Words 0801 to 1000 (hōra to legō) Flashcards
hōra, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 664
horreō, horrēre, horruī
to shudder, tremble at, be afraid of
hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 887
to encourage
hortus, -ī (m.)
hospes, hospitis (m.)
DCC rank 873
guest, guest-friend;
hospitium, -iī (n.)
hospitable reception, hospitality
hostia, -ae (f.)
sacrificial animal, victim
hostia, -ae (f.)
EL host, consecrated bread (of the Mass)
hostis, -is (c.)
DCC rank 93
stranger, enemy
hūc (adv.) = hōc (q.v.)
DCC rank 368
to this place, hither;
phr., hūc ūsque (hūcūsque) hitherto, thus far, up to this time
hûiusmodī, hûiuscemodī (indecl. adj. phrase)
of this kind
hūmānus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 355
humilis, humile (adj.)
adv., humiliter humbly
humilitās, humilitātis (f.)
CL lowness, insignificance
humilitās, humilitātis (f.)
ML humility
humus, -ī (f.)
DCC rank 740
earth, the earth;
loc. humīon the ground
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī, [fut. ppl. iacitūrus]
DCC rank 228
to lie
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum
DCC rank 899
to throw, hurl
iam (adv.)
DCC rank 34
now, already;
phr., iam diū (iamdiū) long since
iānua, -ae (f.)
door, entrance
ibī̆ (adv.)
DCC rank 619
there, in that place
ibidem (adv.)
in the same place
īctus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 819
blow, stroke
idcircō (adv.)
on that account, therefore
īdem, eadem, idem (defin. pron.)
DCC rank 59
the same (person/thing)
identidem (adv.)
ideō (adv.)
DCC rank 679
on that account
īdōlum (īdōlon), -ī (n.)
idol (of a false god)
ieiūnium, -iī (n.)
a fast;
Iēsus (Ihēsus, Hiēsus)
[voc., gen., dat. and abl. Iēsū, acc. Iēsum]
(prop. sb. m.)
Jesus (Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth);
also, in the Vulgate Bible Joshua
igitur (conj.)
DCC rank 313
ignāvus, -a, -um (adj.)
slack, lazy, idle
ignis, -is (m.)
DCC rank 151
ignōrō, īgnōrāre, īgnōrāvī, īgnōrātum
to have no knowledge of, be unaquainted with;
to take no notice of
illāc (adv.)
by that way
ille, illa, illud (dem. pron.)
DCC rank 8
that (person/thing) over yonder;
often used in alternation with hic/haec to refer to persons in a narrative
illīc, illī (adv.)
DCC rank 396
at that place, there
illinc (adv.)
from that place
illūc (adv.)
DCC rank 955
to that place, thither, to there
imāgō, imāginis (f.)
DCC rank 754
image, form, figure
imitor, imitārī, imitātus sum (dep.)
to copy, imitate
immēnsus, -a, -um (adj.)
boundless, vast, immense
immō (adv.)
yes indeed;
but rather
immolō, immolāre, immolāvī, immolātum
to make a sacrifice, offer, immolate
immundus, -a, -um (adj.)
impure, unclean
impediō, impedīre, impedīvī (impediī), impedītum
to hinder
impendeō, impendēre, — —
CL to hang over, overhang;
to threaten, be imminent
impendeō, impendēre, — —
ML becomes 3rd conjug. impendō (q.v.).
impendō, impendere, impendī (impendidī), impēnsum
ML to pay, spend;
to give, bestow; to confer upon, devote to;
from CL 2nd conjug.* impendeō* (q.v.)
imperātor, imperātōris (m.)
DCC rank 723
CL commander, general
imperātor, imperātōris (m.)
