World War I Flashcards
What did the Triple Alliance compose of? What did they become?
Austria-Hungary, they would become the central powers
What did the Triple Entente compose of? What did they become?
Russia, France, and Great, they would become the Allies
Who was Alfred Von Schlieffen?
-Chief of the general staff
-put together the schieffen plan
Who was Helmuth Von Moltke?
- overly reflective in decision making
- Took Alfred Von Schlieffen’s place as chief of the general staff
- was the one to see the Schlieffen plan be carried out
- his headquarters were far removed from the battle area
- making decisions without full information
- caused miscommunication
- making decisions without full information
What did the Schlieffen plan call?
Germany was to attack in France on the western front because it would take them much time to set up, but a holding action against Russia
Who was Alexander Von Kluck?
commander of German First army
Why did Kluck as Moltke if he could change the Schlieffen plan?
his first army were worn, and there was a disconnection between his first and second army. he wanted to go east of Paris to reconnect reconnect with his second army, however the French commander in chief, Joseph Joffre had expected it
What happened at the first battle of the Marne?
- French with British assistance fought against the Germans
- The Allies won; the French with British assistance won against Germans
- turning point since they shattered what was left of the Schlieffen plan, shattered Germany’s expectation to have a fast win; they also stopped Germans advanced to northeastern Paris
- this caused the Italians to join the allies in the spring of 1915
- was also referred to as the miracle of marne
What happened at the first Battle of Ypres?
British stopped the Germans from capturing any of the French seaports
What did the Western front war slowly becoming? What did it mean?
War of statement and attrition on the western front; neither could break through the lines of others
What happened on the Eastern front?
- Russia had eventually reached Germany
- Germany had thought that Russia would move at a slow mobilization, which was was false
Who was Paul von Hindenburg
-Commander of Germany on the Eastern front
Who was Hindenburg’s chief of staff? What were they called?
Erich Ludendorff, they were known as the hindendburg staff
What happened at the Battle of Tannenberg?
Germany army defeat the Russian Army
What was the Battle of Verdun?
-Longest Battle of the war
Who was the German Chief of the general staff of Battle of Verdun?
Erich von Falkenhayn , he said the best way to end war was Great Britain, which was to attack their Britains best sword, France; would be ended up getting replaced by the Hindenburg twins
What was total war?
- Entire society mobilization
- battle front & home front were both involved in the war
- Government rationing
- people were found in factories working to make war supply needs
- introduction of both the airplane (air-bomb raids ) and assault tanks
Who was Walther Rathenau?
- german entrepreneur, electrical company
- first generation technocrat
- organized the home front for war
What did Walther Rathenau do?
-he set up the war raw materials board;
- working closely with the private sector oversaw the purchase of vital raw materials for artillery and ammunitions
- given out based on the efficiency of the manufacturer and what was needed
-brought in Louis Loucheur
What did Louis Loucheur do?
- produced large number of artillery shells
- first generation technocrat
- would eventually replace Thomas as minister of the armaments
- he was in charge 1.5 million people
- had 34 Million artillery shells stocked for use
What kind of dictatorship did Hindenburg and Ludendorff establish in Germany?
de factor military dictatorship
Who was Herbert Asquith?
- British prime minister that seemed inadequate in leading the war
- Always had the tendency to “wait and see”
- was eventually kicked out of office
-known for his debating skills
Who was David Lloyd George?
-he was energetic when it came to the war (dynamic leadership)
-set up various ministries in the government to oversee war related in issues
-transformed the ammunition effort in Britain
Who was George Clemenceau?
- came to the peak of power in France
- member of the french deputies
- reputation for combative tendencies
- determined to win the war
- set up a form of civilian dictatorship as primer of 3rd republic
Who was Tsar Nicholas II?
-fell from power
-russia was not experiencing good advances within the war, had setbacks and food shortages
- eventually lose his position as Tsar due to the March Revolution in Russia
- was forced to advocate
What is the Russian provisional government?
- election for a constituent assembly; would get a constitution
- remained committed to the war
- representative assembly
- promised to give a national democratic government, however did not fulfill this promise
What was the Bolshevik Party (Community Party)
-lead by Vladimir Lenin
-followed the economic leader, Carl Marx who believed in anti-capitalism; talked about a worker state, a future utopia where everyone was on an equal footing
What was the November revolution in Russia 1917
The Bolshevik part/communisty party would take power and Vladimir Lenin would be dictator
What is the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk?
- Russia and Germany signed this
- ended Russia’s participation in World War I
- Germany was harsh with this treaty
- Russia was forced to give territorial concessions along the western frontier
- involved the lost of 5 million people
- 1/3 of Russia’s agricultural production
- Russia was forced to give territorial concessions along the western frontier
- represented Germany’s maximum success in World War I
Who was Robert Nivelle?
- French Commander that replaced Joffre
- had a spring offensive that would end the war quickly, without any cost
- largely painless, surgical strike
What was the Nivelle Offensive?
- Started with a 14 day artillery bombardment
- 11 Million were shot at the Germans to essentially “soften” them up
- When they went over, the French was slaughtered by the Germans
- Reached the point where mutinies in the french army would break out
- failed, and Nivelle was pushed out
Who was Phillippe Petain?
- restored order in the french army and stopped the mutinies
- improved the conditions of the soldiers
- enhanced the system of leave
- quality of food
- put them in a purely defensive mode
- French general in charge
- Master of general warfare
- was successful in defending France against the Germans
- Was made a national hero
What did Germany do in line with Hindenburg and Ludendorff
-made unrestricted submarine warfare
-any merchant ship that sailed inter zone could be targeted
-not just enemies, but also United States
How would the US get involved within the war?
Germany would sink 4 United States merchant ship, causing United States to declare war on Germany
What was the Ludendorff offensive?
Ludendorff would put plans together for a massive offense in the west, targeting the British
What happened at the Second Battle of Marne?
- Germans launched an offensive but they couldn’t control the momentum, brought to a holt
- represents a shift in the momentum of the war, in favor of the Allies
- The allies end up winning
- the germans would be on the defensive, no longer having the ability to wage war
What was the Armistice?
It was the germans seeking peace, and ending world war I