation and to keep peace between nations
Former Ottoman territories became _____, or territories to be ruled by European powers
a document issued by Britain which indicated support for the establishment of a state for Israel
Balfour Declaration
in order to regain territory controlled by _____, China entered WWI, however the territory was given to ________
a series of strikes and protests demanding changes to strengthen China
May Fourth Movement
2 names of man who led Guonmindang Party
Jiang Jieshi
Chiang Kai-Shek
led the Chinese Communists during the Chinese Civil War
Mao Zedong
How many Chinese made the Long March, and how many at the end?
An April 1919 protest against the British resulted in the _______, when British soldiers fired into unarmed demonstrators, killing nearly __ men
Amristar Massacre
2 concepts which undergird Mohandas Gandhi’s protests against Britain
ahisma - non violence toward living things
civil disobedience - refusal to obey unjust laws
Became a symbol of Gandhi’s movement
spinning wheel
Fought for a homeland for the Turks and established the Republic of Turkey in 1923
Kemal Mustafa/Ataturk
Kemal made Turkey’s government completely ____ in order to promote modernization
In 1935 Reza Shah Pahlavi changed Persia’s name to _________
After WWI, ____ was given control of Syria and Lebanon, and ______ gained control of Iraq and what was called Palestinian Mandate
The Treaty of Versailles, rather than granting ____ to Germany’s colonies, simply turned them over to other countries as mandates
Realizing they could not maintain full control, Britain formally declared _____ to be independent in 1922
an arrangement in which a purchaser borrows money from a bank or other lender and agrees to pay it back over time
the day the sale of some 16 million shares caused stock prices to collapse
Black Tuesday
October 29, 1929
By 1933 _____of ______ was unemployed
points on the New Deal
increased government spending on public works, welfare, and other relief programs
new regulations to reform and regulate the stock market and banking system
the British economist who proposed deficit spending as the best way to limit or even prevent economic downturns
John Maynard Keynes
what is deficit spending
spending beyond governmental budget limits
President Hoover’s attempt to encourage American industry by placing heavy taxes on imported goods
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
Result of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff?
other nations raised taxes on American goods and slowed international trade to a standstill
gained popularity and strength in Germany by blaming Jews for the nation’s difficulty and promising to rebuild a powerful German empire
National Socialist Party
Japan’s major economic weakness was
the lack of natural resources to supply modern industry
As the Japanese lost faith in their government, they began to look to the ___ for leadership during the late 1920s and 30s
The Japanese were deeply offended by the US law barring ____ passed in 1924
Japanese immigration
the Japanese military focused on building the ______ of their troops and the public to make up for their lack of industrial capacity or navy
fighting spirit
During the 1930s a series of _____ were carried out by the military and members of nationalist organizations in order to increase military domination of the government
Japan ______ after receiving a strong condemnation for their invasion of Manchuria
withdrew from the League of Nations
Japan and Germany agreed to work together to oppose the spread of _____ by signing the _______ in 1936
Anti-Comintern Pact
At least 100,000 Chinese civilians were killed in ______
the Nanjing Massacre
the Japanese foreign ministries proposal for a group of nations who would come together to support Japan and free the region from dependence on Western nations
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere
What does Il Duce mean
the leader
an authoritarian form of government that places the good of the nation above all else, including individual needs and rights
The League responded to the invasion of Ethiopia by placing _____ on Italy, but took no real action
economic sanctions
became the Soviet leader after the death of Lenin
Joseph Stalin
formulated in 1928 to modernize the Soviet economy through government mandate by setting production goals for each factory and mine
first 5-Year plan
the process of combining small farms
What were the Soviets doing to farms?
creating larger, more mechanized farms to try to increase production
those who objected to Stalin’s policies could be sent to the _______
millions of _____ died when Stalin refused to send food during a famine which struck the region in 1932
What was Stalin’s campaign called, what did it do, and what did it result in?
