Words 0001 to 0200 (ā to blandus) Flashcards
ā, ab (prep. + abl.)
DCC rank 21
by, from, on the side of;
also as abs, found almost only in phrase abs tē
abbās, abbātis (m.)
abbātissa, abbātissae (f.)
abbātia, -ae (f.)
abbey, monastery
abeō, abīre, abiī (abīvī), abitum
DCC rank 553
to go away, depart
abscondō, abscondere, abscondī (abscondidī), absconditum (abscōnsum)
to hide, conceal
absque (prep. + abl.)
apart from, away from;
ML = sine (q.v.) without
absum, abesse, āfuī, [fut. ppl. āfutūrus]
DCC rank 444
to be absent, away;
pres. ppl. as adj., absēns, absentis absent
abundō, abundāre, abundāvī, abundātum
to overflow, stream over (of a river or lake);
to abound, have in large measure, be rich in, possess, enjoy;
pres. ppl. as adj., abundāns, abundantis abounding (in), abundant;
as adv., abundanter abundantly
ac, atque (conj.)
DCC rank 36 (ac)
DCC rank 35 (atque)
and in addition, and also;
after comparatives, than;
ac sī (acsī) as if
accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessum
DCC rank 614
to go up to, approach
accendō, accendere, accendī, accēnsum
to inflame, light, kindle
accīdō, accīdere, accīdī, accīsum [ad + caedō (q.v.)]
to cut into, cut down;
pf. ppl. as adj., accīsus, -a, -um troubled, impaired, ruined;
not the same as short-i accidō (q.v.)
accidō, accidere, accidī, — [ad + cadō (q.v.)]
DCC rank 799
to fall;
to happen, befall;
usu. impers., acciditit happens, it befell, came to pass (that);
not the same as long-ī accīdō (q.v.)
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptum [ad + capiō]
DCC rank 110
to receive; to learn
accūso, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātum
to accuse, blame
ācer, ācris, ācre (adj.)
DCC rank 587
sharp, piercing
acerbus, -a, -um (adj.)
aciēs, aciēī (f.)
DCC rank 439
line of battle
acquiēscō, acquiēscere, acquiēvī, acquiētum (adqu-)
to become quiet, come to rest, be content;
to assent, submit, acquiesce
acquīrō, acquirere, acquīsīvī, acquīsītum (adq-)
[ad + quaerō]
to get in addition, obtain besides, accumulate
āctus, -ūs
act, deed
ad (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 14
to, up to, towards;
unto, according to, after (the pattern/example of);
ML orth. sometimes at, not to be confused with at, ast = but, yet
addō, addere, addidī, additum
DCC rank 433
to give to;
to place, put;
to add to
addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductum
[ad + dūcō]
DCC rank 886
to lead to;
to induce
adeō (adv.)
DCC rank 555
so much, so greatly, so far;
adeō… ut… so far… that…
adeō, adīre, adiī (adīvī), aditum
[ad + eō]
DCC rank 595
to go to
adhaereō, adhaerēre, adhaesī, adhaesum
to cling to (+ dat.)
adhibeō, adhibēre, adhibuī, adhibitum
DCC rank 959
to apply;
to summon, employ
adhūc (adv.)
DCC rank 379
thus far, to the point, until now, hitherto, as yet;
ML also still, further, in the future
adipīscor, adipīscī, adeptus sum
to obtain
aditus, -ūs
opportunity, permission
adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiūtum
to help
admīror, admīrārī, admīrātus sum (dep.)
to wonder at, marvel at, admire
admoneō, admonēre, admonuī, admonitum
to admonish, remind
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātum
to honour, adore, worship
adsum (ass-), adesse, adfuī, adfuturus (affu-)
[fut. inf. adfore sometimes used instead of adfuturus esse]
DCC rank 279
to be present
adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventum
DCC rank 987
to come to, arrive at
adventus, -ūs (m.)
coming, approach, arrival;
Advent (liturgical season preceding Christmas)
adversus, adversum (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 986
opposite to, against;
towards, facing;
in the presence of;
opposed, unfavourable
advertō, advertere, advertī, adversum
DCC rank 986
CL to turn towards;
to direct, turn (something)
advertō, advertere, advertī, adversum
DCC rank 986
ML to observe, notice
(= CL animadvertō)
aedēs (aedis), aedis (f.)
