Early Eighteenth Century Europe Flashcards
What was the treaties of Utrecht?
It ended the War of Spanish Succession in Europe.
What was the War of the Spanish Succession?
Dealt with who was to be king of Spain. Between Spain and France while bringing up other nations..
What type of monarchy did Great Britain have?
Limited or Constitutional monarchy.
Who and what ended up winning every time parliament and kings went up against each other?
Parliament; constitutionalism
What was the Glorious Revolution? What was another name for it?
It was when James II wanted to implement complete control such as raising tax without parliament knowing. He eventually lost his job and never regained power. Bloodless revolution because James II fled instead of fighting.
What is the Bill of Right that was sealed in 1689?
-Parliament elections were to be free with no outside interference
-parliament to convene regularly
-no Roman Catholic or a spouse of a Roman Catholic could succeed the throne; had to be a protestant
What dynasty was established after Queen Elizabeth died?
Hanoverian Dynasty
Who did the Hanoverian Dynasty start with?
George I, a German who could not speak English when he became British king. Was a ruler of a German state Hanover.
Who was Robert Walpole?
Britain’s first prime minister.
What did Robert Walpole do?
He controlled the Whig party, which controlled British politics. Usually dealt with corruption within the government, such as patronage to get the government to do what he wanted. Also introduced cabinet government.
What was the Cabinet Government?
It was based on the principle of collective cabinet responsibility. All on the same page, and if someone didn’t agree all of them were to step down. Introduced financial reforms and worked with economy. advocated of peace and prosperity.
Which three countries showed examples of absolutism?
France, Prussia, & Austria
What kind of monarchy did France have?
monarchial absolutism. they also said they had divine right monarchy, that they were put on by God to become king. they had the obligation to obey god’s law and rule in the interest of the people.
What was the Estate General?
King would lock away this assembly for 175 year. Came back in 1789
Who was Louis XIV?
He represented the bourbon dynasty. He boldly declared the state and resided in the treaty of versailles; left France bankrupt
What was the revocation of the edict of Nantes?
It essentially gave Huguenots inference the same religious freedom and rights as catholics. Louis xiv wanted religious unity so he revoked the edict. Done because wanted religious uniformity. There were waves of persecution and some even fled.
Who was Louis XV?
Became king when Louis XIV died. Advised Louis XIV to avoid war.
Who was the Duke of Orleans?
Became the substitute king of France. gained the title of regent. was supposed to put financial house in order but was more interested in perks
Who was Cardinal Fleury?
Louis XV’s prime minister. Advocated for international space, financial responsibility, peace and prosperity, and died in office
Who was Philbert Orry?
the superintendent of finances/finance minister. he introduced financial reforms and enforced them. they were successful enough to introduced a balanced government in 1739. This would be the only time this would happen in France.
What kind of absolutism did Prussia have?
Drill Yard-Absolutism; government was military orientated
Who was Fredrick William I?
He was the king of Prussia; was known as the sergeant king due to his concern of the military
What dynasts was fredrick William apart of ?
Hohenzollern dynasty
What was the Cantonal system?
Created by fredrick where he doubled the size of the Prussian government, making it regularized and kingdom wise. each area of Prussia was responsible and was required to send so many soldiers.
Who were the Potsdam Giants?
Soldiers that were 6 feet tall or taller. the tallest was James Kirkland
What absolutism did austria have?
incomplete absolutism
What dynasty was Austrian made up of? What are its components?
Habsburgs. main components were made up of hereditary provinces of Austria, the kingdom of Bohemia, and the kingdom of Hungary
Who was Charles Vi?
Austrian Empire and Holy Roman Emperor. His main problem was his successor. notorious for having mole male ruler but he had a daughter, Maria Theresa
How was Maria Theresa protected?
She was protected against the Pragmatic Sanction. It was an insurance guarantee for an undivided succession at his death. it was everything domestically and internationally to be recognized as legitimate ruler of Austria