WIC- Final Flashcards
What is WIC?
- ___, __, and ____ Program.
- ____-funded ___ and ___ Program.
- Provides ___ to buy __.
- ___ ___
- ___ ___
- ___
- ____ under age __
Women, Infants and Children Federally, health, nutrition checks, food. pregnant women new mothers infants children 5
What is WIC?
- ___ assistance program of FNS of USDA
- Discretionary spending portion of federal budget
- *Not ____ program
- Family below ___% of U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines
- Serves ___% of all infants born in the U.S.
Federal FNS, USDA federal budget entitlement 185% 53%
History of WIC:
-Created in ___
-Physicians presented to Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the USDA
*__ of ___ for ___, ___ women
*Doctors prescribed __ ___
White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health
lack of food, young, pregnant
needed foods
History of WIC:
- Sponsored as __-__ __ program
- Children up to age __
- Excluded __ __-___ women
2 year pilot
non breast-feeding
History of WIC?
Permanent program in 1975
- Children up to age __
- Non breastfeeding women up to __ ___
- All at __ __ with __ ___
1975 5 6 months nutritional risk inadequate income
What does WIC provide?
- ____ Food
- __ ___
- __ ___ - ____ Education
Participants attend __ and ___ classes - Access to ___ and other ___ ___.
- Participants receive ___ and ____. - Breastfeeding Support
- ___ and ____ materials
Supplemental food checks EBT card Nutrition health and nutrition healthcare, social services guidance and assistance breastfeeding guidance and support
Who is Eligible for WIC?
- ___ ___ are counted as ___ in determining eligibility.
- ___% of all pregnant women are income eligible for WIC in at least __ ___ of pregnancy.
- The proportion of women income eligible during pregnancy was __% of the proportion income eligible during the year after birth.
pregnant women, 2
53%, 1 month
Prenatal Education:
- Service programs to pregnant, at ____-__ mothers.
- Supplies these mothers with __ ___ and __ ___ or ___ ___to mothers in need
- Provides ___ classes
nutrition advice, supplemental food, food vouchers
Prenatal Class- an introduction to what to \_\_\_ during pregnancy. Main topics discussed in this class include \_\_ \_\_\_ precautions, expected \_\_ \_\_\_ and healthful \_\_ \_\_\_. They also discuss \_\_\_ \_\_\_ and \_\_\_.
food safety, weight gain, nutrition intake.
breastfeeding benefits, techniques
What are the Improvements in Preconceptional Nutritional Status?
- A greater likelihood of receiving ___ ___.
- Longer ____
- Fewer __ ___
- Fewer ___ ___
- Higher __ __ __
- Savings in ___ ___ ___
prenatal care pregnancies premature births infant deaths mean birth weights heath care costs
Daily Requirements: (Prenatal)
- ___ servings from the milk group
- __-__ servings from the meat group (totaling 6 ounces)
- __ servings from the vegetable group
- ___ servings from the fruit group
- ___ servings from the bread group
3 2-3, 6 4 3 9
Breastfeeding: Benefits for mother & baby include: -\_\_\_ -\_\_\_ -\_\_\_ -\_\_\_
WIC mothers who breastfeed receive:
-\_\_ and \_\_\_ through counseling Breastfeeding \_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ Greater \_\_\_ and \_\_\_ of foods \_\_ \_\_\_ & other aides Longer \_\_\_
Information & support educational materials quantity, variety breast pumps eligibility
Breastfeeding is encouraged but ___ ___ may also be provided
infant formula
___ ___ is the WIC breastfeeding promotion campaign.
- ____ In scope
- Being implemented at the ___ agency level
Loving Support
Loving Support Key Messages:
- Helping women feel comfortable with breastfeeding
- __ on how breastfeeding can work around a __ ___
- The involvement of ___ and ___ to make breastfeeding a ___
comfortable, breastfeeding
tips, busy schedule
family, friends, success.
Loving Support-Goals of the campaign:
- __ __ ___ to initiate & continue breastfeeding
- ___ ___ to WIC for breastfeeding support
- Increase __ ___ and ___ of breastfeeding
- Provide ___ ___ to WIC State & local agency professionals in the promotion of breastfeeding
Encourage WIC participants
increase referrals
public acceptance, support
technical assistance
____ rates of low-income children lag behind more affluent children
WIC Program’s role:
-find out about a child’s need for ____
___ that information with ___
Include ___
share, parents
Studies found significantly improved rates of ___ ___ and regular source of __ ___ associated with WIC participation.
childhood immunization
medical care
Women enrolled in WIC both during pregnancy and postpartum periods delivered infants with higher __ __ __ in a subsequent pregnancy than women who received __ ___ only
mean birth weights
WIC prenatally
Women who received postpartum benefits had higher ___ levels and lower risk of ___ ___ at the onset of the subsequent pregnancy.2
maternal obesity
WIC Provides: \_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_ and \_\_\_ \_\_\_ and \_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\_ Dried \_\_\_ or \_\_\_ Some receive \_\_\_ \_\_\_ and \_\_\_.
Infant formula Infant and adult cereal and juice Eggs Milk Cheese Peanut butter Dried beans or peas Some receive canned tuna and carrots
Major Changes in Louisiana Food Packages:
New foods:
___ and ___
__ __ bread
___ foods
___ ___ and ___ ___
fruits and vegetables
whole grain
dried beans and peanut butter