Words 1001 to 1200 (lentē to novem) Flashcards
lentē (adv.)
leō, leōnis (m.)
leō, leōnis (m.)
EL prop. name, Leō Pope Leo I, the Great (r. 440–461)
levis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 220
light, trivial
levō, levāre, levāvī, levātum
to lift up, raise;
to lighten, relieve, take away
lēx, lēgis (f.)
DCC rank 264
libēns, libentis (adj.)
[pres. ppl. of libet]
willing, with readiness, glad;
adv., libenter freely, willingly
līber, lībera, līberum
DCC rank 229
as pl. m. sb., līberī, -ōrum (freeborn) children
liber, librī (m.)
DCC rank 901
līberālis, -e (adj.)
liberal, noble
līberō, līberāre, līberāvī, līberātum
to set free, liberate
lībertās, lībertātis (f.)
DCC rank 495
libet, libēre, libuit or libitum est (impers.)
DCC rank 729
it is pleasing (+ dat. + infin.)
libīdō, libīdinis (f.)
DCC rank 761
passion, lust
lībra, -ae (f.)
CL balance, pair of scales
lībra, -ae (f.)
ML pound (of weight, money)
licet (concessive subord. conj.)
DCC rank 778
granting that, although
licet, licēre, licuit (licitum est) (impers. vb.)
DCC rank 175
it is allowed, permitted, lawful (+ dat. and inf.for someone/something to…)
lignum, -ī (n.)
wood, timber;
EL also gallows, cross
ligō, ligāre, ligāvī, ligātum
to tie, bind together, unite
līmen, līminis (n.)
DCC rank 516
līnea, -ae n (f.)
lingua, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 732
tongue (i.e., part of the body);
very often metaph., language
littera, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 981
pl., litterae, -ārum literature
lītus (littus), lītoris (n.)
DCC rank 245
shore, coast
locō, locāre, locāvī, locātum
to place, put;
to set, dispose, arrange
locus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 62
(n.) pl., loca, -ōrum places, region;
(m.) pl. locī, -ōrum passages, citations (from authors), commonplaces
longē (adv.)
DCC rank 400
far, far off
longitūdō, longitūdinis (f.)
(of time) long duration
longus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 142
long, far;
adv.,* longēa* long way off, at a distance;
far and wide, everywhere;
for a long time;
with adj. (esp. comp. or superl.), by far, very much
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 310
to speak
luceo lūceō, lūcēre, lūxī, —
to shine
lucerna, -ae (f.)
lūdō, lūdere, lūsī, lūsum
to play, sport;
to make sport of, ridicule
lūgeō, lūgēre, lūxī, lūctum
to mourn, be in mourning
lūmen, lūminis (n.)
DCC rank 375
light, lamp
lūna, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 902
the moon
lupus, -ī (m.)
lūx, lūcis (f.)
DCC rank 299
light (of day)
maestus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 669
sad, sorrowful;
magis (adv.)
DCC rank 90
more, in a higher degree, rather
magister, magistrī (m.)
DCC rank 933
teacher, schoolteacher
magnificō, magnificāre, magnificāvī, magnificātum
to value greatly, esteem highly;
to praise, glorify, worship
māgnitūdō, māgnitūdinis (f.)
DCC rank 672
greatness, size
magnopere (adv.)
magnus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 25 (magnus)
DCC rank 764 (mâiōrēs)
big, large, great;
comp., mâior larger, greater;
superl., maximus greatest, very great;
superl. as adv., maximē especially;
comp. as sb., mâior, mâiōris (c.) elder;
comp. as pl. sb., mâiōrēs, mâiōrum (m.) ancestors
maledīcō, maledīcere, maledīxī, maledictum
to abuse, revile, slander;
to curse, utter a curse upon
malignus, -a, -um (adj.)
malitia, -ae (f.)
ill-will, spite, malice
mālō, mālle, māluī, —
[magis + volō]
DCC rank 598
to prefer
malus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 227 (malus)
DCC rank 603 (male)
comp., peior worse;
superl.,* pessimus* worst;
adv., male badly;
as sb., *malum, -ī *(n.) evil
mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātum
to commit, entrust;
to command;
pf. ppl. as sb., mandātum, -ī (n.) commandment
mandūcō, mandūcāre, mandūcāvī, mandūcātum
CL to chew, devour
mandūcō, mandūcāre, mandūcāvī, mandūcātum
LL etc. to eat
māne (indecl. n. acc. as adv.)
in the morning, early in the morning
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsum
DCC rank 357
to remain
manifestus, -a, -um (adj.)
clear, plain, evident
manus, -ūs (f.)
DCC rank 48
mare, maris (n.)
DCC rank 125
marītus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 654
martyr, martyris (m./f.)
witness, martyr (one who has been killed bearing witness to the Christian faith)
māter, mātris (f.)
DCC rank 127
māteria, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 857
material, subject matter;
timber, lumber
medicus, -ī (m.)
physician, surgeon;
as adj., medicus, -a, -um healing, medicinal
meditor, meditārī, meditātus sum (dep.)
to reflect, consider, meditate (upon)
medius, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 162
middle, central
mel, mellis (n.)
membrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 481
limb, member of the body
meminī, meminisse, —, —
DCC rank 670
to remember, recollect
memor, memoris (adj.)
mindful, remembering
memoria, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 627
recollection, memory
memorō, memorāre, memorāvī, memorātum
to recall, mention, recount, tell
mendācium, -iī (n.)
lie, falsehood
mendāx, mendācis (adj.)
false, deceitful, lying
mēns, mentis (f.)
DCC rank 173
mēnsa, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 747
mēnsis, -is
[gen. pl. both mēnsium and mēnsum] (m.)
mercēs, mercēdis (f.)
price, wages, salary, reward
mereō, merēre, meruī, meritsum
DCC rank 852
to deserve, merit;
to serve as a soldier;
also as dep., mereor, merērī, meritus sum to deserve
merīdiēs, merīdiēī (m.)
midday, noon;
South (direction of the sun’s greater heat)