DCC rank 723
LL, etc., emperor
imperium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 200
command, power
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātum
DCC rank 602
to command, control
impetus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 421
impius, -a, -um (adj.)
irreverent, undutiful;
wicked, impious
impleō, implēre, implēvī, implētum
DCC rank 671
to fill in, fill up
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositum
DCC rank 437
to put in, put on, impose, levy upon
(prep. + acc. denoting motion towards, or + abl. denoting rest)
DCC rank 5
into, against, in, on
inānis, -e (adj.)
empty, void;
as sb., *ināne, inānis *(n.) void
incēdō, incēdere, incessī, incessum
to approach, arrive;
to occur, befall
incendō, incendere, incendī, incēnsum
to kindle, inflame;
to rouse, excite;
to irritate, move to anger
incessanter (adv.)
incidō, incidere, incidī
[in + cadō]
DCC rank 871
to fall upon, fall into;
impers., to happen
incīdō, incīdere, incīdī, incīsum
[in + caedō]
to cut into, engrave, inscribe;
to interrupt, cut short
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum
DCC rank 411
to begin
inclīnō, inclīnāre, inclīnāvī, inclīnātum
to cause to lean, bend
incolō, incolere, incoluī, incultum
to inhabit
increpō, increpāre, increpuī, increpitum
to rebuke
incumbō, incumbere, incubuī, incubitum
to lay (oneself), lean, press;
to make an effort, apply oneself;
to incline (towards), choose
incurrō, incurrere, incurrī (rarely, incucurrī), incursum
to run into, meet;
to incur
inde (adv.)
DCC rank 328
thence, from there, thereupon
indicō, indicāre, indicāvī, indicātum
DCC rank 980
to point out, show, make known
indidem (adv.) [inde + idem]
from the same place
indigeō, indigēre, indiguī, —
to need (+ gen. or abl.)
indignātiō, indignātiōnis (f.)
displeasure, indignation, disdain
indūcō, indūcere, indūxī, inductum
to lead in, introduce, bring forward;
to install, appoint (to an office);
to bring about, induce;
to inflict (upon)
indulgeō, indulgēre, indulsī, indultum
to be kind, yielding, indulgent to;
to be addicted to
induō, induere, induī, indūtum
to put on, assume;
to clothe, dress
ineō, inīre, iniī (inīvī), itum
to go into, to enter
iners, inertis (adj.)
[in + ars, artis]
unskilful, incompetent;
weak, inactive, motionless
īnfāns, īnfantis (c.)
CL unable to speak;
baby, infant;
ML also child
īnfēlīx, īnfēlīcis (adj.)
unfortunate, unhappy, miserable;
causing misfortune, calamitous
īnfernus, -a, -um (adj.)
underground, of the lower regions, infernal;
EL as sb., īnfernus, -ī (m.) hell
īnferō, īnferre, intulī, illātum
DCC rank 742
to bring upon, against;
bellum īnferre to make war on
īnferus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 428
comp. īnferior;
superl. īnfīmus
īnfīnītus, -a, -um (adj.)
endless, infinite
īnfirmitās, īnfirmitātis (f.)
weakness, feebleness
īnfirmō, īnfirmāre, īnfirmāvī, īnfirmātum
to weaken, enfeeble, invalidate;
ML as pass.,* īnfirmor, īnfirmārī, īnfirmātus sum* to be ill
īnfirmus, -a, -um (adj.)
weak, feeble, infirm
īnfrā (prep. + acc.)
ML also = CL intrā among, between (q.v.)
ingenium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 387
skill, genius, disposition, ability, talent;
ML also clever device, trick
ingēns, ingentis (adj.)
DCC rank 202
huge, enormous
ingrātus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 592
unpleasant, disagreeable
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 885
to step in, enter
inhabitō, inhabitāre, inhabitāvī, inhabitātum
to dwell in, inhabit
inimīcus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 952
as sb., inimīcus, -ī (m.) enemy
inīquitās, inīquitātis (f.)
inequity, unfairness, injustice;
EL also wickedness, sinfulness
inīquus, -a, -um (adj.)
unfair, unjust; hostile, adverse;
hurtful, injurious;
EL also wicked, sinful
initium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 865
iniūria, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 381
injustice, wrong, affront
iniūstus, -a, -um (adj.)
unjust, wrongful;
adv. iniūstē unjustly, wrongly
innocēns, innocentis (adj.)
harmless, inoffenive;
blameless, guiltless, innocent
inops, inopis (adj.)
poor (in the sense of unwealthy)
inquam, inquis, inquit, inquiunt
[pres. ppl., inquiēns]
DCC rank 163
to say (introducing direct discourse);
1st pers. sg., inquamas I may say;
3rd pers. sg. and pl., inquit, inquiunt says he/they;
quoth he/they
inquīrō, inquīrere, inquīsīvī, inquīsītum
to seek after, search for, inquire into
īnsequor, īnsequī, īnsecūtus sum (dep.)
