Mothers and Infants: FINAL Flashcards
National Goals for Maternal and Infant Health:
What is the Goal?
-Improve the ___ and __-__ of ___, ___, ___, and ___.
health well-being women infants children families
HP Progress Report: Improvement: -\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\_ decreased -\_\_\_ of \_\_ \_\_ decreased -\_\_\_ of \_\_\_\_ increased -\_\_\_ during \_\_\_ decreased
Infant mortality rate
Incidence, spina bifidia
Incidence, breastfeeding
Smoking during pregnancy
HP Progress Report:
No improvement or movement in the wrong direction:
- ___ ___ for __ ___ ___ increased
- __ ___ in __ __ to ___ years of age increased
- __ __ ___ increased
- __ of __ ___ ___ increased
Maternal death for African American women
iron deficiency, women 12-49
fetal alcohol syndrome
incidence low birthweight babies
Malnutrition during pregnancy:
- associated with __ __ __ and __ __ __ __.
- infants are more apt to become __, have __ __, and suffer __ or __ ___ ___.
- may “___” the fetus for __ ___ during ___.
low birth weight
very low birth weight
ill, birth defects, mental physical developmental problems
“program” chronic disease adulthood
What is infant mortality rate?
- ___ of an ___ before his/her__ ___.
- Defined as ___ of __/___ __ ___.
first birthday
number deaths/1,000 live births
Low Birthweight Baby:
Definition: A baby with a birth weight of less than ____ pounds or ____.
5 1/2 pounds
2,500 grams
Prevalence of Low Birthweight Babies:
U.S.= ____%
Louisiana= ___%; __ of any state
- 9%
11. 9%, highest
Very Low Birthweight Baby:
Definition: A baby with a birth weight of less than __ ___ __ __ or ____.
3 pounds 4 oz
1,500 grams
LBW and VLBW Associated with:
- ___ ___ – drinking, smoking, drug use
- _____
- inability to ___ for __ __ and __ of ___ to health care
- poor ___
- ___ ___ conditions
unhealthy habits poverty pay for health care lack, access, health care nutrition unsanitary living
WHO definition of maternal mortality?
The death of a woman while ___ or within __ days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the ___ and ___ of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its ____ but not from ___ or ___ causes.
pregnant 42 duration site management accidental incidental
__/___ ____ women have the highest maternal mortality rate as of 2004.
Black/African American
Nutritional Needs of the Mother:
-nutrition is one of the most important factors contributing to good ___ __ to and ___ pregnancy.
Important nutrients
- Energy: increase kcal by __-__ kcal during __ and __ trimesters.
- Protein: increase __-__g/day.
- Folic acid: increase by __% to prevent neural tube defects.
- ___: increase.
- ___ : increase
- ____: increase
health prior to during 300-450 2nd, 3rd. 10-16 g/day 50%, neural tube defects. Iron, Zinc, Calcium
Maternal Weight Gain:
-For a normal weight woman __-__ pounds.
-~ __-__ pounds in the first trimester followed by ~__ pounds per ___.
**A ___, ___ ___ in weight is a sign of danger.
25-35 pounds.
1 pound per week
sudden, rapid increase
Nutritional Assessment During Pregnancy:
- _____
- ____
- ____
- _____
Healthy Babies:
-Double in birth weight by __-__ ___
-Triple birth weight by __ ___
-___ ___
4-6 months 1 year Weight Length Head circumference
State Breastfeeding Statistics:
- The rate of breastfeeding is highest in ____ (91.2%)
- The rate of breastfeeding is lowest in _____ (29%)
Advantages of breastfeeding for the Infant:
- ____ is rich in antibodies and other protective factors.
- Breast milk is less likely to cause ____.
- Breast milk provides ___ (____) which encourage the growth of beneficial ____ (bifidus factor).
- Breast feeding my protect the child from becoming overly ___.
- It can satisfy both ___ and ___.
Colostrum allergies prebiotics (oligosaccharides) probiotics fat hunger thirst
Breastfeeding Decreases Infant Mortality:
- Breastfeeding reduces the ___ of __ for infants in the __ ___ of life.
- Children who were breastfed had a __% lower risk of ___ between __ __ and ___ ___ than children who weren’t breastfed.
- ___ ___ was associated with lower risk.
risk, death, first year
20% dying, 28 days, one year
longer breastfeeding
Advantages of breastfeeding for the Mom:
- Encourages ___ with ___
- __ ____
- More ____
bonding, child
less expensive
Infant Feeding Recommendations:
- Breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula for the __ __of life
- Breast milk or special formulas for those ___ to __ __.
- Introduction of solid foods between __ and ___ ___.
first year
allergic to milk products
4 and 6 months
Common Nutritional Problems for Infants:
- ___ ___
- ____ ___
Iron deficiency
Food allergies
Food Assistance Program Benefiting Mothers and Infants:
- ____ ____ ____ Program (___)
- Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for ___, ___, and ___ (____).
- __ ___ ___ Program (___)
- ___ ___ ___Program
- __-__ ___ (___)
- __ ___ and ___ ___ Program (___)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Commodities Supplemental Food Program
SNAP-ED Connection (FNP)
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
WIC Farmer’s Market Program:
- Associated with the WIC Program
- Provides ___, ___, ___, ___ grown ___ and ___ to ___ participants
fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally fruits and vegetables to ___ participants.
- SNAP Education (old names –__ ___ ___ ___ Program or Family Nutrition Program)
- ___ funded program designed to provide ___ ___ to individuals receiving __.
Food Stamp nutrition Education
nutrition education
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP):
-EFNEP is a ___ ___ ___ Program which assists __-__ ___ acquire __ and ___ to consume better diets.
USDA Cooperative Extension
low-income families
knowledge, skills