Words 0001 to 0200 (ā to blandus) Flashcards
ā, ab (prep. + abl.)
DCC rank 21
by, from, on the side of;
also as abs, found almost only in phrase abs tē
abbās, abbātis (m.)
abbātissa, abbātissae (f.)
abbātia, -ae (f.)
abbey, monastery
abeō, abīre, abiī (abīvī), abitum
DCC rank 553
to go away, depart
abscondō, abscondere, abscondī (abscondidī), absconditum (abscōnsum)
to hide, conceal
absque (prep. + abl.)
apart from, away from;
ML = sine (q.v.) without
absum, abesse, āfuī, [fut. ppl. āfutūrus]
DCC rank 444
to be absent, away;
pres. ppl. as adj., absēns, absentis absent
abundō, abundāre, abundāvī, abundātum
to overflow, stream over (of a river or lake);
to abound, have in large measure, be rich in, possess, enjoy;
pres. ppl. as adj., abundāns, abundantis abounding (in), abundant;
as adv., abundanter abundantly
ac, atque (conj.)
DCC rank 36 (ac)
DCC rank 35 (atque)
and in addition, and also;
after comparatives, than;
ac sī (acsī) as if
accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessum
DCC rank 614
to go up to, approach
accendō, accendere, accendī, accēnsum
to inflame, light, kindle
accīdō, accīdere, accīdī, accīsum [ad + caedō (q.v.)]
to cut into, cut down;
pf. ppl. as adj., accīsus, -a, -um troubled, impaired, ruined;
not the same as short-i accidō (q.v.)
accidō, accidere, accidī, — [ad + cadō (q.v.)]
DCC rank 799
to fall;
to happen, befall;
usu. impers., acciditit happens, it befell, came to pass (that);
not the same as long-ī accīdō (q.v.)
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptum [ad + capiō]
DCC rank 110
to receive; to learn
accūso, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātum
to accuse, blame
ācer, ācris, ācre (adj.)
DCC rank 587
sharp, piercing
acerbus, -a, -um (adj.)
aciēs, aciēī (f.)
DCC rank 439
line of battle
acquiēscō, acquiēscere, acquiēvī, acquiētum (adqu-)
to become quiet, come to rest, be content;
to assent, submit, acquiesce
acquīrō, acquirere, acquīsīvī, acquīsītum (adq-)
[ad + quaerō]
to get in addition, obtain besides, accumulate
āctus, -ūs
act, deed
ad (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 14
to, up to, towards;
unto, according to, after (the pattern/example of);
ML orth. sometimes at, not to be confused with at, ast = but, yet
addō, addere, addidī, additum
DCC rank 433
to give to;
to place, put;
to add to
addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductum
[ad + dūcō]
DCC rank 886
to lead to;
to induce
adeō (adv.)
DCC rank 555
so much, so greatly, so far;
adeō… ut… so far… that…
adeō, adīre, adiī (adīvī), aditum
[ad + eō]
DCC rank 595
to go to
adhaereō, adhaerēre, adhaesī, adhaesum
to cling to (+ dat.)
adhibeō, adhibēre, adhibuī, adhibitum
DCC rank 959
to apply;
to summon, employ
adhūc (adv.)
DCC rank 379
thus far, to the point, until now, hitherto, as yet;
ML also still, further, in the future
adipīscor, adipīscī, adeptus sum
to obtain
aditus, -ūs
opportunity, permission
adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiūtum
to help
admīror, admīrārī, admīrātus sum (dep.)
to wonder at, marvel at, admire
admoneō, admonēre, admonuī, admonitum
to admonish, remind
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātum
to honour, adore, worship
adsum (ass-), adesse, adfuī, adfuturus (affu-)
[fut. inf. adfore sometimes used instead of adfuturus esse]
DCC rank 279
to be present
adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventum
DCC rank 987
to come to, arrive at
adventus, -ūs (m.)
coming, approach, arrival;
Advent (liturgical season preceding Christmas)
adversus, adversum (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 986
opposite to, against;
towards, facing;
in the presence of;
opposed, unfavourable
advertō, advertere, advertī, adversum
DCC rank 986
CL to turn towards;
to direct, turn (something)
advertō, advertere, advertī, adversum
DCC rank 986
ML to observe, notice
(= CL animadvertō)
aedēs (aedis), aedis (f.)
DCC rank 965
pl., aedēs, aedum house
aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātum
[aedēs + faciō]
to build, construct, erect;
to build up, establish;
ML also to edify, improve
aeger, aegra, aegrum (adj.)
DCC rank 810 (aeger)
DCC rank 984 (aegrē)
adv., aegrē scarcely, hardly, with difficulty
aequor, aequoris (n.)
DCC rank 424
level surface;
sea, plain
aequus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 610 (aequus)
DCC rank 904 (aequē)
adv., aequē in like manner, in the same manner;
aequē… quam… just… as…
āēr, āĕris (m.)
DCC rank 845
aes, aeris (n.)
DCC rank 744
copper, bronze
aestās, aestātis (f.)
DCC rank 308
aestimō, aestimāre, aestimāvī, aestimātum
[fr. aes copper coin]
to estimate, value;
to think, consider as
aestīvus, -a, -um (adj.)
of summer
aestuō, aestuāre, aestuāvī, aestuātum
to boil, burn;
to rage
aestus, -ūs (m.)
seething, burning
aetās, aetātis (f.)
age, time of life
aeternitās, aeternitātis (f.)
aeternus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 734
everlasting, eternal;
acc. sg. as adv., aeternum eternally, forever
aethēr, aetheris (n.)
DCC rank 851
pure upper air, ether, heaven, sky
aevum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 875
lifetime, age
afferō, afferre, attulī, allātum (adf-, adt-, adl-)
[ad + ferō]
DCC rank 514
to bring to;
to announce
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectum
[ad + faciō]
DCC rank 958
to affect;
to visit with (+ abl.)
affirmō (adfirmō), affirmāre, affirmāvī, affirmātum
to affirm
afflīgō, afflīgere, afflīxī, afflīctum
to throw down, overthrow;
to ruin, weaken, reduce;
pf. ppl. as adj., afflīctus, -a, -um cast down, miserable, unfortunate, wretched, distressed
ager, agrī (m.)
DCC rank 324
agitō, agitāre, agitāvī, agitātum
[freq. of agō (q.v.)]
DCC rank 578
to drive, urge, stir up
āgmen, āgminis (n.)
DCC rank 358
line of march;
army, forces.
agnōscō, agnōscere, agnōvī, agnitum
[ad + (g)nōscō]
to recognize
agnus, -ī (m.)
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum
DCC rank 69
to drive, do, act
agrestis, -e (adj.)
rural, of the country
agricola, -ae (m.)
aiō (1st sg. pres.), ait (3rd sg. pres.), aiunt (3rd pl. pres.), aiēbat (3rd sg. impf.), aiēbant (3rd pl. impf.)
DCC rank 406
to say;
affirm, say yes;
ut āiunt as they say
āla, -ae (f.)
alacer (alacris), alacris, alacre (adj.)
albus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 925
aliās (adv.)
at another time
alibi (adv.)
aliēnus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 367
foreign, strange, belonging to another
aliōquī, aliōquīn (adv.)
otherwise (if something is not done)
aliquā (adv.)
by some way