Works profress and quality manag Flashcards
What is required to carry out a site inspection and the importance of recording progress of works?
A site inspection should assess quality and progress. Health & safety compliance with regulations and legislation.
Recording progress tracks the project works against the construction program which also aligns with cost forecasts to ensure accurate payment schedules.
Tell me about your knowledge of the requirements of recording progress?
I have carried out numerous site inspections in my career to track progress, quality, and compliance.
Tell me about your knowledge of the requirements of recording progress?
I have carried out numerous site inspections in my career to track progress, quality, and compliance.
Tell me about your knowledge of the requirement for quality descriptors as set out in the contract documentation?
The contract documentation includes a specification describing the materials and workmanship required.
Tell me about your understanding of the differences between the duties of a CA and those of a person appointed solely to report on progress and quality issues?
The contract administrator of ministers the contract, set up the contract, issues relevant documents and information, manages payments. A person solely employed to report on progress and quality issues such as a clerk of works, will report to the CA and may be needed on large projects. They provide an independent review of progress and quality.
What tools or methods can you use to determine site progress?
Progress reports record progress, a programme analysis with drop line, photos, key stages and issues, variation or RFI schedules, health & safety
What tools or methods can you use to determine site progress?
Progress reports record progress, a programme analysis with drop line, photos, key stages and issues, variation or RFI schedules, health & safety
What would you do if a project is behind schedule?
Initially, you need to understand the reason it’s behind schedule due to poor performance, quality, labour, or shortage of materials. If it’s materials you could source alternatives, if it’s labour you can supplement, if it’s quality then a review of QA procedures would need to be carried out.
What type of dispute could arise?
A contractural dispute.
Can you give 2 examples of where you would need to have a practical example of the finish required?
Stone flooring with grout joints, wall or ceiling finishes.
There are some elements of work where an inspection on site will not reveal if the specification has been met. Give 2 examples where you may need additional tests how you determine the quality.
below ground drainage or firestopping - pressure test can work with drainage, opening up may be required for fire stopping
When carrying out an inspection of work on site list 3 items preparation you should do?
Familiarise yourself with the program, specification, and drawings
Name 3 methods of assessing progress that you could use.
Site inspection, progress report, review of prgramme/valuations
What is BS 8000?
Covers standards of workmanship
When reporting to your client on delays to works progress, what would you report as being valid reason for the delay?
A change in standards or shortage of materials
What legal guidance is there for when building works should be inspected, at what frequency and what should be looked at?
CDM Regulations, H&SAW Act, Regulatory reform (fire) Act
What headings do you use when setting out your progress reports for your clients?
Apologies, review of previous minutes, photos, programme and key milestones, H&S, site issues, CAIs, Neighbourly matters, QA, AOB, RFIs
What are the requirements of the New Homes Quality Code.
- Protects vulnerable customers, prohibits high pressure selling; requires any deposits the customer pays to their builder to be protected.
- Requires the developer to provide all relevant information about the home during the sales process – including its tenure and any future management or service charges – that allows them to make an informed decision about their purchase.
- Sets out requirements for a fair reservation agreement, including a ‘cooling off’ period; and sales contract requirements.
- Allows customers to have a professional carry out a pre-completion inspection of their home on their behalf.
- Specifies that a home must be ‘complete’, preventing builders paying customers to move into an incomplete new home early.
- Requires builders to have an effective after care service in place to deal with any issues or ‘snagging’ problems customers have with their new home; together with a robust complaints process that responds to customers concerns in a timely manner and to their satisfaction, keeping them informed throughout. If a customer is not satisfied with how any complaint they have made has been dealt with, they can refer their complaint to the independent New Homes Ombudsman Service
Who can be a Pre-Completion Inspector?
To be considered a suitably qualified inspector you must meet the following criteria: Be a member of a recognized professional association experienced in surveying residential properties (e.g., RICS, RPSA, etc.) Hold relevant and adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance. Only work within their competency.
What format does a Pre-Completion Inspection take?
Inspectors must use a standard template. It is a requirement of the Code that those undertaking pre-completion inspections use a standard checklist that has been produced for this purpose. While developers and surveyors can create their own “version” of the checklist – for instance a paper version bearing their company own logo or an electronic version that works with their internal systems – they should not change the content of the template.
At what stage is the pre-completion inspection carried out?
The Developer must provide an opportunity for the independent inspector to carry out the inspection from five calendar days after the Notice to Complete has been served. This could be earlier if both the Developer and Customer agree. It is expected that the usual notice period is no less than fourteen calendar days.