Romanticism .... Flashcards
Scottish instrument maker who developed an improved steam engine in 1712
James Watt
credited with inventing the telegraph in 1837
Samuel Morse
demonstrated that light acts as a wave and as a particle; also developed a special theory of relativity
Albert Einstein
invented the telephone in 1876
Alexander Graham Bell
Described the responsibility of spreading Western European civilization as the “white man’s burden”
Rudyard Kipling
built the Clermont, a steamship which operated on the Hudson River
Robert Fulton
argued that blood and iron only would in German unity
Otto van Bismarck
built a three wheeled automobile in 1885
Carl Benz
Sent U.S. warships to support a foreign rebellion in order to build the Panama Canal
also issued a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Theodore Roosevelt
used dogs to study conditioned reflexes
Ivan Pavlov
wrote Das Kapital to propound “scientific socialism” which would inevitably take the form of a revolution
Karl Marx
built a line of affordable vehicles called the Model T by using the assembly line
Henry Ford
wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776 to analyze the market economy and to argue for the importance of competition
Adam Smith
invented the cotton gin
eli whitney
disproved the idea of spontaneous generation and demonstrated the link between microbes and disease
Louis Pasteur
developed the first usable and practical electric light bulb
invented the phonograph
Thomas Edison
falsely accused and convicted in 1894 of giving French military secrets to Germany
finally cleared in 1906
Alfred Dreyfuss
began using an antiseptic to kill germs on surgical equipment and in wounds
Joseph Lister
created the first Sunday school in Glasgow to help poor children
Robert Raikes
organization formed to represent the interests of workers
our conscious, thinking selves
I am
von Bismarck’s movement for German unification through a practical (rather than idealistic) political philosophy
our subconscious rules and values
I shouldn’t
belief that the US should settle land from the Atlantic to the Pacific
manifest destiny