Words 1601 to 1800 (reddō to speciālis) Flashcards
reddō, reddere, reddidī, redditum
DCC rank 174
to return, give back
redēmptiō, redēmptiōnis (f.)
buying back, releasing, ransoming, redemption
redeō, redīre, rediī, reditum
DCC rank 301
to go back, return
redimō, redimere, redēmī, redēmptum
to buy back, repurchase, redeem
redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductum
to lead back
referō, referre, retulī (rettulī), relātum
DCC rank 171
to bring back, give back, return;
to tell, report, relate
reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectum
to refresh
rēgīna, -ae (f.)
regiō, regiōnis (f.)
DCC rank 585
boundary, region, country
rēgius, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 561
kingly, royal, pertaining to the king;
as sb., rēgia, -ae (f.) palace
rēgnō, rēgnāre, rēgnāvī, rēgnātum
to rule, reign
rēgnum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 121
kingship, kingdom, reign, rule
regō, regere, rēxī, rēctum
DCC rank 554 (regō)
DCC rank 823 (rēctus)
to guide, rule;
pf. ppl. as adj., rēctus, -a, -um straight, direct;
adv., rēctē rightly, uprightly
regula, -ae (f.)
CL measuring rod
regula, -ae (f.)
LL and ML rule, pattern, model, example;
(monastic) rule
rêligiō, rêligiōnis (f.)
CL conscientiousness, devoutness, piety;
sense of religious obligation or duty to the gods
rêligiō, rêligiōnis (f.)
ML manner of life;
religious (monastic) life;
any order of monks or nuns
rêligiōsus, -a, -um (adj.)
CL scrupulous, precise;
anxious, superstitious;
associated with religion
rêligiōsus, -a, -um (adj.)
ML member of a monastic or religious order
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictum
DCC rank 144
to leave behind, not take with, leave
reliquiae, -ārum (f. pl.)
leavings, remnants, remains
reliquiae, -ārum (f. pl.)
EL relics (of the saints)
reliquus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 788
remaining, rest;
pl., reliquī, reliqua the rest
remaneō, remanēre, remānsī, remānsum
to stay behind, remain
remittō, remittere, remīsī, remissum
to let go, send back, loosen, relax
removeō, removēre, remōvī, remōtum
to move back, remove, withdraw
reor, (rērī,) ratus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 774
to think, imagine, suppose, deem
reperiō, reperīre. repperī, repertum
DCC rank 765
to find, find out, discover
repetō, repetere, repetīvī, repetītum
DCC rank 651
to demand, exact;
to revisit;
to call to mind, recollect;
to repeat
repleō, replēre, replēvī, replētum
to fill again, fill up
reputō, reputāre, reputāvī, reputātum
to reckon, calculate, compute
requiēs, requiētis (f.)
rest after toil, rest, repose
requiēscō, requiēscere, requiēvī, requiētum
to rest, take rest, repose
requīrō, requīrere, requīsīvī (requīsiī), requīsītum
to search for;
to inquire after;
to miss, need
rēs, reī (f.)
DCC rank 38
thing, reality;
possession; matter, business;
rēs pūblica (rēspūblica) republic, commonwealth;
rēs familiāris family property, estate;
rēs mīlitāris art of war;
rēs novae revolution
resīdō, resīdere, resēdī, resessum
to sit down, settle;
to reside
resistō, resistere, restitī
to stand still, remain behind, continue;
to withstand, resist, oppose
respiciō, respicere, respexī, respectum
DCC rank 722
to look back, regard, consider
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsum
DCC rank 535
to answer, reply;
pf. ppl. as sb., respōnsum, -ī (n.) answer, response
restituō, restituere, restituī, restitūtum
to restore, give back;
to revive, reestablish
resurgō, resurgere, resurrēxī, resurrēctum
to rise again, lift oneself;
to rise from the grave
resurrēctiō, resurrēctiōnis (f.)
rising again, resurrection (from the dead) (esp. of Jesus Christ)
retineō, retinēre, retinuī, retentum
DCC rank 647
to hold back, keep
retrō (adv.)
backwards, back, behind;
in past times, before, formerly
reus, -a, -um (adj.)
accused, under charges
reus, -a, -um (adj.)
ML guilty
reus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 888 (reus)
CL as sb., reus, -ī (m.) or rea, -ae (f.)
reus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 888 (reus)
EL as sb., reus, -ī (m.) or rea, -ae (f.) sinner
revēlō, revēlāre, revēlāvī, revēlātum
to unveil, uncover;
to disclose, reveal
revertō, revertere, revertī
DCC rank 995
to turn back;
usu. as revertor, revertī, reversus sum (dep.) to return
revocō, revocāre, revocāvī, revocātum
DCC rank 813
to call back, recall
revolvō, revolvere, revolvī, revolūtum
to revolve, return;
to turn over, unroll, read over, repeat;
to go through again, experience again, repeat
rēx, rēgis (m.)
