Work Stress Flashcards
Wie definierte Walter Cannon (1926) Stress?
stress is the reaction to external factors that disrupt the homeostasis
Wie definieren Koolhaas et al. (2011) Stress?
they associate stress with conditions where an environmental demand exceeds the natural regulatory capacity of an organism
Was ist ein stressor?
the stressful situation or stimulus
Was ist strain?
the direct psychological or physiological reactions to the stressor
Was sind short-term physiological effects von Stress?
- increased heart frequency
- blood pressure and
- cortisol level
Was sind short-term psychological effects von Stress?
- tension
- nervousness
- frustration
- anger
- fatigue
- negative mood and
- the experience of monotony
Was sind short-term effects auf der behavioristischen Ebene von Stress?
- decreases in performance and concentration
- increases in failures and risky behavior
Was sind long-term physiological effects von Stress?
- cardiovascular conditions
- general susceptibility to disease
- gastrointestinal conditions and
- other psychosomatic complaints
Was sind long-term psychological effects von Stress?
- job dissatisfaction
- anxiety
- depression
- boredom
- loss of self-esteem and
- burnout
Was sind long-term effects auf der behavioristischen Ebene von Stress?
- bad eating behavior
- substance abuse
- aggression and
- social isolation
Was sind die häufigsten Arbeitsstressoren?
qualitative oder quantitative Arbeitsüberlastung
Was können Nebenwirkungen von Arbeitsunterforderung sein?
- Langeweile
- gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen
Was sind typische Stressoren bei der Arbeitsrolle?
- Rollenkonflikte
- Rollenunklarheit
Wie enstehen Rollenkonflikte?
wenn widersprüchliche Anforderungen an den Arbeiter gestellt werden
Wie ensteht Rollenunklarheit?
wegen unklarer Arbeitsanweisungen und unzureichendem Feedback
Was versteht man unter „situational constraints“ und wie können sie Stress verursachen?
situative Einschränkungen, wie physikalische oder psychologische Barrieren am Arbeitsplatz, die Stress verursachen
Informationsprobleme, Arbeitsunterbrechungen oder technische Probleme
Was wird unter „work-family conflict“ verstanden?
Rollenkonflikte, die entstehen, wenn Arbeitsanforderungen in das Privatleben hineinwirken und die Erfüllung der privaten Rollen beeinträchtigen.
Was sind soziale Stressoren?
Soziale Stressoren umfassen Konflikte, Streitereien und Unhöflichkeiten mit Vorgesetzten, Kollegen und Kunden
können erheblichen Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter haben
Was umfasst der Begriff „emotional labor“ und warum kann es zu Stress führen?
- bezieht sich auf die Anforderung, Emotionen zu zeigen, die im Widerspruch zu den inneren Gefühlen stehen
- was Stress verursachen kann, insbesondere durch emotionale Dissonanz
Beschreib Stressors as discrepancy between person characteristics and the work environment
Person-environment (PE) fit model
objective job demands and the fit with employees’ personal characteristics should be analyzed to explain work stress
Beschreib Stressors as regulation problem.
Welche Stressorentypen existieren?
Action regulation theory
describes job characteristics in general and stressors in particular, independent of individual characteristics, with the concept of the trained worker
3 types of stressors:
- Regulation hindrances: Hinder goal attainment and action regulation
- Regulation ambiguities: Ambiguous work goal assignments and standards
- Regulation overload: Time pressure, working memory overload
Beschreib den folgenden Stressor: Stressors as effort-reward imbalance
Stressors as effort-reward imbalance (ERI): an imbalance of the required efforts and the resulting rewards of acknowledgment, success, promo- tion, or financial compensations
Beschreib Stressors as offence to self.
Was sind potentielle Bedrohung für das Selbst?
The stress-as-offence-to-self (SOS) approach
job characteristics and social interactions at work trigger stress reactions if they signal a lack of appreciation and therefore constitute a threat to the self
two potential threats to the self:
- personal failure («stress through insufficiency«)
- disrespect by other persons in the work context («stress as disrespect«)
Beschreib Challenge and hindrance stressors
- Selye’s (1976) general adaptation syndrome: distinction between good stress and harmful stress
- The challenge-hindrance framework: Hindrance demands are »stressors that people tend to appraise as potentially constraining their personal development and work-related accomplishment« (e.g., role ambiguity and interpersonal conflicts) Challenge stressors are »stressors that people tend to appraise as potentially promoting their personal growth and achievement« (e.g., time pressure)
Nenne Individual characteristics that are assumed to buffer the detrimental effects of stressors (personal resources) → help workers cope with upcoming stressors
- self-efficacy
- internal locus of control
- sense of coherence
- hardiness
- optimism
- meaning
- general fitness
- professional and social competencies → reduce the perception of overload and foster adaptive coping strategies
Nenne personal risk factors that increase detrimental effects of stress e. g.:
- trait negative affectivity
- neuroticism
- hostility
- mistrust
- Type-A behavior
Was ist Typ-A Verhalten?