Great Purge
against real and imaginary opponents of his rule
resulted in thousands of arrests and/or executions
Hitler called the German people ______ and spoke of them as a master race
the name for the Night of Broken Glass
what is lebensraum?
living space
Hitler claimed he was building the military in order to resist
In March of 1936 Hitler sent German troops into ________
although France and Britain protested, they didn’t directly oppose it
the Rhineland
In March of 1938, German forces marched into _____ without opposition
marched into Austria
a region in Czechoslovakia which had a large German-speaking population
In september 1938, French and British leaders met Hitler at ____ and agreed to allow Germany to annex part of ______
communism sought
international change and a classless society
In august 1939 the ___________ was revealed
a secret section of the pact recognized each side’s right to take territory in _______ including dividing Poland between the 2 nations
Nazi-Soviet Nonagression pact
Eastern Europe
World War II began on _______ with the invasion of ________
September 1, 1939
German forces relied on blitzkrieg to
create panic and quickly overwhelm resistance
Britain and France declared war on Germany and became known as
the Allies
French forces were unprepared for the German invasion through the ______
quickly overwhelmed by ____
Ardennes forest
The French leader ______ escaped to Britain where he helped organize resistance to German and Vichy control of France
Charles de Gaulle
refers to Germany’s air raids on British military and civilian targets
Battle for Britain
the assault on the city of London became known as
the London Blitz
In June 1941, Hitler sent troops into ____ breaking his promise to ______
Soviet Union
In 1941 the US banned the sale of ______ to Japan in response to _____
Japanese annexation of French Indochina
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor began at sunrise
December 7, 1941
FDR called Pearl Harbor
a day that will live in infamy
the good news for America was that the 3 ______ normally stationed in Pearl Harbor were out on maneuvers
aircraft carriers
the attack on Pearl Harbor ended what
US isolationism
In October 1941, a German U-boat sank the ____ a US escort ship
2 factors which allowed the Allies to maintain control of the Atlantic
allied factories began producing large numbers of ships and planes
allies broke a key german code system
Control of _____ made the battle in North Africa a critical campaign for the Allies
Suez Canal
led the Afrika Korps for the Axis Powers
Erwin Rommel
the Desert Fox
led the British troops to victory at El Alamein
Bernard Montgomery
Some one million civilians died in the ______ during the winter of 1941-2
siege of Leningrad
a crushing defeat or Hitler
made all the worse because he refused to allow German troops to either retreat or surrender
Battle of Stalingrad
Japanese forced captured prisoners on the ______ following the American surrender of the Philippines
Bataan Death March
the first time the Allies were able to stop the Japanese advance across the South Pacific
the first naval battle fought entirely by air
Battle of Coral Sea
What American advantage enabled them to win the Battle of Midway
they had broken the secret Japanese code used to transmit messages
Allied strategy of skipping Japanese strongholds and capturing weaker targets to use as bases for further attacks
Island Hopping
a six month long struggle for a small swamp and jungle covered island near Australia
Battle of Guadalcanal
the first major battle in the Philippines
largest naval battle ever fought
Battle of Leyte Gulf
created a separate legal status for German Jews
Nuremberg Laws
the deliberate mass execution of Jews
Final Solution
Jews were often forced into a ______
What is a ghetto?
a confined area within a city
Other Jews were sent into labor camps called _____ which were intended to hold those considered enemies of the state
concentration camps
Hitler established special camps in the nation of ____ for the primary purpose of killing large numbers of Jews and destroying their bodies
people groups imprisoned in Nazi Camps
Poles Slavs homosexuals people with disabilities and the Romany or Gypsies
the mass murder of Jews
What was Josef Mengele known as
the Angel of Death
The Soviets found some 7000 starving survivors when they liberated ______ at the beginning of 1945
In 1933 some _____ Jews lived in Europe
at the end of the war only some _____ remained
- 5 million
3. 5 million
American generals _____ and ______ planned the Allied invasion of France
George Marshall
Dwight Eisenhower
The date of the invasion on June 6 1944 was called
The invasion force landed on the French beaches of _____
Hitler’s last massive counterattack in Belgium against the Allies
Battle of the Bulge
the first to reach Berlin
discovered Hitler had committed suicide
US military leaders estimated an invasion of Japan would cost up to ______ killed or wounded Allied soldiers
1 million
On August 9, a second bomb was dropped on the city of ______
The Japanese emperor_______ surrendered on August 15, 1945
At _______ in February 1945, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill agreed on plans for governing Germany
Yalta Conference
Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill also agreed to join the _____, a new world organization designed to encourage international cooperation and prevent war
United Nations
In July 1945, Truman, Stalin, and Churchill met at the ____. The Soviet Union and the other Allies had begun to disagree openly, especially over _______
Postdam Conference
the future of the nations of Eastern Europe
3 results of WWII
estimated 40 million dead
US and USSR emerge as superpowers
the beginning of the Cold War
Causes of WWI
what is militarism
the glorification of armed strength
kWhat did Bismarck’s blood and iron do?
led to united Germany
What did Kaiser WIlhelm II do about Bismarck?