to pursue, follow after
īnsidiae, -ārum (f. pl.)
ambush, device, plot, snare
īnstituō, īnstituere, īnstituī, īnstitūtum
DCC rank 931
to undertake;
to equip;
to institute, establish;
to instruct
īnstruō, īnstruere, īnstrūxī, īnstrūctum
to form, set in order;
to teach, instruct
īnsula, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 908
īnsum, inesse, īnfuī, —
to be in, upon
īnsuper (adv.)
īnsuper (adv.)
ML on top of
integer, integra, integrum
DCC rank 815
untouched, fresh, complete, whole, intact
intellegō, intellegere, intellēxī, intellēctum
DCC rank 512
to understand
intendō, intendere, intendī, intentum
DCC rank 895
to stretch out, strain, strive;
to direct attention towards
inter (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 64
between, amidst;
comp. adj., interior (interius, n.), interiōris (comp. adj. of inter) inner, interior;
superl. adj., intimus, -a, -um
interdum (adv.)
now and then, from time to time
intereā (adv.)
meanwhile, in the meantime
intereō, interīre, interiī
[fut. ppl. interitūrus]
to perish, go to ruin
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum
[inter + faciō]
DCC rank 699
to kill
interim (adv.)
DCC rank 693
interrogō, interrogāre, interrogāvī, interrogātum
DCC rank 953
to put a question to, ask (+ acc.)
intersum, interesse, interfuī
[fut. ppl. interfutūrus]
DCC rank 760
to be between;
to be apart, to differ;
to take part in, attend;
impers., interestit makes a difference, interests, concerns, it imports;
it is of interest, importance (to);
inf. as sb., interesse interest
(adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 704
within, inside, during;
phr., intrā sē to oneself
intrō, intrāre, intrāvī, intrātum
DCC rank 766
to enter
intrōdūcō, intrōdūcere, intrōdūxī, intrōductum
to bring in, introduce;
to bring forward, maintain;
to institute, originate
introeō, introīre, introiī (introīvī), introitum
to go into, enter
intueor, intuērī, intuitus sum (dep.)
to look upon, look closely at, gaze at
intus (adv.)
in the inside, within
inūtilis, -e (adj.)
useless, unprofitable
invādō, invādere, invāsī, invāsum
to invade, attack;
take possession of, seize
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventum
DCC rank 316
to find, discover
invicem (in vicem) (adv.)
by turns, in turn, one after another, alternately, mutually;
ML with prep. (often written as one word), e.g., prō invicem (proinvicem) for one another
invideō, invidēre, invīdī, invīsum
to look askance at;
to envy
invidia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 707
envy, jealousy, hatred
invītō, invītāre, invītāvī, invītātum
to invite, entertain;
to summon, challenge;
to incite, attract
invocō, invocāre, invocāvī, invocātum
to call upon, appeal to, implore
ipse, ipsa, ipsum (intens. pron.)
DCC rank 22
he himself, she herself, it itself, they themselves
-ipse, -ipsa, -ipsum
(refl. dem. adj. encl.)
īra, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 187
wrath, anger
īrāscor, īrāscī, īrātus sum
DCC rank 809
to be angry, be in a rage;
pf. ppl. as adj.,* īrātus, -a, -um* angry, enraged
irritus, -a, -um (adj.)
undecided, unfixed;
vain, ineffectual
irruō, irruere, irruī, —
to rush in, invade, press into, make an attack
is, ea, id (dem. pron.)
DCC rank 13 (is, ea, id)
DCC rank 470 (eō)
that (one/person);
he, she, it;
dem. adv., eō thither, to there;
phr., id est (idest) that is (our modern i.e.);
phr.,* id (eius*, etc.) correl. with quod the fact that;
phr., eo quod lit., for this, (namely) that, i.e., because;
prō eō quod because;
in eō quod inasmuch as
iste, ista, istud (dem. pron.)
DCC rank 81
CL derog., that/this (person/thing) of yours
iste, ista, istud (dem. pron.)
DCC rank 81
ML = hic, this
ita (adv.)