Type-A behavior is a personality-based behavior pattern that encompasses high ambition, competitive behavior, hostility, cynism, mistrust, anger, aggressiveness, and a high need for power and control → maladaptive coping responses to stress
Was ist die Kernaussage der Transactional stress theory by Lazarus and Folkman (1984)?
This theory attributes the interindividual but also intraindividual differences in stress reactions to differences in cognitive appraisals and applied coping strategies
Was ist mit primary appraisal gemeint?
includes the appraisal of the situation
Was ist mit secondary appraisal gemeint?
concerns the appraisal of one’s coping capacities and opportunities to confront and overcome the stressful situation
Was ist mit coping gemeint?
- Individuals are not generally passive victims of stressors
- the reactions to stressors may include active behavioral and psychological reactions and are called coping
Was ist problem-oriented coping?
- subsumes behavioral attempts to change the stressful situation or to overcome stress sources
- e.g. coping with the overtaxing work assignment by using specific work strategies or by asking for help from colleagues
- e.g. redefinition of the situation
Was ist emotion-oriented coping?
- focus on the aversive emotional reactions to the stressors
- by trying to reduce them, for example through relaxation, talking, physical activity, but also through maladaptive strategies such as venting or substance abuse
Was beschreibt das Job Demand-Control (JDC) Modell? Nenn die vier Jobtypen.
- beschreibt Jobs als Kombination aus Anforderungen (Arbeitsstressoren) und Kontrolle (Entscheidungsspielraum)
- identifiziert vier Jobtypen:
- High strain job
- Low strain job
- Passive job und
- Active job
(Karasek & Theorell, 1999).
Welcher Jobtyp stellt das größte Gesundheitsrisiko für Arbeiter dar laut dem JDC-Modell?
Der “High strain job” mit hohen Anforderungen und geringer Kontrolle
Was ist eine wichtige Erweiterung des JDC-Modells durch das Job Demands-Control-Support (DCS) Model?
- erweitert das JDC-Modell um soziale Unterstützung als wichtige Ressource
- kann die Effekte von Arbeitsanforderungen auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter puffern
Was postuliert das Job Demands-Resources (JDR) Modell? Wie beeinflussen die Ressourcen die individuellen und organisatorischen Ergebnisse?
- dass alle Jobs als eine einzigartige Mischung aus Jobanforderungen und Jobressourcen beschrieben werden können
- diese Ressourcen beeinflussen die individuellen und organisatorischen Ergebnisse über zwei Hauptprozesse: den gesundheitsschädigenden Prozess und den Motivationsprozess
Was beinhaltet der gesundheitsschädigende Prozess des JDR Modells?
die Konfrontation mit Arbeitsanforderungen die physischen und psychologischen Energieressourcen des Arbeiters erschöpfen können zu
* Erschöpfung
* chronischer Müdigkeit
* Burnout und
* gesundheitlichen Problemen
Wie wirken Jobressourcen im Motivationsprozess des JDR Modells?
Jobressourcen üben ihr motivierendes Potenzial aus, indem sie zur
* hohen Arbeitsengagement
* niedrigen Zynismus und
* hoher Leistung
Wie interagieren Jobressourcen und Jobanforderungen laut dem JDR Modell?
Jobressourcen können die negativen Effekte von Jobanforderungen auf den gesundheitsschädigenden Prozess abpuffern
Beschreib den cycle of work and rest
- During work, employees are confronted with physical, cognitive, or emotional demands
- Dealing with these demands requires physical, cognitive and emotional energy
- After work, people need to take a rest to recuperate from their effort investments and to allow their resources to be replenished → recovery
Was wird durch Erholung verhindert?
- Recovery will prevent the accumulation of fatigue and strain that otherwise would lead to serious health impairments
- crucial for determining whether reversible short-term stress responses will lead to long-term health effects
For recovery to occur, a number of conditions must be met. Which?
the existence of
- sufficient
- delimited and
- undisturbed
time periods
It is not alwyas possible to take undisturbed time periods for recovery. What should be done instead?
- in many cases changing activities has a similar effect as taking a rest, because a change in activities is often accompanied by a change in demands
- different resources are used and resources that have been strained during work can be replenished
Welche Arten an prevention methods existieren?
- behavioral and
- structural prevention
Which stress theory has served as the basis for many stress management programs?
The transactional stress theory by Lazarus (2006).
What are the two main coping strategies in behavioral stress management interventions?
Problem-oriented coping (e.g., systematic problem solving) and emotion-oriented coping (e.g., relaxation exercises).
Why might behavioral prevention approaches be limited in scope?
They focus on the individual’s capacity to cope with stressors but do not address the stressors themselves or the contextual work conditions.