DCC rank 60
rīdeō, rīdēre, rīsī, rīsum
DCC rank 874
to laugh, laugh at
rīpa, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 662
bank (of a river)
robustus, -a, -um (adj.)
strong, hardy
rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātum
DCC rank 551
to ask
ruber, rubra, rubrum
ruīna, -ae (f.)
tumbling down, falling down, ruin
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptum
DCC rank 480
to break, rupture
rūrsus, rūrsum (adv)
DCC rank 440
back, again
rūs, rūris (n.)
DCC rank 879
country, countryside
rūsticus, -a, -um (adj.)
of the country, rural, rustic;
rough, coarse, simple;
as sb., rūsticus, -ī (m.) countryman, peasant
sabbatum, -ī (n.)
sabbath, Saturday (CL as n. pl., sabbata, -ōrum)
saccus, -ī (m.)
sack, bag
sacer, sacra, sacrum
DCC rank 398
holy, sacred
sacerdōs, sacerdōtis (m./f.)
DCC rank 939
CL priest, priestess
sacerdōs, sacerdōtis (m./f.)
DCC rank 939
ML priest or, more commonly, bishop
sacerdōtium, -iī (n.)
priestly office, priesthood
sacrāmentum, -ī (n.)
CL oath
sacrāmentum, -ī (n.)
EL sacrament
sacrificium, -iī (n.)
sacrificō, sacrificāre, sacrificāvī, sacrificātum
to offer a sacrifice
saeculāris, -e (saecl-) (adj.)
CL pertaining to a saeculum (q.v.)
saeculāris, -e (saecl-) (adj.)
ML of the world as opposed to the church;
also applied to the secular clergy (who are not members of a monastic order, e.g., diocesan clergy);
as sb., gentile
saeculum (saeclum), -ī (n.)
DCC rank 776
race, generation, age;
the people of any time;
lifetime, age;
a hundred years, century
saeculum (saeclum), -ī (n.)
DCC rank 776
ML the (temporal) world, the present age;
liturgical formula, et in saecula saeculōrum and unto ages of ages (i.e., forever; often rendered in English as world without end)
saepe (adv.)
DCC rank 145
comp., saepius rather often, very often;
superl., saepissimē
saevus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 244
savage, fierce, raging, wrathful
sagitta, -ae (f.)
saltem, saltim (adv.)
at least, at all events;
phr., at saltem (but) at least
salūber, salūbris, salūbre (adj.)
salūs, salūtis (f.)
DCC rank 549
health, safety;
salvation (of the soul);
in salutation of a letter, (dat. of recipient, nom. of sender) salūtem (sc. dīcit) to (recipient), (sender sends) greeting;
abbrev., S.P.D. = salūtem plūrimam dīcit sends hearty greetings
salūtō, salūtāre, salūtāvī, salūtātum
to greet, wish health
salveō, salvēre, —, —
to be well, in good health;
esp. as impv. in greeting, salvē, salvēte be well!
salvō, salvāre, salvāvī, salvātum
to save;
sb. of agency, salvātor, salvātōris (m.) saviour
salvus, -a, -um (adj.)
saved, preserved;
unharmed, safe, unhurt;
sānctus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 659
CL sacred, inviolable
sānctus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 659
ML holy;
as sb., sānctus, -ī (m.) saint
sanguis, sanguinis (m.)
DCC rank 214
sānitās, sānitātis (f.)
health, soundness of body
sānō, sānāre, sānāvī, sānātum
to heal, cure, restore to health
sānus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 946
sound, healthy, sane;
opiniō sānior the more prudent view;
adv., sānē soundly, sensibly;
often as affirmation, certainly, to be sure (cf. valdē)
sapiēns, sapientis (adj.)
[pres. ppl. of sapiō]
DCC rank 453
as m. sb., wise man, sage, philosopher;
adv., sapienter wisely
sapientia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 797
sapiō, sapere, sapīvī (sapiī), —
to taste of, savour of, have the flavour of
satis, sat (adv.)
DCC rank 341
enough, sufficiently, quite
saxum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 306
rock, cliff, crag
scelus, sceleris (n.)
DCC rank 154
crime, sin
scholāris, -e (adj.)
of or pertaining to a school;
as pl. sb., scholāres, scholārum (m.) students
scientia, -ae (f.)
CC rank 971
scīlicet (adv.)
DCC rank 889
CL certainly, of course
scīlicet (adv.)
