World Hunger- FINAL Flashcards
Who are the Hungry?
-Persons living in countries afflicted by ___, __ __ and __.
-Those living in ___ ___
-Persons from countries with ___ ___ and ___ ___.
-The __ in both __ and ___ areas
particularly ____ and ___-___ households.
emergencies, severe weather, conflict
developing countries
poor agricultural, resource bases
poor, urban, rural, landless, female-headed
In 2010 it was estimated that ___ million people in the world were undernourished. In 2013, ___ million were undernourished. Goal is ___ million by 2015.
These numbers represent __% of the population of developing countries.
925 million
870 million
500 million
FAO Hunger Reduction Goal:
-The continuing ___ and ___ ___ of recent years challenge the efforts to achieve the FAO Millennium Development Goal of reducing the number of people who ___ from __ by ___ by 2015.
food and economic crisis
suffer, hunger, half
- ___ access to ___
- Unjust ___ systems
- Conflict leading to ___ ___
- Food insecurity leading to ___
- ___ abuse
- Inappropriate ____
- Any and all of the above combined with __ __ __
unequal, resources, economic food insecurity conflict environmental technology high population growth
Who cares?
- All people need ___.
- Hunger compromises the ___ and ___ of individuals.
- Hunger contributes to ___ and ____.
health and productivity
conflict and instability
The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010 Report:
- Published in 2010 by the___ and ___ __ of the United Nations
- Focuses on the critical importance of ___ ___ , both as explicit target of the __ __ __ and the Millennium ___ ___
Food and Agriculture Organization
reducing hunger, World food summit, development goals
___, __-__ countries especially in Africa have been deeply affected by the food and economic crisis.
- ___ and ___ food prices are likely to continue
- ___ ___ makes both smallholder farmers and poor consumers increasing vulnerable to poverty
Small, import-dependent
High and volatile
Price volatility
- ___, __-___ price changes can have long-term impacts on development
- High food prices worsen __ ___ in the __ ___.
- High food prices present __ for ___ __-__ investments in the ___ ___, which can contribute to ___ food security in the ___ term
Large short-term
food insecurity, short term
incentives, increased long-term investments, agricultural sector,
improved, longer
United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG):
-___ ____ impacts each of the MDG
Food security
Millennium Development Goal #1:
-Eradicate ___ ___ and ___.
want to:
-Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than US $__ a day
-Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who ___ from ___.
extreme poverty and hunger
suffer, hunger
____ itself acts as a barrier to escaping ___.
-Hunger is not only a ____ but also a cause of ___.
Women and Children are Particularly Vulnerable:
More likely to suffer from:
- ___ ___
- ____
- ___
- ___/__
- ___
Neonatal disorders Diarrhea Malaria HIV/AIDS Measles
On average only __-__% of children under two years of age living in sub-Saharan Africa have appropriately diversified diets
Most Prevalent Macronutrient Deficiencies:
- ___ ___ ___ (PEM)
- ____ – protein-energy deficiency
- ___ – inadequate intake of food
Protein energy malnutrition (PEM)
Most Prevalent Micronutrient Deficiencies:
- ___ ___
Between __ and ___ million children in the world are vitamin A deficient.
An estimated 250,000 to 500 000 vitamin A-deficient children become ___ every year, half of them ___ within ___ months of losing their ___.
Vitamin A deficiency can also cause ___ ___.
Vitamin A 100 and 140 million blind dying 12 months, sight growth retardation
Most Prevalent Micronutrient Deficiencies
- ___
- Iron deficiency is a principal cause of ___.
- Two billion people—over __ percent of the world’s population—are ___, mainly due to __ __, and, in developing countries, frequently exacerbated by ___ and ___ ___.
- For children, health consequences include ___ __, __ __ __, infections, and __ __ of death. Later, __ and ___ development are impaired, resulting in lowered __ __.
