Words 1201 to 1400 (novitās to portō) Flashcards
novitās, novitātis (f.)
newness, novelty;
renewal, renovation, reform
novus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 139
comp., novior (novius, n.), noviōris newer;
superl.,* novissimus, -a, -um*, latest, last, hindermost, extreme;
adv., novē in a new manner;
noviter recently, newly;
superl. adv., novissimē at last, last of all
nox, noctis (f.)
DCC rank 119
nocte, noctū at night
nūbēs, nūbis (f.)
cloud, mist
nūbō, nūbere, nūpsī, nuptum
to be married;
to marry, wed
nūdus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 545
naked, bare
nūllātenus (adv.)
[nūllus + tenus (q.v.)]
by no means
nūllus, -a, -um
[gen. sg. nūllīus, dat. sg. nūllī] (pronom. adj.)
DCC rank 49
not any, no one
num (interr. ptcl.)
DCC rank 924
surely not…? (introducing a question to which the expected answer is no)
nūmen, nūminis (n.)
DCC rank 452
divine will, deity
numerus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 338
number, amount
nummus, -ī (m.)
coin, money
numquam (nun-) (adv.)
DCC rank 251
num quid? (numquid?) (interr. conj.)
why? (strengthened form of num, q.v.)
nunc (adv.)
DCC rank 50
nūntiō, nūntiāre, nūntiāvī, nūntiātum
to announce
nūntius, -iī (m.)
DCC rank 919
nūper (adv.)
lately, not long ago, recently
nuptiae, -ārum (f. pl.)
marriage, wedding, nuptials
nūsquam (adv.)
nūtriō, nūtrīre, nūtrīvī, nūtrītum
to nourish, feed;
to bring up, rear
ō (interj.)
o! oh!
ob (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 449
against, on account of
obeō, obīre, obiī (obīvī), obitum
to go to meet;
to come to, come towards;
to meet one’s end, die
obiciō (obiiciō), obicere, obiēcī, obiectum
to throw before, put before;
to put in the way
oblīvīscor, oblīvīscī, oblītus sum (dep.)
to forget
obsecrō, obsecrāre, obsecrāvī, obsecrātum
to beseech, entreat, implore
obsequium, -iī (n.)
consent, a yielding;
obedience, allegiance;
ML also retinue, attendance;
service, ceremony
obsequor, obsequī, obsecūtus sum (+ dat.)
to comply with, obey
observō, observāre, observāvī, observātum
to heed, observe;
to watch, guard, keep;
to respect, regard, comply with
obsideō, obsidēre, obsēdī, obsessum
to beset, blockade, besiege
obsum, obesse, obfuī, obfutūrus (+ dat.)
to impede, get in the way
obtineō, obtinēre, obtinuī, obtentum
to hold, have;
to obtain;
to stand, last, prevail (be in force)
obviam (prep. + dat.)
in the way of
obviō, obviāre, obviāvī, obviātum (+ dat.)
to meet;
sometimes in hostile sense, to oppose, withstand, resist;
to hinder, prevent
obvius, -a, -um (adj.)
in the way, so as to meet, meeting;
being in one’s way
occāsiō, occāsiōnis (f.)
opportunity, occasion, fit time
occidō, occidere, occidī, occāsum
[ob + cadō]
to fall, fall down, go down;
to perish, be done for;
pres. ppl. as sb., occidēns, occidentis (m.) West (place of the sun’s setting)
occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsum
[ob + caedō]
DCC rank 801
to strike down, cut down;
to kill
occupō, occupāre, occupāvī, occupātum
DCC rank 472
to seize, occupy;
to anticipate, do a thing first (+ infin.)
occurrō, occurrere, occucurrī, occursum
DCC rank 677
to run to meet;
to come into one’s mind, occur
ōceanus, -ī (m.)
octingentī (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. DCCC or IↃCCC]
eight hundred;
ord. num. adj., octingentēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) eight hundredth;
distr. num. adj., octingēnī, -ae, -a eight hundred each;
num. adv., octingentiēns (-iēs) eight hundred times
octō (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. VIII]
ord. num. adj., octāvus, -a, -um (the) eighth;
distr. num. adj., octōnī, -ae, -a eight each;
num. adv., octiēns (-iēs) eight times
octōgintā (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. LXXX]
ord. num. adj., octōgēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) eightieth;
distr. num. adj., octōgēnī, -ae, -a eighty each;
num. adv., octōgiēns (-iēs) eighty times
oculus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 206
ōdī, ōdisse, —
[fut. ppl. ōsūrus] (def.)
DCC rank 790
to hate
odium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 522
odor, odōris (m.)
smell, scent, stench, fragrance
offendō, offendere, offendī, offēnsum
to stumble, blunder, commit an offence
offerō, offerre, obtulī, oblātum (ob + ferō)
DCC rank 812
to present, offer, expose
officium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 607
service, duty, task
oleum, -ī (n.)
oil, olive oil
ōlim (adv.)
DCC rank 574
formerly, at some time, at that time
omnīnō (adv.)
altogether, surely, by all means
omnipotēns, omnipotentis (adj.)
omnis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 18
all, every, as a whole;
as n. pl. sb., omnia, -iōrum all things/everything;
as m./f. pl. sb., omnēs, omnium all (men), everyone;
omnis homō every man/person
onerō, onerāre, onerāvī, onerātum
to load (upon), burden;
to oppress
onus, oneris (n.)
DCC rank 842
load, burden
opera, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 843
labour, activity, work
operiō, operīre, operuī, opertum
to cover over (e.g., with clothing);
to hide, conceal;
to cause to be forgotten
operor, operārī, operātus sum (dep.)
to labour at, devote onself to, work
oportet, oportēre, oportuit (impers.)
DCC rank 806
it is proper, right (+ acc. + inf.)
oppidum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 635
opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressum
to press down, to close;
to suppress, quell;
to overwhelm, crush, subdue
opprobrium, -iī (n.)
reproach, taunt;
disgrace, dishonour
ops, opis (f.)
DCC rank 318
assistance, aid;
resources, power;
commonly as pl., opēs, opum means, resources, wealth
optō, optāre, optāvī, optātum
DCC rank 417
to choose, select;
to hope (for)
opus, operis (n.)
DCC rank 332
as indecl. in phr., opus est (+ abl.) there is need of
ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis (f.)
DCC rank 736
speech, address
ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis (f.)
DCC rank 736
EL prayer
ōrātōrium, -iī (n.)
chapel, oratory, church
orbis, -is (m.)
DCC rank 322
circle, globe;
orbis terrārum the world
ōrdinō, ōrdināre, ōrdināvī, ōrdinātum
to ordain, order, arrange
ōrdinō, ōrdināre, ōrdināvī, ōrdinātum
EL to ordain (to an order in the clerical state);
to appoint
ōrdō, ōrdinis (m.)
DCC rank 416
order, rank, row
ōrdō, ōrdinis (m.)
DCC rank 416
EL order (of monks, religious, etc.)
ōrdō, ōrdinis (m.)
DCC rank 416
ML form of procedure, ritual, e.g., ōrdō exsequiārum order of burial rites
orīgō, orīginis (f.)
origin, source
orior, orīrī, ortus sum
[fut. act. ppl. oritūrus] (dep.)
DCC rank 642
to arise (esp. of sun, stars);
pres. ppl. as sb., oriēns, orientis (m.) the rising sun;
East (the place of the sun’s rising)