Words 0801 to 1000 (hōra to legō) Flashcards
hōra, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 664
horreō, horrēre, horruī
to shudder, tremble at, be afraid of
hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 887
to encourage
hortus, -ī (m.)
hospes, hospitis (m.)
DCC rank 873
guest, guest-friend;
hospitium, -iī (n.)
hospitable reception, hospitality
hostia, -ae (f.)
sacrificial animal, victim
hostia, -ae (f.)
EL host, consecrated bread (of the Mass)
hostis, -is (c.)
DCC rank 93
stranger, enemy
hūc (adv.) = hōc (q.v.)
DCC rank 368
to this place, hither;
phr., hūc ūsque (hūcūsque) hitherto, thus far, up to this time
hûiusmodī, hûiuscemodī (indecl. adj. phrase)
of this kind
hūmānus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 355
humilis, humile (adj.)
adv., humiliter humbly
humilitās, humilitātis (f.)
CL lowness, insignificance
humilitās, humilitātis (f.)
ML humility
humus, -ī (f.)
DCC rank 740
earth, the earth;
loc. humīon the ground
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī, [fut. ppl. iacitūrus]
DCC rank 228
to lie
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum
DCC rank 899
to throw, hurl
iam (adv.)
DCC rank 34
now, already;
phr., iam diū (iamdiū) long since
iānua, -ae (f.)
door, entrance
ibī̆ (adv.)
DCC rank 619
there, in that place
ibidem (adv.)
in the same place
īctus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 819
blow, stroke
idcircō (adv.)
on that account, therefore
īdem, eadem, idem (defin. pron.)
DCC rank 59
the same (person/thing)
identidem (adv.)
ideō (adv.)
DCC rank 679
on that account
īdōlum (īdōlon), -ī (n.)
idol (of a false god)
ieiūnium, -iī (n.)
a fast;
Iēsus (Ihēsus, Hiēsus)
[voc., gen., dat. and abl. Iēsū, acc. Iēsum]
(prop. sb. m.)
Jesus (Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth);
also, in the Vulgate Bible Joshua
igitur (conj.)
DCC rank 313
ignāvus, -a, -um (adj.)
slack, lazy, idle
ignis, -is (m.)
DCC rank 151
ignōrō, īgnōrāre, īgnōrāvī, īgnōrātum
to have no knowledge of, be unaquainted with;
to take no notice of
illāc (adv.)
by that way
ille, illa, illud (dem. pron.)
DCC rank 8
that (person/thing) over yonder;
often used in alternation with hic/haec to refer to persons in a narrative
illīc, illī (adv.)
DCC rank 396
at that place, there
illinc (adv.)
from that place
illūc (adv.)
DCC rank 955
to that place, thither, to there
imāgō, imāginis (f.)
DCC rank 754
image, form, figure
imitor, imitārī, imitātus sum (dep.)
to copy, imitate
immēnsus, -a, -um (adj.)
boundless, vast, immense
immō (adv.)
yes indeed;
but rather
immolō, immolāre, immolāvī, immolātum
to make a sacrifice, offer, immolate
immundus, -a, -um (adj.)
impure, unclean
impediō, impedīre, impedīvī (impediī), impedītum
to hinder
impendeō, impendēre, — —
CL to hang over, overhang;
to threaten, be imminent
impendeō, impendēre, — —
ML becomes 3rd conjug. impendō (q.v.).
impendō, impendere, impendī (impendidī), impēnsum
ML to pay, spend;
to give, bestow; to confer upon, devote to;
from CL 2nd conjug.* impendeō* (q.v.)
imperātor, imperātōris (m.)
DCC rank 723
CL commander, general
imperātor, imperātōris (m.)
DCC rank 723
LL, etc., emperor
imperium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 200
command, power
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātum
DCC rank 602
to command, control
impetus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 421
impius, -a, -um (adj.)
irreverent, undutiful;
wicked, impious
impleō, implēre, implēvī, implētum
DCC rank 671
to fill in, fill up
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositum
DCC rank 437
to put in, put on, impose, levy upon
(prep. + acc. denoting motion towards, or + abl. denoting rest)
DCC rank 5
into, against, in, on
inānis, -e (adj.)
empty, void;
as sb., *ināne, inānis *(n.) void
incēdō, incēdere, incessī, incessum
to approach, arrive;
to occur, befall
incendō, incendere, incendī, incēnsum
to kindle, inflame;
to rouse, excite;
to irritate, move to anger
incessanter (adv.)
incidō, incidere, incidī
[in + cadō]
DCC rank 871
to fall upon, fall into;
impers., to happen
incīdō, incīdere, incīdī, incīsum
[in + caedō]
to cut into, engrave, inscribe;
to interrupt, cut short
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum
DCC rank 411
to begin
inclīnō, inclīnāre, inclīnāvī, inclīnātum
to cause to lean, bend
incolō, incolere, incoluī, incultum
to inhabit
increpō, increpāre, increpuī, increpitum
to rebuke
incumbō, incumbere, incubuī, incubitum
to lay (oneself), lean, press;
to make an effort, apply oneself;
to incline (towards), choose
incurrō, incurrere, incurrī (rarely, incucurrī), incursum
to run into, meet;
to incur
inde (adv.)
DCC rank 328
thence, from there, thereupon
indicō, indicāre, indicāvī, indicātum
DCC rank 980
to point out, show, make known
indidem (adv.) [inde + idem]
from the same place
indigeō, indigēre, indiguī, —
to need (+ gen. or abl.)
indignātiō, indignātiōnis (f.)
displeasure, indignation, disdain
indūcō, indūcere, indūxī, inductum
to lead in, introduce, bring forward;
to install, appoint (to an office);
to bring about, induce;
to inflict (upon)
indulgeō, indulgēre, indulsī, indultum
to be kind, yielding, indulgent to;
to be addicted to
induō, induere, induī, indūtum
to put on, assume;
to clothe, dress
ineō, inīre, iniī (inīvī), itum
to go into, to enter
iners, inertis (adj.)
[in + ars, artis]
unskilful, incompetent;
weak, inactive, motionless