removed him for being too timid
What were alliances all about?
shifting friendships
What is imperialism
nations competed for colonial empires
What terrorist group was behind the assassination in Sarajevo?
the Black Hand
What does Austria Hungary do, and what is the response?
seeks help from Germany
Wilhelm issues a blank check
What does Austria-Hungary do to Serbia?
makes impossible demands, then moves to war when they are not all met
Serbia does what?
calls on Russia, who slowly comes to the rescue
What does Austria-Hungary do after Russia is summoned?
declares war on them, and so does Germany
What does France do when Germany jumps in?
declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary
What does Germany do when France comes in?
launches an attack on France through Belgium
What does Great Britain do when Belgium is invaded?
steps in because Belgium is neutral
3 points about the nature of WWI
depersonalized - rarely saw the enemy
new technologies
new techniques
two new techniques
trench warfare
submarine warfare/convoys
Bad things about Czar Nicholas II and his reign
Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday - Revolution of 1905
Passive leader in WWI
About the democratic revolution?
Revolts in Petrograd and Nicholas II abdicates
Duma Selected Alexander Kerensky
About Alexander Kerensky?
had a strong position in Petrograd Soviet and the Duma
critical decision to continue the war
about the Bolsheviks?
radical Marxists who gained support by opposing the military
“Peace, Land, and Bread”
What did the bBolsheviks do?
took control of government offices in Petrograd and sued for peace on October 24, 1917
won a civil war against the Mensheviks
About Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
lived in a world of ideas
people insignificant
dictatorship of the proletariat - leadership of small elite
imprisoned opponents
compromised and created the NEP when socialism faltered
phrases that defined the war
the war to end all wars
war to make the world safe for democracy
2 major battles after US entrance
2nd battle of the Marne - Allies first successful offensive
Battle of Amiens - Black day of German army
When did the war end?
11 am November 11, 1918
What were the leaders called at the Peace Conference?
Big 3
How much did Germany pay after WWI?
31 billion
Results of the conference
many nations felt cheated
League was powerless
“a peace built on quicksand”
About the 20s in the US
roaring 20s
prohibition ignored
rise of gangsters
moral consensus fades
What is happening in the Middle East?
growing nationalism
Zionist movement
What is happening in Latin America?
dominated by US
How is Germany financially?
runaway inflation
What did the Dawes plan do?
provided loan
restricted reparations schedule
about art
visual art moved away from reality
surrealism with Salvador Dali
cubism with Pablo Picasso
about music
became atonal
polytonality with Igor Stravinsky
12-tone technique with Arnold Schoenberg
about literature
portrayed meaninglessness
primary cause of Great Depression
overextended credit, both individual and national
Stock Market crash
Debt chain
US loaned to Germany who paid reparations to Great Britain and France who repaid loans to the United States
all was stopped by Great Depression
effects of the Great Depression
loss of confidence by individuals and in corporate structures
growth of big government
rise of fascism
What did Mussolini want to do?
restore the glory that was Rome
character of Stalin
Lenin’s secretary
concerned with power
reforms of Stalin
5 year plans government controlled every aspect of industry private farms became collectives 5-10 million kulaks died totalitarian regime
What did Hitler do in 1923?
failed in the Beer Hall Putsch
What did the Reichstag fire do for Hitler
increased his power
What did the enabling act do?
made hitler dictator
What did Germany do in 1935?
Defied Versailles treaty
In the Spanish Civil War, what do other countries do?
Germany and Italy support the rebels, so they can use Spain as a testing ground for new weapons
What is the Axis that formed in 36
Rome and Berlin
What happened after the Munich conference?
germany took the rest of Czechoslovakia
system of blitzkrieg
an all-out attack moves quickly to the capital
after capturing major means of transportation and communication, they establish a totalitarian rule
conquered peoples formed an underground to organize and resist
events of the European War before US
Soviet Union invades Finland
Germany invades Denmark and Norway, and France
Battles for Britain
Germany invades the Soviet Union
What did US have with Britain and Japan?
economic interests
What was the US’s attitude to Allied democracies
issued Atlantic Charter with Britain
Lend Lease program
What did US do to Japan and what was the response?
stopped exporting oil and steel to Japan
Pearl Harbor
What did the Allies do about Italy?
conquered North Africa in 43 and went up through Italy
How did the USSR get going?
Stalingrad and Leningrad victories and then became offense
What did the Battle of Midway do?
stop Japan from getting to Hawaii
Cold War
nuclear weapons raise the ante
the Iron Curtain
US responds with policy of containment