DCC rank 965
pl., aedēs, aedum house
aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātum
[aedēs + faciō]
to build, construct, erect;
to build up, establish;
ML also to edify, improve
aeger, aegra, aegrum (adj.)
DCC rank 810 (aeger)
DCC rank 984 (aegrē)
adv., aegrē scarcely, hardly, with difficulty
aequor, aequoris (n.)
DCC rank 424
level surface;
sea, plain
aequus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 610 (aequus)
DCC rank 904 (aequē)
adv., aequē in like manner, in the same manner;
aequē… quam… just… as…
āēr, āĕris (m.)
DCC rank 845
aes, aeris (n.)
DCC rank 744
copper, bronze
aestās, aestātis (f.)
DCC rank 308
aestimō, aestimāre, aestimāvī, aestimātum
[fr. aes copper coin]
to estimate, value;
to think, consider as
aestīvus, -a, -um (adj.)
of summer
aestuō, aestuāre, aestuāvī, aestuātum
to boil, burn;
to rage
aestus, -ūs (m.)
seething, burning
aetās, aetātis (f.)
age, time of life
aeternitās, aeternitātis (f.)
aeternus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 734
everlasting, eternal;
acc. sg. as adv., aeternum eternally, forever
aethēr, aetheris (n.)
DCC rank 851
pure upper air, ether, heaven, sky
aevum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 875
lifetime, age
afferō, afferre, attulī, allātum (adf-, adt-, adl-)
[ad + ferō]
DCC rank 514
to bring to;
to announce
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectum
[ad + faciō]
DCC rank 958
to affect;
to visit with (+ abl.)
affirmō (adfirmō), affirmāre, affirmāvī, affirmātum
to affirm
afflīgō, afflīgere, afflīxī, afflīctum
to throw down, overthrow;
to ruin, weaken, reduce;
pf. ppl. as adj., afflīctus, -a, -um cast down, miserable, unfortunate, wretched, distressed
ager, agrī (m.)
DCC rank 324
agitō, agitāre, agitāvī, agitātum
[freq. of agō (q.v.)]
DCC rank 578
to drive, urge, stir up
āgmen, āgminis (n.)
DCC rank 358
line of march;
army, forces.
agnōscō, agnōscere, agnōvī, agnitum
[ad + (g)nōscō]
to recognize
agnus, -ī (m.)
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum
DCC rank 69
to drive, do, act
agrestis, -e (adj.)
rural, of the country
agricola, -ae (m.)
aiō (1st sg. pres.), ait (3rd sg. pres.), aiunt (3rd pl. pres.), aiēbat (3rd sg. impf.), aiēbant (3rd pl. impf.)
DCC rank 406
to say;
affirm, say yes;
ut āiunt as they say
āla, -ae (f.)
alacer (alacris), alacris, alacre (adj.)
albus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 925
aliās (adv.)
at another time
alibi (adv.)
aliēnus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 367
foreign, strange, belonging to another
aliōquī, aliōquīn (adv.)
otherwise (if something is not done)
aliquā (adv.)
by some way
aliquandō (adv.)
DCC rank 763
at some time, once;
at length
aliquantulus, -a, -um
[dimin. of aliquantus] (adj.)
little, small;
as sb. with partit. gen., a little (of);
as adv., aliquantulum somewhat, a little
aliquantus, -a, -um (indef. adj.)
some (in quantity)
aliquī, aliqua, aliquod (indef. pron.)
DCC rank 77
someone, something
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid
(comp. indef. pron.)
DCC rank 77
someone, something;
ali- dropped when preceded by sī, nisi, num, nōn, or nē;
e.g., sī quis, sī quid if someone, if something
aliquō (adv.)
somewhither, to somewhere
aliquot (indecl. indef. adj.)
some (in number)
aliquotiēns (adv.)
at some (various) times
aliter (adv.)
DCC rank 782
otherwise, differently
alius, alia, aliud
[gen. sg. usu. supplied by alterīus; dat. m. often aliī] (pronom. adj.)
DCC rank 37
other, another;
alii… alii… some… others…
non aliud… quam… no other than, nothing but, only
alloquor, alloquī, allocūtus sum (dep.)
to address, speak to
alō, alere, aluī, altum (alitum)
DCC rank 817
to nourish
altāre (altar), altāris (n.), altārium, -iī (n.)
altāria, altārium (n. pl.)