DCC rank 889
ML namely, that is
scindō, scindere, scidī, scissum
to cut, tear;
to separate, divide
sciō, scīre, scīvī (sciī), scītum
DCC rank 172
to know
scrība, -ae (f.)
scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptum
DCC rank 568
to write
scrīptūra, -ae (f.)
(holy) scripture (i.e., the bible)
secō, secāre, secuī, sectum
[fut. ppl. secātūrus]
to cut
sēcrētus, -a, -um (adj.)
separate, apart;
hidden, secret;
as sb., sēcrētum, -ī (n.) secret, mystery;
adv., sēcrētō in secret, privately;
phr.,* in sēcrētō* in secret
secundum (prep. + acc.)
along, according to
secundus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 836
also ord. num. adj. of duo (q.v.) second
sēcūrus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 697
free from care, tranquil;
adv., CL sēcūrō, ML sēcūrē safely;
abstr. sb., sēcūritās, sēcūritātis (f.) security
secus (adv. and prep.)
adv., otherwise, differently;
often phr., nōn secus, haud secus not otherwise;
prep. (+ acc.) contrary to, not in accordance with;
(+ acc. or abl.) alongside, beside, along, by, near(by)
sed (conj.)
DCC rank 20
sēdecim (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. XVI]
ord. num. adj., sextus decimus, -a, -um (the) sixteenth;
distr. num. adj., sēnī dēnī, -ae, -a sixteen each;
num. adv., sēdeciēns (-iēs) sixteen times
sedeō, sedēre, sēdī, sessum
DCC rank 506
to sit
sēdēs, sēdis (f.)
DCC rank 403
seat, throne;
abode, habitation;
sēdēs episcopālis episcopal see (cathedral city of a diocese);
sēdēs apostolica apostolic see (i.e., Rome, the resting place of Peter and Paul)
sēdūcō, sēdūcere, sēdūxī, sēductum
to draw aside, take apart, carry off, lead away;
to separate, divide, part;
ML to lead astray, seduce
sēgnis, -e (adj.)
slow, lazy
semel (adv.)
DCC rank 789
once, one time
sēmen, sēminis (n.)
sēminō, sēmināre, sēmināvī, sēminātum
to sow, plant
sēmita, -ae (f.)
way, path, road
semper (adv.)
DCC rank 149
always, ever
sempiternus, -a, -um (adj.)
everlasting, imperishable, continual, eternal
senātus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 329
senectūs, senectūtis (f.)
old age
senex, senis (adj.)
DCC rank 558
senior, older;
as m. sb., senex, senis old man, elder;
comp. as sb., senior, seniōris (m.) elder
senex, senis (adj.)
DCC rank 558
ML lord
sēnsus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 793
feeling, emotion;
sense, wits
sententia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 586
opinion, judgment
sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī, sēnsum
DCC rank 302
to perceive, feel, hear, see;
to think, judge
sēparō, sēparāre, sēparāvī, sēparātum
to part, divide, separate
sepeliō, sepelīre, sepelīvī (sepeliī), sepultum
to bury
septem (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. VII]
ord. num. adj., septimus, -a, -um (the) seventh;
distr. num. adj., septēnī, -ae, -a seven each;
num. adv., septiēns (-iēs) seven times
septendecim (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. XVII]
ord. num. adj., septimus decimus, -a, -um (the) seventeenth;
distr. num. adj., septēnī, -ae, -a seven each;
num. adv., septiēns deciēns (-iēs) seventeen times
septingentī (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. DCC]
seven hundred;
ord. num. adj., septingentēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) seven hundredth;
distr. num. adj.,* septingēnī, -ae, -a* seven hundred each;
num. adv., septingentiēns (-iēs) seven hundred times
septuāgintā (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. LXX]
ord. num. adj., septuāgēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) seventieth;
distr. num. adj., septuāgēnī, -ae, -a seventy each;
num. adv., septuāgiēns (-iēs) seventy times
sepulcrum (sepulchrum), -ī (n.)
DCC rank 949
place of burial, tomb, grave
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 108
to follow
sermō, sermōnis (m.)
DCC rank 575
conversation, discourse;
word, speech;
serō, serere, sēvī, satum
to sow, plant;
to beget, bring forth;
to found, establish, propagate
serpēns, serpentis (f./m.)
snake, serpent
sērus, -a, -um (adj.)
as n. sb., sērum, -ī evening;
adv., sērō late, late in the day
serviō, servīre, servīvī (serviī), servītum
DCC rank 883
to be a slave;
to serve (+ dat.)
servitium, -iī (n.)
servitude, servile condition;
act of worship, divine service
servitūs, servitūtis (f.)
servitude, slavery, service
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātum
DCC rank 289
to save, keep, watch over
servus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 496
slave, servant
sescentī (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. DC]
six hundred;
ord. num. adj., sescentēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) six hundredth;
distr. num. adj., sescēnī, -ae, -a six hundred each;
num. adv., sescentiēns (-iēs) six hundred times
sex (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. VI]
ord. num. adj., sextus, -a, -um (the) sixth;
distr. num. adj., sēnī, -ae, -a six each;
num. adv., sexiēns (-iēs) six times
sexāgintā (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. LX]
ord. num. adj., sexāgēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) sixtieth;
distr. num. adj., sexāgēnī, -ae, -a sixty each;
num. adv., sexāgiēns (-iēs) sixty times
sī (conj.)