DCC rank 120
so, thus;
ita… ut… so… that…
itaque (coord. conj.)
DCC rank 208
and so, therefore
item (coord. conj.)
DCC rank 932
also, likewise
iter, itineris (n.)
DCC rank 230
journey, route, road
iterum (adv.)
DCC rank 758
a second time, again
itidem (adv.)
[ita + idem]
in like manner, in the same manner
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum
DCC rank 84
to command, bid
iūcundus (iōcundus), -a, -um (adj.)
pleasant, agreeable, delightful
iūdex, iūdicis (m.)
DCC rank 839
iūdicium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 749
judgment, decision, trial;
diēs iūdiciī day of judgement (end of the world);
iūdicium Deī judgement of God, i.e., trial by ordeal (of boiling water, hot iron, combat, etc.)
iūdicō, iūdicāre, iūdicāvī, iūdicātum
DCC rank 565
to judge, decide
iūgiter (adv.)
constantly, continually
iugum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 335
ridge, chain of hills
iūmentum, -ī (n.)
beast of burden, draught horse, mule, ass
iungō, iungere, iūnxī, iūnctum
DCC rank 513
to join
iūrō, iūrāre, iūrāvī, iūrātum
DCC rank 896
to take an oath, swear;
phr., iūs iūrandum (iūsiūrandum) oath
iūs, iūris (n.)
DCC rank 314
right, justice;
law, rule
iussiō, iussiōnis (f.)
iūstitia, -ae (f.)
iūstus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 770
right, just, fair, righteous
iuvenis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 277
young, youthful;
comp., iūnior;
superl., iuvenissimus;
as sb., iuvenis, -is (m.) youth, young man
iuventūs, iuventūtis (f.)
the age of youth, youth;
collective, young people, the youth
iuvō, iuvāre, iūvī, iūtum
DCC rank 390
to help, assist;
to please, delight
iūxtā (prep. + acc.)
next to, beside;
in accordance with
lābor, lābī, lāpsus sum (dep.)
to slip, slide, fall
labor, labōris (m.)
DCC rank 201
toil, exertion
labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātum
DCC rank 900
to toil, work;
to be in trouble or distress
lacer, lacera, lacerum
lacrima, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 354
tear (of weeping)
laedō, laedere, laesī, laesum
DCC rank 783
to injure by striking, hurt
laetitia, -ae (f.)
happiness, joy
laetō, laetāre, laetāvī, laetātum
to cheer, gladden, make joyful;
in pass., laetor, laetārī, laetātus sum to rejoice, be glad
laetus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 262
glad, joyful, happy
lāĭcus, -a, -um (adj.)
lay, of the laity (not of the clergy);
as m. sb., lāĭcus, -ī layman;
the laity
lapidō, lapidāre, lapidāvī, lapidātum
to throw stones at, to stone (to death)
lapis, lapidis (m.)
DCC rank 840
largior, largīrī, largītus sum (dep.)
to give freely, bestow
lateō, latēre, latuī
DCC rank 695
to lie hidden, be hidden
lātitūdō, lātitūdinis (f.)
breadth, width
latrō, latrōnis (m.)
robber, bandit
lātus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 824
broad, wide
latus, lateris (n.)
DCC rank 382
side, flank
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātum
DCC rank 435
to praise
laus, laudis (f.)
DCC rank 444
praise, commendation, esteem
laus, laudis (f.)
DCC rank 444
EL as pl.,* laudēs* (sc. matūtīnae) Lauds (liturgical service at dawn, so named from its inclusion of Psalms 148–150, which begin Laudate…)
lavō, lavāre, lāvī, lautum (lōtum, lavātum)
to wash, bathe
lēctiō, lēctiōnis (f.)
CL act of picking out, selecting;
act of reading, reading out, reading aloud
lēctiō, lēctiōnis (f.)
EL and ML, reading, lesson;
portion of text to be read
lēctor, lēctōris (m.)
lecturer, teacher
lēgātus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 464
lieutenant, envoy
legiō, legiōnis (f.)
DCC rank 370
lēgō, lēgāre, lēgāvī, lēgātum
to bequeath
legō, legere, lēgī, lēctum
DCC rank 419
to gather, choose;
to read