- For pregnant women, anemia contributes to __ percent of all ___ deaths (World Health Organization)
30 percent, anemic, iron deficiency, malaria, worm infections
premature birth, low birth weight, elevated risk, death
physical, cognitive, school performance
20% maternal
Most Prevalent Micronutrient Deficiencies:
3. ___
__ __ ___ (IDD) jeopardize children´s ___ health– often their very lives.
- Serious iodine deficiency during pregnancy may result in ___, abortions and ___ ___ such as ___, a ___, irreversible form of mental retardation that affects people living in iodine-deficient areas of Africa and Asia.
- IDD also causes __ ___ that lowers __ __ at home, at school, and at work. IDD affects over ___ million people, __percent of the world’s population.
___ million people have some degree of mental impairment caused by IDD (World Health Organization).
Iodine Iodine deficiency disorders mental stillbirths, abortions, congenital abnormalities, cretinism, grave, mental impairment, intellectual prowess 740 million, 13% 50 million
Most Prevalent Micronutrient Deficiencies:
4. ___
-Deficiency increases the risk of dying from ___, ___, and ___ by __-__%
diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, 13-21%
Millennium Development Goal #2:
-Achieve ___ ___ ___.
Hungry Children:
__ __ __
___ __ ___
__ __ while they do attend
Universal Primary Education
start school later
drop out sooner
learn less
Millennium Development Goal #3:
-Promote ___ ___ and ___ ___.
Poor Nutrition for Women:
- Undermines ___ ___
- ___ their opportunities for __ and __
- Impedes progress toward ___ ___ and ___ of women
Gender Equality and Empower Women
women’s health
stunts, education, employment
gender equality empowerment
Millennium Development Goal #4:
-Reduce ___ ___.
-___ and ____ are the direct or indirect cause of more than half of all child deaths worldwide.
Child Mortality
Hunger and malnutrition
Millennium Development Goal #5:
-Improve ___ ___.
-Hunger and malnutrition have been found to increase both the __ and __rate of the conditions that cause up to __% of __ __.
Maternal Health
increase, incidence, fatality, 80% maternal deaths
Goal 5 Continued:
- Stunting during childhood – more vulnerable to __ __.
- Anemia – heightened risk of __ and ___-__ __.
- Vitamin A deficiency – greater risk for ___
- Iodine deficiency – __ and __ __
- Calcium deficiency – increased risk for __ __ __ and ___
obstructed labor hemorrhage, post-delivery infection sepsis miscarriages, still birth high blood pressure, eclampsia
Millennium Development Goal #6:
-Combat __/__, ___, and other ___.
- ___ spurs risky behaviors that accelerates the spread of __/__
- ___ ___ ___ are more than twice as likely to die of malaria
HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other Diseases
hunger, HIV/AIDS
under nourished children
HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis:
-All are diseases of ___ and ___.
-The overwhelming majority of cases occur in ___ countries especially in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia
~ __ million people are now living with AIDS (60% of them in sub-Saharan Africa)
Malaria kills more than __ __ people per year (90% of cases in Africa, mainly young children)
hunger and poverty
22 million,
1 million
Millennium Development Goal #7:
-Ensure____ ___.
- Hunger leads to ____ use of ___.
- ___ and ___ ___ ___ are key to reducing hunger among the rural poor.
Environmental Sustainability
Restoring and improving, ecosystem functions
Targets for ensuring environmental sustainability:
- Measures of ____
- Use of ___ ___
- Access to __ __ and __ __
solid fuels
improved water and sanitation facilities
Millennium Development Goal #8:
-Develop a ___ ___ for ___.
-___ and ___ in developed countries hamper hunger-reducing rural and agricultural development
Global Partnership for Development
subsidies, tariffs,
Global Partnership Recommendations:
-Increased ___
More ___ ___
Relief from the __ __ of ___
Better access to ___, ___, ___
equitable trade
crushing burden, debt
technology, medicines, jobs
Low Income Food Deficit Countries:
- As of 2012 are __ low-income food-deficit countries
- 2013 __ are low-income food-deficit countries (4 less than a year ago)