Inclusive environment Flashcards
What is an inclusive environment?
An inclusive environment is one which is designed and managed to allow people with a diverse range of needs and abilities to access and use it
What is an inclusive environment?
an environment could be a building or place, including homes, workplaces, shops, healthcare facilities, sporting and cultural venues, schools or open spaces
How can you create an inclusive environment?
Ensuring that environments are inclusive applies throughout the property lifecycle. For example:
* During design and/or refurbishment, it is important to ensure that accessibility is considered from various users’ perspectives, physically and socially
* During a building’s occupancy, building owners, occupiers and managers must ensure that potential users of the space can reasonably do so despite any disabilities
What do responsible people need to consider?
In order to consider different users’ needs, those with responsibility to ensure inclusive environments must have agood awareness of the following issues which are relevant to their work:
* Different physical and mental health issues which may lead to varying accessibility requirements
* Factors which can lead to social isolation
* Policy and legal requirements relating to accessibility, including local planning policies, building regulations, Equality Act 2010 and health and safety law
* Best practices relating to inclusivity in the design and management of physical spaces
* The value that inclusive environments can bring to building owners and occupiers
What is the Equality Act 2010?
The Act consolidates discrimination law and provides protection against a wide range of discrimination and inequality, including the use of property as well as when dealing with people
What is the Equality Act 2010?
The Act consolidates discrimination law and provides protection against a wide range of discrimination and inequality, including the use of property as well as when dealing with people
What are the 4 types of discrimination under the Equality Act?
In addition to the nine protected characteristics (see above under Diversity, Inclusion & Teamworking), the Act identifies four types of illegal discrimination:
* Direct discrimination
* Indirect discrimination
* Harassment
* Victimisation
How does the Equality Act affect property?
It extends the obligations to all ‘controllers of let premises’
It is unlawful for those managing buildings to discriminate against or victimise an occupier.
* Lettings, sales, assignments and other forms of disposal must not be undertaken in a way which could discriminate, harass or victimise a person
* The Act extends the existing requirement to make reasonable adjustments to help disabled people if they would be placed at a substantial disadvantage if the work was not carried out
* Landlords need to ensure that all dealings with a tenant or occupier who could have a protected characteristic are dealt with in accordance with the Act’s provisions
* Service providers have a duty to’make alterations to a building so to avoid disability discrimination or make an alternative provision of the service. These must be “reasonable” in cost, extent and disruption
* Need for an access statement/audit for all properties - setting out details of access arrangements and alternative arrangements if access cannot be reasonably provided for a disabled person
* Most requirements embedded in Part M of the Building Regulations
What are requirements relating to property?
When faced with an obstacle to access for disabled persons, the Act requires the service provider to:
* Remove or alter the feature, or
* Provide reasonable means of avoiding the obstacle or reasonable alternative access to the service
The test is one of reasonableness and not an absolute obligation. Tests for ‘reasonableness’ include:
* Effectiveness of the adjustment for the disabled person
* The practicality of the adjustment
* Its financial cost and likely disruption
* Financial and other resources available to the service provider
What part of the Building regs covers inclusive environments?
Part M of the Building Regulations (Access to and use of buildings) sets out legal minimum requirements for promoting access to and use of buildings. Whereas previous versions of the Regulations focused on the specific needs of disabled people, the 2004 edition of Approved Document M promotes an approach to inclusive design that reflects the needs of all people.
What is the duty to make reasonable adjustments?
The equality act states that people or organisations like employers, shops, local authorities and schools must take positive steps to remove the barriers you face because of your disability. This is to ensure you receive the same services, as far as this is possible, as someone who’s not disabled
What adjustments can be made at home?
If a tenant, sub-tenant or leaseholder, you might have a right to changes that will help you live there with your disability. The Equality Act 2010 calls these changes ‘reasonable adjustments’.
Examples are replacing taps, door handles, door entry system, changing wall or door colour, providing access ramps
What other information relates to inclusive design?
Published by CABE in 2006, The Principles of Inclusive Design stressed that inclusive design is fundamental to good design. Acknowledging that the way places are designed affects our ability to move, see, hear and communicate effectively, the document states that inclusive design is about making places which everyone can use. By removing the barriers that create undue effort and separation, it enables everyone to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities.
What about fire escape for disabled people?
As well as covered in part M, In public places the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that the Responsible Person, when conducting a fire risk assessment and considering the means of escape from fire, should incorporate the recommendations of:-
* The British Standard BS 8300-2. “Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment. Buildings” to meet the needs of disabled people.
* The supplementary guide Fire Safety Risk Assessment: Means of Escape for Disabled People which can be downloaded at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government web site.
What are possible solutions for alerting about a fire ?
People with disabilities should be aware of the special devices that are available such as smoke alarms with a vibrating pad or flashing light for those with a hearing impairment, smoke alarms with a strobe light outside the house to catch the attention of neighbours or passers-by, and emergency call or alarm systems for summoning help.
What is the Difference Between Legal & Ethical Standards?
- Legal standards are standards that are set forth in governmental laws.
- Ethical standards, on the other hand, don’t necessarily have a legal basis. They are based on human principles of right and wrong.
