Groups & Teams Flashcards
Unterscheide zwischen Teams und Gruppen
* Goal
* Synergy
* Accountability
* Skills
Nach Steiner (1972), auf welchen Dimensionen können Teamaufgaben beschrieben werden?
- Component (Is the task meaningfully divisible?)
- Focus (is the focus on quantity or quality?)
- Interdependence (how are individual team members
performances combined into the group potential?)
Beschreib das Input-Process-Output Model (IPO) im Bezug auf Teamwork. Was ist Teamwork?
Teamwork = interaction of inputs, processes and output
Beschreib das Input-Mediator-Output-Input (IMOI) Model
- Research on the forming stage that primarily investigates relationships between inputs and mediators (IM), typically in an early stage in the lifecycle of a team,
- research on the functional stage that focuses on the relationship between mediators and outputs (MO), typically with teams whose members have some experience with working together, and
- research on the finishing stage investigating how the out- puts from one performance episode affect the inputs to the subsequent one (OI).
Beschreib das ABCDE model of team effectiveness
The ABCDE model conceptualizes inputs, mediating mechanisms, and structural features of the team »as overlapping coevolving facets of teams that collectively com- bine to generate effectiveness«
ABCDE model of team effectiveness
Was ist mit compositional features gemeint?
This refers to the overall mix and diversity of member characteristics within the team. It considers how the combination of individual attributes affects team dynamics and performance.
Beschreib das Categorization-Elaboration-Model (CEM) of team diversity and team effectiveness
Nenn die Vorteile von group decision making
Nenn die Nachteile von group decision making
Beschreib die funktionale Persepektive von team communication/interaction
Beschreib die social exchange theory im Bezug auf team communication/interaction
Beschreib das Five-phase model of group development (Tuckman, 1965)
Sind die Tuckman‘s 5 phases empirisch gestützt?
Was ist das Punctuated Equilibrium Model?
- Teams durchlaufen längere Phasen relativer Stabilität, unterbrochen von kurzen, intensiven Perioden des Wandels und der Anpassung
- Nicht-lineare Entwicklung: Teamentwicklung verläuft ungleichmäßig und ist von plötzlichen Veränderungen geprägt
- Teams entwickeln ein verstärktes Bewusstsein für Zeitdruck, wobei die Intensität der Arbeit und das Tempo zwischen stabilen und Veränderungsphasen variieren
Was sind Gründe für Team Meetings?
- Problem solving and idea generation
- Building consensus and making decisions
- Taking leadership influence
- Managing social relationships in remote work
- Shaping the organizational strategy
Nenn positive interaction patterns in meetings
- Solution-oriented behavior
- Concrete action planning
- Shared procedural leadership
- Shared positive humor
- Positivity spirals
Nenn negative interaction patterns in meetings
- Running off topic, criticizing others, self-promotion
- Complaining cycles
- Showing up late
Was ist stärker?
Negative effects of bad meeting or positive effects of good meeting behavior
Negative effects of bad meeting behavior are stronger
than the positive effects of good meeting behavior
Was zeichnet eine kleine Gruppe aus?
- each member can reasonably interact one-on-one with every other member
- each member both can influence directly, and can be influenced directly by, every other member of the group
Auf welchen zwei Dimensionen klassifiziert McGrath (1984) Gruppenaufgaben?
conflict-cooperation and conceptual-behavioral
Zwischen welchen acht Aufgabentypen unterscheidet das Framework von McGrath?
- Planning tasks
- creative tasks
- intellective tasks
- decision-making tasks
- cognitive conflict tasks
- mixed motives tasks
- contests
- performances.
Was ist die Kritik am CEM?
The fact that some differences may be seen as valuable by team members in the light of the demands of the given task is not covered by the CEM.
Was ist eine Faultline?
Ein Team in undiverse subgruppen aufzuteilen
Beschreibe das Problem von Faultlines
- homogeneous subgroups result
- it is more likely that members identify more with their subgroup and that conflicts between subgroups emerge
- faultlines are related to problematic outcomes, such as reduced performance and increased conflicts