Work Motivation & Positive Organizational Behavior Flashcards
What is Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS)?
- movement in organizational science focusing on dynamics leading to exceptional individual and organizational performance
- developing human strength, producing resilience and restoration, and fostering vitality
What are the four basic activities and assumptions of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS)?
- Reframe negative or challenging events positively
- Focus on extraordinarily positive outcomes or positively deviant performance
- Human beings strive for positive experiences, unlocking and strengthening resources
- Based on the eudaemonic assumption
What is the eudaemonic assumption?
humans strive for self-actualization, goodness, and human excellence
What is Positive Organizational Behavior (POB)?
- study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities
- can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement
How does POB differ from POS?
POS covers a broad range of positive phenomena, while POB focuses on specific individual resources
What is Psychological Capital (PsyCap)? By What is it characterized?
- an individual’s positive psychological state of development characterized by
- efficacy
- optimism
- hope
- resilience
How does PsyCap relate to the Conservation of Resources theory?
PsyCap’s four components interact to build a “resource caravan,” leading to beneficial outcomes across different times and contexts
Is PsyCap considered a stable trait or a changeable state?
PsyCap is conceptualized as a state-like resource with a trait baseline (or “set point”) that can change over time according to longitudinal studies
Can PsyCap be developed through interventions?
Yes, meta-analytic evidence shows that short training interventions can alter individuals’ levels of PsyCap, job performance, and well-being
What are some potential antecedents of PsyCap?
- Personality traits
- job characteristics
- supportive organizational climate
- leadership styles
How many core virtues and corresponding character strengths did Peterson and Seligman propose?
They proposed six core virtues and 24 corresponding character strengths.
Name the six core virtues that Peterson and Seligman proposed
- wisdom
- courage
- humanity
- justice
- temperance (Mäßigung)
- transcendence (die Fähigkeit, über die unmittelbare Realität und Erfahrungswelt)
What are the two most prominent concepts that describe personal growth in the work context?
Thriving and flourishing.
What is the definition of thriving in the work context?
Thriving is the psychological state in which individuals experience both a sense of vitality and a sense of learning at work. (Spreitzer et al., 2005)
Is thriving considered a state or a trait?
Thriving is conceptualized as a state rather than a trait. (Niessen et al., 2012; Prem et al., 2017)
What does the socially-embedded model of thriving at work describe?
- describes how stable work characteristics (e.g., climate of trust and respect, decision-making discretion) and
- dynamic resources (e.g., positive affect, positive meaning knowledge, social resources)
- stimulate agentic behaviors, enabling thriving
What factors are associated with thriving according to a meta-analysis?
- Work characteristics (e.g., perceived organizational support)
- dynamic individual resources (e.g., positive affect)
- social resources (e.g., supportive coworker behavior)
How is flourishing defined?
Flourishing means to live within an optimal range of human functioning.
What is the opposite of flourishing?
Languishing, described as an experience when individuals feel their lives are “hollow” or “empty”. (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005)
What factors predict flourishing in the work context?
+ Personal resources (self-efficacy and optimism)
+ social support and
+ actively seeking resources at work
What does flourishing in the work context positively predict?
- performance
- organizational citizenship behavior
What does flourishing in the work context negatively predict?
intention to leave
What does the term “affect” encompass?
All aspects of subjective emotional experiences and feelings
What are some outcomes associated with positive affect at work?
- Performance-related outcomes (e.g., organizational citizenship behavior) (Dalal, 2005)
- Motivation, health, and well-being
- Quality of social relationships