Working Scientifically - Vocab Flashcards
Aim / Purpose
A statement of the problem or question being investigated in an experiment
A proposed explanation for a set of observations based on reason that is being tested in an experiment
Any factor that can change in an experiment
Independent variable
The variable that is deliberately changed at the START of an experiment
Dependent variable
The factor that is observed to change by the END of the experiment; it is thought to change due to the independent variable
Controlled variables
Variables that are deliberately kept the same DURING an experiment
Fair test
An experiment where only ONE independent variable is changed at the start, and all other variables are controlled. The dependent variable, therefore, changes because of the independent variable.
Method / Procedure
The step-by-step instructions that are followed to carry out an experiment
A record of the observations taken during an experiment
Section of the scientific report where experiment results are interpreted and analysed
A short summary of the findings in the experiment that answers the aim and either supports or doesn’t support the hypothesis
Information collected by any of the five senses during an experiment
Quantitative data
Data that is a measurement with numbers and units
Qualitative data
Data that is descriptive and in words only
First-hand data
Data that you have collected in your own experiment
Second-hand data / Secondary data
Data that you have collected from another person or resource
Average / Mean
The number calculated when all the ‘good’ values are added up and divided by how many there are
Something that goes wrong in an experiment, which could be avoided if the experiment was done with care
Small variation in a measurement that cannot be avoided, even with care
Refers to experiment results that are reproducible, within an acceptable margin, on repeated trials
Resource list
A list of the sources of information that have been used by a person in writing a piece of work