CL things placed upon an altar for sacrifice
alter, altera, alterum
[gen. sg. alterīus, dat. sg. alterī] (pronom. adj.)
DCC rank 148
other of two, latter;
alter… alter… the one… the other…
altitūdō, altitūdinis (f.)
height, loftiness;
exalted rank or status
altus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 159
high, lofty;
comp., altior (altius, n.), altiōris higher;
superl., altissimus, -a, -um highest;
superl. as sb., Altissimus, -ī (m.) the Highest, God
amārus, -a, -um (adj.)
adv., amārē bitterly
ambō, ambae, ambō (adj.)
sometimes equivalent to uterque either
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum
to walk
amīcitia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 690
amīcus, amīca, amīcum (adj.)
DCC rank 198
often as sb., amīcus, -ī friend
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissum
DCC rank 486
to let go, send away;
to lose
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum
DCC rank 219
to love;
pres. ppl. as sb., amāns, amantis (c.) lover
āmodo (ammodo) (adv.)
EL from now, in the future
amor, amōris (m.)
DCC rank 116
amplus, ampla, amplum
DCC rank 915
large, spacious;
adv., amplē abundantly, extensively;
comp. adv., amplius more, more abundantly
an (interr. conj.)
DCC rank 94
or can it be that…? (word introducing a question that expresses surprise and expects that answer no);
an nōn (annōn) (interr. conj.) or not?
ancilla, -ae, (f.)
maidservant, handmaid
ancilla, -ae, (f.) CL
CL slave-girl
angelus, -ī (m.)
angulus, -ī (m.)
corner, unfrequented place
angustia, -ae
(more commonly pl., angustiae, -ārum) (f.)
narrowness, strait;
scarcity, poverty;
distress, perplexity
anima, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 493
breath, spirit (the soul that animates a physical body;
cf. animus)
animal, animālis (n.)
DCC rank 547
living being;
animus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 40
mind, spirit, heart, courage, will;
(the rational soul; cf. anima)
annūntiō, annūntiāre, annūntiāvī, annūntiātum [ad + nūntiō]
to announce, make known, proclaim
annus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 167
ante (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 112
(of time) before, previously, previous to; (of place) before, in front of
anteā (adv.)
before, earlier, previously
antequam (subord. conj.)
DCC rank 787
before that
anterior (anterius, n.), anteriōris
(comp. adj.)
that is before, foremost;
(of time) previous, former;
adv., anterius previously, formerly;
ML anterior sometimes = CL prior (q.v.)
antīquus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 617
ancient, old-time, former
ānulus (annulus), -ī (m.)
ring (esp. ring worn on the finger)
aper, aprī (m.)
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertum
DCC rank 837
to open
apostolus, -ī (m.)
esp. the apostle Paul
appāreō, appārēre, appāruī, appāritum
DCC rank 830
to appear, become visible;
impers., appāretit is evident
appellō, appellāre, appellāvī, appellātum
DCC rank 700
to call, address, name;
to request
applicō, applicāre, applicāvī, applicātum
[pf. sometimes applicuī; sup. sometimes applicitum]
to push (towards), lean against, approach;
to attach, apply;
to devote (one’s mind);
to drive, direct, steer
appōnō, appōnere, appōnere, apposuī, appositum [ad + pōnō]
to apply;
to place near;
to set (a table)
apprehendō, apprehendere, apprehendī, apprehēnsum
(poet., apprēndō, apprēndere, apprēndī, apprēnsum)
to seize
appropinquō, appropinquāre, appropinquāvī, appropinquātum
to approach (+ dat., or ad + acc.) [ML sometimes simply + acc.];
ML also found as appropiō, appropiāre, appropiāvī, appropiātum.
aptus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 916
fit, suitable, apt
apud (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 205
at, with (someone), near, in the presence of, at the house of
aqua, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 272
aquilō, aquilōnis (m.)
the north wind;
the north
āra, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 374
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 963
to consider, think, judge
arbor, arboris (f.)
DCC rank 468
arca, -ae (f.)
chest, box, coffer, safe;
biblical, arca Nōē Noah’s ark;
arca foederis Ark of the Covenant
ārdeō, ārdēre, ārsī, ārsum
DCC rank 618
to blaze, glow;
to be eager
argenteus, -a, -um (adj.)
from silver, made of silver, adorned with silver
argentum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 849
silver, money
arguō, arguere, arguī, argūtum
to show, prove, assert;
to attempt to show, accuse
ariēs, arietis (m.)
ram (male sheep);
battering ram
arma, armōrum (n. pl.)