What does PAS 6463:2022 cover?
- It gives guidance on the design of the built environment to include the needs of people who experience sensory or neurological processing differences. It covers buildings and external spaces for public and commercial use, and residential accommodation for independent or supported living.
- It gives guidance on elements including lighting, acoustics, décor, flooring, layout, wayfinding, familiarity, clarity, thermal comfort and odour; and incorporates principles to ensure that people with or having a range of processing differences are able to access and enjoy their experience of the built environment.
How do you promote inclusive environments?
- use inclusive language
- Create safe spaces for your employees (accessible toilets, ramps etc)
- Obtain feedback
- Provide diversity training for everyone
How can you create a safe working environment?
- Create safe spaces for your employees (accessible toilets, ramps etc)
- Modifying work areas to include special equipment and wheelchair-accessible
- Enabling digital accessibility to cater to employees with auditory, visual, motor, or cognitive disabilities like website navigation and text size or hearing aids.
What is cultural change?
Cultural change is the process in which an organization encourages employees to adopt behaviors and mindsets that are consistent with the organization’s values and goals.
Why is cultural change difficult?
The key problem facing management wanting to change organisational culture is that the culture will usually be deeply embedded or engrained in the organisation.
What is the NPPF?
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s economic, environmental and social planning policies for England. The policies set out in this framework apply to the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and to decisions on planning applications.
What is inclusive design?
Inclusive design is a method or philosophy of designing that means welcoming diverse people to engage authentically with your organization, .
What is economic inequality?
Economic inequality is the unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society.
What is social cohesion?
Social cohesion is a term associated with functionalism and refers to the extent to which people in society are bound together and integrated and share common values.
What is gentrification?
the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, often displacing current inhabitants in the process.
What issues might gentrification cause?
*Negative Impacts of Gentrification
*Displacement through rent/price increase.
*Loss of affordable housing.
*Community conflict.
*Loss of social diversity.
*Housing demand on surrounding poorer areas.
What are examples of auxiliary aids and services?
auxiliary aids are to include:
*the removal, replacement or provision of any furniture, furnishings, materials, equipment or other chattels
*the replacement or provision of any signs or notices
*the replacement of any taps or door handles
*the replacement, provision or adaptation of any door bell, or door entry system changes to the colour of any surface (for example, a wall or door).
How do the Equality Act 2010 and Building Regulations relate to each other?
Part M sets out minimum requirements to ensure that a broad range of people are able to access and use facilities within buildings.
The Equality Act requires reasonable adjustments to be made in relation to accessibility. In practice, this means that due regard must be given to any specific needs of likely building users that might be reasonably met.
What are the requirements under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)?
The public sector equality duty ( PSED ) requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
What is a public body?
A public body is a formally established organisation that is, at least in part, publicly funded to deliver a public or government service
What is an Access Statement?
An Access Statement is a document that explains the ambition of your development in terms of providing equal access for all potential users.
What is an Access Statement?
An Access Statement is a document that explains the ambition of your development in terms of providing equal access for all potential users.
How many parts is Part M split into and what does each relate to?
2 parts - dwellings and buildings other than dwellings
What is BS8300?
BS 8300 is a British Code of Practice that sets out the requirements of how buildings should be designed, constructed and maintained to meet the needs of disabled people as well as create an accessible and inclusive environment for them.
What key design principles can be used to achieve inclusive environments?
Inclusive – so everyone can use it safely, easily and with dignity.
Responsive – taking account of what people say they need and want.
Flexible – so different people can use it in different ways.
Convenient – so everyone can use it without too much effort or separation.
Accommodating for all people, regardless of their age, gender, mobility, ethnicity or circumstances.
Welcoming – with no disabling barriers that might exclude some people.
Realistic – offering more than one solution to help balance everyone’s needs and recognising that one solution may not work for all.
What are the 5 stages of fire risk assessment?
Identify the fire hazards.
Identify people at risk.
Evaluate, remove or reduce the risks.
Record your findings, prepare an emergency plan and provide training.
Review and update the fire risk assessment regularly.
Who can undertake a fire risk assessment?
The responsible person (owner, managing agent, occupier, landlord) must do a fire risk assessment and must be competent.
What covers fire safety?
Fire Safety (Regulatory Reform) Order 2005
What does Fire Safety (Regulatory Reform) Order 2005 introduce?
Duty to take general fire precautions.
Risk assessment.
Principles of prevention to be applied.
Fire safety arrangements.
Elimination or reduction of risks from dangerous substances.
Fire-fighting and fire detection.
Emergency routes and exits.
Procedures for serious and imminent danger and for danger areas.
What audibility systems are you aware of?
flashing lights or vibrating equipment
What is the Changing Places campaign?
Changing Places is a British consortium and campaign which aims to improve accessible toilet facilities. It maintains a list of toilets which meet its requirements
What is the UK Gov Disability Strategy?
This strategy sets out the actions the government will take to improve the everyday lives of all disabled people e.g.
* Housing: creating more accessible, adapted and safer homes
* Transport: improving the accessibility and experience of everyday journeys
* Jobs: making the world of work more inclusive and accessible