Organizational Change Flashcards
Beschreib the organizational climate
Was ist die organizational analysis?
Describe, explain and predict experiences and behavior
of organizational members to prepare for important decisions and to identify important areas for action
Was ist organizational development?
Planned change with a long-term focus on the entire organization, as opposed to specific organizational units
Forces for change along one or more of six dimensions. Nenn diese.
- The changing nature of the workforce
- Technology
- Economic shocks
- Competition
- Social trends
- World politics
Zwischen welchen Arten an change unterscheidet man?
- reactionary vs planned
- episodic vs continuous
Beschreib Kotter’s eight-step plan for implementing change
Warum schlägt change management in 70% der Fälle fehl?
- because change management is often reactive, discontinuous, and ad hoc
- Wide range of contradictory and confusing theories and a profound lack of empirical evidence
Was sind change agents?
- Typically members of the organization who carry out the change measures
- Role: sponsor and promote change initiatives
in the organization
name one of the critical obstacles to successful change management
Resistance to change in organizations
Inwiefern hängen stress und organizational change zusammen?
Frequent organizational change has been linked to subjective experiences of stress
(Johnson, Brems, Mills, Neal, & Houlihan, 2006)
However, considerable interindividual differences in responses
to change
Beschreib affective responses to organizational change auf den Dimensionen Activation und Valence
Resistance to change as a conversational phenomenon
Beschreib den modernen Blick auf change resistence
Beschreib autonomy-restrictive communication
- Advising without permission (“You should try…”)
- Confronting (arguing, correcting, blaming, persuading, criticizing)
- Directing (order, command or direction)
- Raising concern (pointing out possible problems)
- Warning (implying negative consequences)
How long does the linkage autonomy-restrictive behavior triggers resistance to change
These linkages persist up to three event lags in the observed conversations
How to overcome resistance to change?
Beschreib die bureaucracy theory
- the basic idea of bureaucracy is also rationalization of organizational processes, making them predictable and independent of specific individuals
- division of la- bor with clear responsibilities
- strong hierarchy to enable efficient coordination
- clear rules
- written documentation
good for stable environments
Erkläre die behavioral decision theory and the principle of bounded rationality
suggest that organizations consist of and adapt to changes in their environment through a system of decisions and corresponding actions of their members
* individuals are limited in their infor- mation processing capacity and their motivation to engage
* people have the intention to act in a rational way to maximize utility
* behavior is typically constrained due to limited knowledge about the boundary conditions
* limited ability to evaluate various decision alternatives and potential future outcomes
What does the behavioral decision theory suggest?
- that errors should be analyzed to optimize decisions
- formal rules and procedures should be implemented in organizations to ensure that decisions and actions are as rational as possible
behavioral decision theory
How do rules reduce complexity and uncertainty?
- a clear division of labor
- standardization of processes
- hierarchy of decision making
- filtering of information through clear communication channels
- the principle of »indoctri- nation.«
Beschreib die organizational politics theory
focuses on the personal interests of organizational members and the strategies they use to pursue their personal interests, such as coalition building
* an organization that has powerful members may be able to make fast, flexible, and good decisions
* however, at the same time, the theory emphasizes the possibility that some powerful members may take advantage of the organization
Was ist der prospective-proactive processes?
illustrate how organizational members dynamically create and maintain a culture over time
- entail mem- bers’ active contributions to the formation of cultural material, such as values, arti- facts, and symbols
Was ist der retrospective-retroactive process?
involves members’ evaluations of the existing organizational culture
Was ist die Kernaussage von Hatchs (1993) proposed process model
individuals espoused beliefs and values represent the foundations of organizational culture
Was besagt die integrationist perspective on organizational culture?
proposed that within each organization there is only one gestalt culture that includes assumptions shared by all members
* there must be a consensus on an organizational feature among members
Was besagt die fragmented perspective on organizational culture?
proposes that it is unlikely that all organizational members, across dif- ferent departments and levels, share similar values and beliefs and, therefore, focuses on the role of inconsistency, paradox, and contradiction in organizations
Was besagt die differentiation perspective on organizational culture?
proposes that several subcultures may exist within an organization that entail different attributions of meaning
Beschreib das competing values framework (Quinn & Rohrbaugh, 1983)
The model suggests that two value dimensions – flexibility vs. stability and internal vs. external focus – are essential for defining organizational effectiveness.
Was sind clan cultures?
flexible and internal focus
are friendly workplaces where leaders act like parents
Was sind Adhocracy cultures?
flexible and external focus
re found in dynamic workplaces where leaders facilitate innovation
Was sind Hierarchy cultures?
stability and internal focus
are structured and formalized workplaces where leaders serve as coordinators
Was sind market cultures?
stability and external focus
are competitive workplaces with ambitious leaders
compositional model of organizational climate
Was ist psychological climate?
individual employees’ perceptions constitute the basis of organizational climate
compositional model of organizational climate
What is team climate or organizational climate?
When the psychological climates perceptions are shared among employees within a team or organization
Nenn drei Methoden für Organizational Development
- Laboratory Method
- Survey-Feedback Method
- Sociotechnical Systems Theory
Beschreib die Laboratory Method
- a group of people work together for some time to learn about group processes and how to effectively manage these processes
- these groups provide optimal learning conditions when three conditions are met
- learning new atti- tudes and behaviors in this process takes place in three phases called »unfreeze,« »change,« and »refreeze.«
Groups provide optimal learning conditions when three conditions are met. Which?
- people find themselves in an unstructured situation with complete strangers and no agenda (have to act spontaneously)
- according to the »here and now« principle, only things happening in the current moment should be discussed (everyone is invited to participate)
- group members provide others with feedback on how they experience them (increase social awareness)
What is meant by unfreeze?
First, group members previously routinized behaviors and attitudes are unfrozen through feedback from others, which first leads to defensiveness and subsequently to the development of awareness that expectations are not consistent with reality anymore, and an openness to reflection.
What is meant by the change phase?
During the change (or »moving«) phase, people can explore and test new behaviors and attitudes, generate solutions, and solve problems, which subsequently are implemented and stabilized in the group (i.e., they are refrozen).
What does the Sociotechnical Systems Theory suggest?
sociotechnical systems theory suggests that social relationships are important for organizational development and performance
Changes in the organization, such as changes in working conditions and techno- logical developments, lead to changes in so- cial relationships. What does the Sociotechnical Systems Theory suggest?
Accordingly, the theory suggests that the social and technical sub- systems of organizations are not indepen- dent and have to be optimized together. Thus, approaches of OD in this tradition include job enrichment, introduction of semi-autonomous work groups, and imple- mentation of quality circles.