France 1814-1848 Flashcards
What was the introduction point of France at this time period?
The people were arguing for a restoration of the bourbon dynasty which was supposed to be through Louis XVIII. They claimed he was the legitimate ruler. He eventually restored the monarchy through the prinincple of legitimacy
What was the Constitutional Charter?
It was Granted by Louis XVIII. it was a decree that came out of his own office that would serve the government of France until 1848. had some ideas from the French Revolution such as: equality before the law, freedom of religion, equal access to the state offices, and individuality (liberty/expression). it also set up a parliament with two houses
What are the two Houses of Parliament?
Chamber of Deputies and Chamber of Peers
What are the Chamber of Deputies?
power house were the members were elected. voting dealt with how much men paid in taxes. representative assembly. more important of the houses where taxes had to be initiated
What are the Chamber of Peers?
upper house, hereditary or appointed by the king. no elected members, more conservative.
Who did Louis XVIII do reforms for?
Old Regime
Who was Charles X?
he favored the legislation that favored the nobility and the clergy. tried to reinstall the two pillars of the old regime. created of the ultra-royalist (ultraconservative)
What was the ultra-royalist?
people who wanted to take France back to absolutism and social stratification
Who was Count Jules de Poliganc?
head minister of the ultra-royalist. opposed the constitutional charter and his goals was to restore the old regime to form an astrisocracy which would eventually be the backbone of the revolution of 1830
Who had strong reaction to the restore of the old regime? Why?
Bourgeoisie and working class. they were facing economic depression
What were the three glorious days?
when the middle class took to the streets to protest against, Charles X’s regime, Charles was kicked out of office for three days
What was the end of the period of French history known as French restoration?
Charles X getting kicked out of office for three days, fleeing France for great Britain
Who was Louis Philippe?
he was known as the bourgeois king who’s reign was called the July monarchy, also known for its industry and finance. tried to bring to the table what Napoleon Bonaparte had done
What is bonapartism?
people that believed a myth that was started by Napoleon
Who was Francis Guizot?
he was a specialist of British history that served as a foreign minister before coming the French minister. he thought that government did not need to change anything. told people that were calling for expansions to “Get Rich”
What was the Banquet Campaign?
opponents of the regime got together to gain opposition towards the regime to get it moving., but was the regime did not authorize this banquet. one of the factors of 1848
What are some other factors of the revolution of 1848?
social tensions, political tensions, and economic issues such as failed harvest with high food prices with high unemployment
What was are the February Days?
Phillipe would fire guizot, and Philip would flee France to find refuge in Britain. there was. three day period of the regime of France in to a French Republic
What was the end of the constitutional charter?
February Days