DCC rank 16
if ;
phr., sī modo (subord conj.) if only;
sī nōn (subord. conj.) if not;
sī quā if by any way;
sī quandō if ever;
sī quō if to anywhere
sīc (adv.)
DCC rank 79
in this manner, thus, so;
sīc… ut… so… as…, in the same way as
sīcubi (adv.)
[sī + ubi]
if anywhere
sīcunde (adv.)
[sī + unde]
if from anywhere
sīcut, sīcutī (conj.)
[sīc + ut]
DCC rank 791
as, just as
sīdus, sīderis (n.)
DCC rank 359
star, constellation
signō, signāre, signāvī, signātum
to set a mark upon, seal;
to point out, indicate, designate
sīgnum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 261
sign, standard, mark
silentium, -iī (n.)
sileō, silēre, siluī, —
to be silent
silva, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 234
wood, forest, grove
similis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 414
like, similar (+ gen. or dat.);
adv.,* similiter* in like manner, in the same manner
similitūdō, similitūdinis (f.)
likeness, resemblance;
simplex, simplicis (adj.)
adv., simpliciter simply
simul (adv.)
DCC rank 274
at the same time, at once, together;
simul ac (or atque, ut, et) as soon as
simulō, simulāre, simulāvī, simulātum
to imitate, copy, pretend that something is that which it is not (cf. dissimulō)
sīn (sī nē) (subord. conj.)
but if;
often in strengthened form as sīn autem, sīn vērō but if however
sine (prep. + abl.)
DCC rank 104
singulus, -a, -um (adj.)
single, individual, each;
m. pl., singulī, -ōrum everyone (considered individually);
n. pl., per singula one by one, individually
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum
left, on the left side
sinō, sinere, sīvī, situm
DC rank 717
to allow, permit;
to let go
sinus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 478
fold of a garment;
recess, gulf, bay;
lap, bosom
sīquidem (subord. conj.)
since, indeed;
in as much as;
ML often simply indicates transition to a new sentence;
cf. autem
sī quis (sīquis) (indef. pron.)
if anyone
sitiō, sitīre, sitīvī (sitiī), sitītum
to thirst, be thirsty, be dry
sīve, seu (conj.) = vel sī
DCC rank 362 (sīve)
DCC rank 343 (seu)
or if;
sīve… sīve…, seu… seu… whether… or…
socius, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 372
sharing, joining in, partaking, allied, associated;
as sb., socius, -iī (m.) fellow, sharer, partner, comrade, ally;
socia, -ae (f.) female relative; wife
sōl, sōlis (m.)
DCC rank 320
sōlācium, -iī (n.)
comfort, relief, consolation, solace;
ML also help, assistance;
an assistant
soleō, solēre, soluī, solitum
DCC rank 246
to be accustomed (to)
sōlitūdō, sōlitūdinis (f.)
solitude, loneliness, lonely place, wilderness
sollemnis (solemnis), -e (adj.)
formal, ceremonial, solemn;
n. pl. sb., sollemnia, -ōrum solemnities, religious services
sollemnitās, sollemnātis (f.)
solemnity, feast, ceremony
sollicitūdō, sollicitūdinis (f.)
concern, anxious care (for something)
sollicitus, -a, -um (adj.)
troubled in mind, anxious, watchfully concerned
sōlus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 176 (sōlus)
DCC rank 897 (sōlum)
only, alone;
as adv., sōlum only, merely;
nōn sōlum… sed (or vērum etiam)… not only… but also…;
gen. sg. sōlīus; dat. sg. sōlī
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtum
DCC rank 325
to release, untie, unbind;
to set sail
somnium, -iī (n.)
somnus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 438
sleep, slumber;
m. pl., somnī, somnōrum dreams
sonitus, -ūs (m.)
sonō, sonāre, sonuī, sonitum
DCC rank 583
to sound, resound
sonus, -ī (m.)
soror, sorōris (f.)
DCC rank 497
sors, sortis (f.)
DCC rank 639
lot, fate, destiny;
spargō, spargere, sparsī, sparsum
DCC rank 532
to scatter
spatium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 426
space (usu. of time, not place)
speciālis, -e (adj.)
special, peculiar;
adv., speciāliter particularly, specially, specifically