DCC rank 98
arms, weapons
armō, armāre, armāvī, armātum
to arm
arōma, arōmatis (n.)
sweet odour;
arripiō, arripere, arripuī, arreptum
[ad + rapiō]
to seize
ars, artis (f.)
DCC rank 258
skill, art
arvus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 637 (arvum)
ploughed, arable;
as sb., arvum, -ī (n.) ploughed land, field
arx, arcis (f.)
DCC rank 638
citadel, castle;
ascendō, ascendere, ascendī, ascēnsum
DCC rank 990
to go up (into, onto), ascend, climb up
asinus, -ī (m.)
donkey, ass;
blockhead, dolt
asper, aspera, asperum
abstr. sb., asperitās, asperitātis (f.) harshness
aspiciō (adsp-), aspicere, aspēxī, aspectum
[ad + speciō]
DCC rank 483
to look to, look at, behold
asserō, asserere, asseruī, asertum (ads-) CL
CL to claim, lay claim to, appropriate
asserō, asserere, asseruī, asertum (ads-) ML
ML to state, assert
assūmō (ads-), assūmere, assūmpsī, assūmptum
[ad + sūmō]
to take up, take to oneself, accept, assume
astrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 685
at, ast (conj.)
DCC rank 74
but, but yet;
phr.,* at enim* (conj.) but it will be said;
phr., at saltem (but, then) at least
atquī (coord. conj.)
but, yet
ātrium, -iī (n.)
courtyard, outer room, hall
attamen (coord. conj.)
but, nevertheless
attendō, attendere, attendī, attentum
[ad + tendō]
to attend, give heed
auctor, auctōris (m.)
DCC rank 546
originator, founder;
author, authority
auctōritās, auctōritātis (f.)
DCC rank 898
influence, clout, authority
audāx, audācis (adj.)
DCC rank 876
bold, daring
audeō, audēre, ausus sum
DCC rank 270
to dare (to);
to be eager (to);
pres. ppl. as adj., audēns, audentis daring, bold
audiō, audīre, audīvī (audiī), audītum
DCC rank 165
to hear, listen to
auferō (abf-), auferre, abstulī, ablātum
[ab + ferō]
DCC rank 556
to take away
augeō, augēre, auxī, auctum
DCC rank 709
to increase
aula, -ae (f.)
court, yard, hall, palace
aura, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 420
aureus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 691
auris, -is (f.)
DCC rank 366
aurum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 303
aut (coord. conj.)
DCC rank 24
or, either;
aut… aut… either… or…
(coord. conj., usu. 2nd word in a clause)
DCC rank 123
but, now, however;
in LL, EL, and ML, often used for ‘and’ or as untranslatable verbal punctuation, marking the start of a new sentence.
auxilium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 543
support, assistance;
help, aid;
pl., auxilia, -iōrum auxiliary forces
avāritia, -ae (f.)
greed, avarice
avārus, -a, -um (adj.)
āvertō, āvertere, āvertī, āversum
to turn (something) away, avert;
to embezzle, divert, estrange
avis, -is (f.)
DCC rank 855
abl. more commonly avī than ave
baptismus, -ī (m.), baptisma, -ae (f.), baptismum, -ī (n.), baptisma, baptismatis (n.)
barba, -ae (f.)
barbarus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 768
foreign, uncivilized, barbaric;
as sb., barbarus, -ī (m.) foreigner, barbarian
basilica, -ae (f.)
CL public building used for business transactions and legal proceedings
basilica, -ae (f.)
ML church, basilica
beātus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 408
happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate;
superl., beātissimus, -a, -um most blessed
bellum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 86
bene (adv.)
DCC rank 235
comp. melius better;
superl. optimē in the best manner
benedīcō, benedīcere, benedīxī, benedictum
CL to praise;
pf. ppl. as adj., benedictus, -a, -um blessed
benedīcō, benedīcere, benedīxī, benedictum
ML to bless;
pf. ppl. as adj., benedictus, -a, -um blessed
beneficium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 182
service, kindness, benefit
benignus, -a, -um (adj.)
bēstia, -ae (f.)
bibō, bibere, bibī
to drink
blandus, -a, -um (adj.)