Words 2001 to 2075 (vēnor to vultus) Flashcards
vēnor, vēnārī, vēnātus sum (dep.)
[gen. pl. ppl., vēnantum]
to hunt
venter, ventris (m.)
belly, stomach, womb;
phr., frūctus ventris fruit of the womb, child
ventus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 269
wind, breeze
vēr, vēris (n.)
spring, springtime
verberō, verberāre, verberāvī, verberātum
to beat, strike
verbum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 188
vereor, verērī, veritus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 884
to fear, stand in awe (of)
vēritās, vēritātis (f.)
vērō, vērum (conj., usu. postposit.)
DCC rank 280
but, however;
CL as adv. of affirmation, in fact, certainly, without doubt
versum, versus (prep. + acc.)
versus, -ūs (m.)
verse, line of poetry, verse (of a liturgical responsory chant)
vertō, vertere, vertī, versum
DCC rank 288
to turn (someone, something);
often pass., vertor, verterī, versus sum to turn (oneself)
vērumtamen (coord. conj.)
but, nevertheless
vērus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 410 (vērus)
DCC rank 983 (vērē)
as sb., vērum, -ī (n.) truth, that which is true;
adv., vērē truly;
cf. vērō, vērum (adv.)
vēscor, vēscī, — (dep.)
to fill oneself with food;
to feed (upon)
vesper, vesperī (m.)
[abl. sg. both vesperō and vespere]
the evening star (Venus);
adj., vesperus, -a, -um belonging to the evenin;
as (f.) pl. sb., vesperae, -ārum (f.) Vespers (liturgical service at sundown)
vester, vestra, vestrum (poss. pronom. adj.)
DCC rank 282
your (pl.)
vestīgium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 716
footstep, footprint, track
vestīmentum, -ī (n.)
clothing, garment
vestiō, vestīre, vestīvī (vestiī), vestītum
[poet. impf. vestībam]
to dress;
nb always transitive, thus, sē vestīre to dress oneself
vestis, vestis (f.)
DCC rank 413
garment, robe;
pl., vestēs, vestium clothing
vetō, vetāre, vetuī, vetitum
DCC rank 665
to forbid
vetus, veteris (adj.)
DCC rank 295
old, ancient
vexō, vexāre, vexāvī, vexātum
to vex, trouble
via, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 196
way, street
vīcīnus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 940
neighboring, near;
as sb., vīcīnus, -ī (m.), vīcīna, -ae (f.) neighbour;
as n. sb., vīcīnum, -ī neighbourhood, vicinity
vicis (gen.), vicem (acc.), vice (abl.), vicēs (pl. nom./acc.), vicibus (pl. dat./abl.) (f.)
[no nom.]
change, interchange, alternation, succession, turn;
prō hāc vice for this instance (only);
cf. invicem
victima, -ae (f.)
sacrificial animal, victim
victor, victōris (m.)
DCC rank 340
victōria, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 750