Grand Theories Flashcards
Wie schaut das Modell der Action Regulation Theory aus?
Wie denkt die Action Regulation Theory Handeln/Action?
The theory conceives action as goal-directed behavior that needs to be cog- nitively regulated.
Action Regulation Theory
Was sind die vier Ebenen der Action Regulation? Welche Action-Typen existieren?
- Sensorimotor or skill level
- level of flexible action patterns
- intellectual level
- heuristic level
Action Regulation Theory
Beschreib das “Sensorimotor or skill level”
stereotyped and automatic movement sequences that are carried out without conscious attention (e.g., typing on a keyboard, shifting gears in the car)
Action Regulation Theory
Beschreib das “level of flexible action patterns”
action schemata that do not require con-scious representation and are tailored to situationally defined parameters (e.g., a res- taurant visit)
Action Regulation Theory
Beschreib das “intellectual level”
conscious regulation of new actions in a complex environment (e.g., solving a math problem or a conflict among employees)
Action Regulation Theory
Beschreib das “heuristic level”
metacognitive strategies, such as general problem-solving approaches that are pursued either consciously or automatically (e.g., always try- ing to identify positive aspects of a challen- ging situation)
Was ist die Kernaussage der Social Cognitive Theory?
learning is influenced by the social context
Social Cognitive Theory
Welche fünf Faktoren beeinflussen Lernen?
- Capabilities to show a behavior
- Replication of other people‘s actions through observational learning
- Internal and external reinforcements
- Outcome expectations
- Self-efficacy
Wie sieht die Social Cognitive Theory Menschen?
Humans proactively shape their environment and development
Social Cognitive Theory
Wann ist Lernen am effektivsten?
Learning is most effective when self-efficacy is high, which can be achieved
Wodurch kann Selbstwirksamkeit zum Beispiel erhöht werden?
- mastery experiences
- vicarious or social modeling of another person that the observer identifies with
- verbal persuasion, which entails encouragement to motivate a person
- positive physical and emotional states that enable someone to learn
Worauf fokussiert sich die Self-Determination Theory?
Focuses on explaining why and when, human behavior is self-determined or intrinsically motivated.
Self-Determination Theory
Welche Aufgaben erhöhen intrinsische Motivation?
Tasks that fulfill the human needs of
* autonomy
* competence and
* relatedness
increase intrinsic motivation.
Self-Determination Theory
Wann können extrinsische Faktoren intrinsiche Motivation verringern?
Extrinsic factors can lower intrinsic motivation if they impede the fulfillment of the below needs:
- autonomy
- competence
- relatedness
Was ist die Kernaussage der Person-Environment Fit Theory?
Characteristics of the person and the environment need to be well matched.
Person-Environment Fit Theory
Wann ergibt sich ein guter Fit?
For a good fit, the abilities of the individual should meet the demands of the job and the supplies should satisfy the individuals needs.
Welche Dimensionen hat die Person-Environment Fit Theory?
- Type of fit
- Level of work environment where the fit is achieved
- Generality or specificity of the fit
- Objectivity or subjectivity of the fit
- Static vs. Dynamic fit
Person-Environment Fit Theory
Was hat einen größeren Einfluss auf die Individuelle Haltung zum Job?
Person-Environment Fit or the job performance
The Person-Environment Fit influences individuals attitudes about their work more than their job performance
Was ist die Kernaussage der Role Theory?
Individuals occupy multiple social roles which influence their behavior in predictable ways.
can be domain-specific or influence behavior in different life domains
Was ist die Kernaussage der Role Theory?
Welche individuellen Bereiche beeinflusst das akzeptieren einer Rolle?
Accepting a role and its expectations as legitimate influences not only behavior but also cognitions and emotions.
→ Over time a role can become part of an individual‘s identity
Welche Faktoren können nach der Role Theory zu einem schlechteren Wohlbefinden führen?
- High demands
- role ambiguity
- role conflict
- lacking support
can impede the ability to fulfill a role and can lead to reduced well-being
Was ist die Kernaussage der Conservation of Resources Theory?
- Individuals are motivated to build and protect resources
- the loss of resources is seen as a threat.
Was sind Ressourcen nach der Conservation of Resources Theory?
all things with value for an individual
Was sorgt nach der Conservation of Resources Theory für Stress?
Stress results from
* the threat of losing a resource
* the actual loss or the
* failure of gaining resources after an investment of other resources
Conservation of Resources Theory
Was hat einen größeren Einfluss?
Ressourcenverlust oder -gewinn
Resource loss has a stronger impact than resource gain
Worauf fokussiert sich die Social Exchange Theory?
Focuses on the explanation of interactions and transactions between two parties
(e.g., employment relationship between employee and organization)
Was sagt die Social Exchange Theory über Geschenke für Mitarbeiter?
They should be in balance with the effort the employee invests for a satisfying social exchange
Social Exchange Theory
Was ist die Norm of reciprocity?
the felt obligation to reciprocate a given inducement
→ can also lead to less effort or leaving of employees
Social Exchange Theory
What can be the outcome of the felt obligation to reciprocate a given inducement?
can lead to
* less effort or
* leaving of employees
Was ist die Kernaussage der Control Theory?
the negative (or discrepancy reducing) feedback loop to get to a goal
Woraus besteht eine negative Feedbackschleife?
- a goal
- an input function (current state)
- a comparator and
- an output function (behavior)
Control Theory
Wie sind negative Feedbackschleifen angeordnet?
Hierarchisch, sodass eine Ausgabe einer Schleifer höherer Ordnung äquivalent zu dem Ziel einer Schleife niedriger Ordnung ist
Welche zwie Fit-Typen gibt es laut der Person-Environment Fit Theory?
- supplementary fit
- complementary fit
Person-Environment Fit Theory
Was ist ein supplementary fit?
exists when a worker has similar characteristics to other individuals in their work en- vironment
Person-Environment Fit Theory
Was ist ein complementary fit?
exists when the exchange between the worker and the work environment is asymmetrical
Was ist die Kernaussage der Lifespan Developmental Perspective?
- development is not predetermined
- there is much within-person modifiability in psychological development that can be influenced by individual and contextual factors
Conservation of Resources Theory
Was besagt das Prinzip ressource investment?
people have to invest existing resources to protect themselves against resource loss, to recover from loss, and to gain additional resources
Was ist social identity?
- that part of an individual’s self-concept which derives from his knowledge of his membership in a social group
- together with the value and emotional significance attached to that membership
Tajfel’s (1978)
Was ist accentuation?
social categorization processes lead people
* to cognitively minimize differences among in-group members, and
* to cognitively maximize differences between in-group and outgroup members