Leadership Flashcards
Was ist Leadership?
- Can occur in formal leadership positions or informally
- Motivates others to contribute to goals
- Rooted in social context
- Dynamic, not static
- Occurs between interaction partners
Nenn die Levels of conceptualization for leadership theories
Levels of conceptualization for leadership theories
Beschreib das Organizational Level
- How top executives influence lower-level members
- How leaders influence organizational culture
Levels of conceptualization for leadership theories
Beschreib das Group Level
- How leadership is shared in the team/group
- How leaders trigger or inhibit specific member behaviors during team interactions
Levels of conceptualization for leadership theories
Beschreib das dyad level
- How a supervisor facilitates the work of a subordinate
- How leaders and followers influence each other
Levels of conceptualization for leadership theories
Beschreib das intra-individual level
- How leader traits and values influence leader behavior
- How leaders make decisions
Beschrieb trait theories of leadership
- Effective leaders possess certain individual
Gib ein Beispiel für eine trait theory of leadership
Great man theory: “Great leaders are born, not made”
Was sind behavioral theories of leadership?
- Studies that focused on the behaviors common to effective leaders
Was wurde bei der Ohio State Studies (1940) getan und was kam dabei heraus?
Documentation of leader behaviors
Wie hat Yukl (2012) das Modell der Ohio Studies erweitert?
leadership behaviors should be differentiated into
- task-
- relations-, and
- change-oriented behavior as well as
- external activities.
Was sind contingency theories of leadership?
- No one leadership style (no “one size fits all”-approach)
- Effectiveness of leadership depends upon the situation/context
- Focus on the interaction of characteristics of both the leader and the situation
Nenn die vier in der Vorlesung vorgestellten Theorien und Modelle zu contingency theories of leadership
- Fiedler’s contingency model
- Path-goal theory
- The decision-making model
- Leader-member exchange (LMX)
Was ist Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership?
The model states that there is no one best style of leadership. Instead, a leader’s effectiveness is based on the situation. This is the result of two factors – “leadership style” and “situational favorableness”
With reegards to Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership, what are the three contingencies or situational characteristics determine leadership effectiveness?
- leader-member relations
- task structure
- leader’s position
Depending on the combination in which the three contingencies manifest in a situation, the leader should either be task- or relations-oriented in order to lead effectively.
Was sagt die path-goal theory?
Leader’s job is to clarify followers’ path to their desired goals
Was ist das decision-making model?
Matches characteristics of the situation with leader decision-
making strategies and prescribes appriopriate leader behavior depending on the
specific situation.
Nach dem decision-making model, welchen Strategien können Leader nachgehen?
- acting alone
- consulting with others
- group consensus
Beschreib Autocratic (A1)
The leader makes the decision by himself using existing
information without any communication with the team.
Beschreib Autocratic (A2)
The leader consults with team members to get information, but make the decision by himself or herself without informing the group.
Beschreib Consultative (C1)
The leader consults the team members to get their opinion
about the situation, but he or she makes the decision for themselves.
Beschreib Consultative (C2)
The leader consults the team members seeking opinions and
suggestions, but he or she makes the decision for himself or herself. In this type of
leadership style, the leader is open to suggestions and ideas.
Beschreib Collaborative (G2)
The leader shares the decision-making process with team
members. He or she supports the team in making the decision and finding an
answer that everyone agrees on.
Was ist die Hauptannahme von relational theories on leadership
Effective leaders have high-quality relationships with followers
Worauf fokussieren sich transactional leaders?
Transactional leaders focus on getting tasks done and exchange rewards for efforts
Was ist die Hauptannahme von moral theories on leadership?
Effective leaders need to do the right thing, the right way, for the right reasons
Worauf fokussieren sich transformational leaders?
transformational leaders offer individualized consideration of every follower’s needs, exhibit idealized influence, deliver inspirational motivation and provide intellectual stimulation
Was ist die Hauptannahme von implicit theories on leadership?
Effective leaders match implicit leadership
prototypes of followers as individuals and groups
Was ist die Hauptannahme von transformational theories on leadership?
Effective leaders transform their followers; leaders signal certain qualities and followers react upon that
Nenn die einflussreichsten leadership styles nach den moral leadership theories
- ethical leadership
- servant leadership (i.e. leaders’ selfless striving to assist others before themselves and en- couragement of followers to do the same)
- authentic leadership
Nenn Beispiele für Theorien und Modelle für relational theories on leadership
- Relative LMX
- LMX differentiation
Nenn Beispiele für Theorien und Modelle für implicit theories on leadership
- Leader prototypicality
- Leader group prototypicality
Nenn Beispiele für Theorien und Modelle für transformational theories on leadership
- Full-range leadership
- Charismatic leadership
Nenn Beispiele für Theorien und Modelle für moral theories on leadership
- Ethical leadership
- Servant leadership
- Authentic leadership
Beschreib das leader-member exchange model (LMX)
- Leaders develop unique working relationships with individual group members
- One subset of employees, the “in-group” (with high-quality LMX) is given additional rewards, responsibilities, and trust in exchange for their loyalty and performance (social exchange logic)
- Employees with low LMX only interact
with leader based on contractual obligations (transactional exchange logic)
Beschreib die Charismatic leadership theory
Some leaders possess exceptional characteristics that cause
followers to be loyal and inspired
Was sind Characteristics of charismatic leaders?
Was sind Characterisitcs of followers of charismatic leaders?
Was sind elements of charismatic situations?
Nenn die sechs Dimensionen der transformational leadership theory
Vergleiche transactional mit transformational leadership
Beschreib abusive supervision
hostile behavior towards employees
(ridiculing, spreading rumors, taking credit for work,
giving the silent treatment, withholding information…)
* poor supervision is a root cause of stress in the
Beschreib das toxic triangle of destructive leadership
Laut einer Metastudie, wozu führt lower levels of transformational leadership and higher levels of abusive supervision`
Higher levels of stress and burnout
jedoch: keine klare Korrelation
Erkläre folgende Grafik
Transformational Leadership Style korreliert mit Leaders’ solution-focused behavior und das korreliert mit solution-focused behavior von anderen
Erkläre folgende Grafik
- Transformational Leadership Style korreliert positiv mit Leaders’ solution-focused behavior und das korreliert negativ mit counterproductive behavior von anderen.
- Transformational Leadership Style korreliert negativ mit counterproductive behavior von anderen.
Was besagt die Babble-Hypothese?
Die Babble-Hypothese besagt, dass Personen, die in Gruppen mehr sprechen, unabhängig vom Inhalt ihrer Aussagen, mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit als Führungspersonen wahrgenommen werden
Studie aus der VL
Was sind relevante predictor of emergent leadership in the first meeting?
- task-oriented behavior
- change-oriented behavior
Studie aus der VL
Was sind relevante predictor of emergent leadership in the halfterm meeting?
task-oriented behaviors
Studie aus der VL
Was sind relevante predictor of emergent leadership in the last meeting?
realtions-oriented behaviors