Personnel Attraction and Selection Flashcards
Name two typical exercises used in Assessment Centers
- Leaderless Group Discussion: Candidates discuss a topic among peers without a designated leader.
- In-basket Exercise: Candidates sort and respond to a series of documents within a set time frame.
Was ist der Impact von Faking im Selection Process?
Studies show mixed results regarding its impact on selection decisions and job performance.
Which two current societal changes are impacting personnel selection?
- Aging Populations: Fewer applicants on the market, giving more power to applicants in job selection.
- Increasing Diversity: Organizations focus not only on hiring the best candidates but also on creating a diverse workforce to better serve diverse customers and to ensure fairness in selection processes.
What is the main focus of personnel selection in work, organizational, and business psychology and on what does it concentrate?
Personnel selection primarily focuses on pragmatic outcomes, aiming to find the best match for a job.
It concentrates on predictive validity of selection procedures to ensure they can forecast job performance.
What ist predictive validity in the context of personnel selection?
It connects the results of selection procedures (like tests) to future job performance.
Welchem Prinzip folgt das Folgende?
This principle assumes that an individual’s past behavior is a reliable indicator of future performance. Common practices based on this principle include reference checks and behavioral interview questions.
“past behavior predicts future behavior”
What ist concurrent validity in the context of personnel selection?
It involves testing prediction tools and simultaneously collecting job performance data from current job holders.
Welchem Prinzip folgt das Folgende?
This principle emphasizes observing actual skills through actions rather than descriptions, supporting the use of practical tests or simulations (e.g., plays) in the selection process.
“show me what you can do”
What is signaling theory and how does it apply to personnel selection? What does it suggest?
- Signaling theory addresses the communication between employers and applicants, suggesting that trustworthy signals are those hard to fake or costly to produce.
- It deals with the divergence in interests between both parties, emphasizing the strategic presentation of skills and attributes.
What is ATIC and why is it important in personnel selection?
- It stands for the Ability to Identify Criteria.
- It refers to an applicant’s capacity to detect subtle hints about what assessors value during selection processes.
- High ATIC scores correlate with better performance both in selection processes and on the job.
What are the theoretical models that explain faking and self-presentation?
- Levashina and Campion’s model of faking likelihood
- Marcus’s process model of self-presentation
Was beinhaltet Levashina and Campion’s model of faking likelihood
it includes
* capacity to fake
* willingness to fake and
* opportunity to fake
Was beinhaltet Marcus’s process model of self-presentation?
it involves assessing
* organization’s expectations
* adjusting self-presentation strategies and
* utilizing behavioral skills to meet those expectations
What does the ASA (attraction-selection-attrition) model propose in recruitment and selection?
It proposes that applicants are attracted to, selected by, and remain with organizations that are similar to them.
Was ist das Ergebnis von “ASA proposes that applicants are attracted to, selected by, and remain with organizations that are similar to them.” Und wieso könnte es problematisch sein?
- results in organizational homogeneity
- might hinder necessary changes within the organization.
What is the problem with only trying to change structures and processes in highly homogeneous organizations?
fail to notice that »people make the place«
What is the general problem with highly homogeneous organizations?
could mean that they fail to notice that change is required
What needs to be done in the Preparation Phase of personnel selection?
- conduct a thorough job analysis
- using tools like the Fleishman Job Analysis Survey or the critical incident technique to understand the necessary KSAOs for the job
Wofür steht KSAO
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Abilities
- Other characteristics
What is the critical incident technique?
Method for job analysis by e.g., asking other team leaders which behaviors separate good from bad leaders
What considerations should be made during the recruitment phase?
- choose between internal and external recruitment
- considering the firm-specific KSAOs from internal candidates and
- using various advertisement strategies for external sourcing to ensure a good candidate pool
Was sind GMA Tests?
General Mental Ability Tests
What are the four major caveats to keep in mind when considering personnel selection practices?
- Construct Validity Problems
- Subgroup Differences
- Overreliance on Entry-Level Jobs
- Scientist-Practitioner Gap
Was sind SJTs?
Situational Judgement Tests
four major caveats in personnel selection practices
Was sind Construct Validity Problems?
- Often it is unclear exactly what is being measured in selection procedures and
- whether the intended constructs are truly assessed.
four major caveats in personnel selection practices
Was sind Subgroup Differences?
Variations in performance between different demographic groups (e.g., gender, race) are documented, raising questions about fairness and accuracy of selection measures
four major caveats in personnel selection practices
Was ist Overreliance on Entry-Level Jobs?
Research and validity studies often focus disproportionately on entry-level positions, possibly skewing understanding of selection effectiveness in higher-level positions.
four major caveats in personnel selection practices
Was ist der Scientist-Practitioner Gap?
A significant disconnect exists between the evidence-based findings of research and the actual practices implemented by practitioners, often influenced by commercial interests and existing biases.