Words 0201 to 0400 (bonitās to cottīdiē) Flashcards
bonitās, bonitātis (f.)
bonus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 68
comp., melior (melius, n.), meliōris better;
superl., optimus, -a, -um best;
adv., bene, melius, optimē (q.v.);
as n. pl. sb., bona, -ōrum goods, possessions
bōs, bovis (m.)
DCC rank 808
gen. pl. boum
brāchium (bracchium), -iī (n.)
brevis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 589 (brevis)
DCC rank 992 (breviter)
short, brief; shallow;
adv., breviter briefly
cadāver, cadāveris (n.)
dead body, corpse, carcass
cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsum
DCC rank 210
to fall;
to be killed
caecus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 728
blind, unseeing;
dark, obscure
caedēs, caedis (f.)
DCC rank 415
killing, slaughter
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesum
DCC rank 612
to strike, kill, cut down
caelestis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 960
from heaven, of heaven;
as pl. sb., caelestēs, caelestium (m.) the gods
caelum (coel-), -ī (n.)
DCC rank 117
sky, heaven;
climate, weather;
as m. pl. sb., caelī, caelōrum the heavens
calix, calicis (m.)
cup, goblet, drinking vessel
calor, calōris (m.)
campus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 391
plain, field
candidus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 692
white, fair
canis, -is (c.)
DCC rank 687
canō, canere, cecinī, cantum
DCC rank 389
to sing
canticum, -ī (n.)
song, ballad;
EL, canticle (esp. a passage of biblical poetry other than the Psalms)
cantō, cantāre, cantāvī, cantātum
to sing
cantus, -ūs (m.)
song, chant
capillus, -ī (m.)
hair (human or animal)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captum
DCC rank 131
to seize, take;
contain, hold;
pf. ppl. as adj., captus, -a, -um captured, taken prisoner
capitulum, -ī (n.)
[dim. of caput]
CL a little head, darling, pet
capitulum, -ī (n.)
[dim. of caput]
EL ML chapter = heading, section, agenda item;
short liturgical reading;
governing body of a cathedral;
business meeting of a monastic community or religious order, or the building used for such meetings
captīvitās, captīvitātis (f.)
captivity, bondage
captīvus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 344
as sb., captīvus, -ī (m.) captive, prisoner
caput, capitis (n.)
DCC rank 124
carcer, carceris (m.)
prison, jail
careō, carēre, caruī,
[fut. ppl. caritūrus]
DCC rank 572
to lack (+ abl.)
cāritās, cāritātis (char-, kar-) (f.)
CL dearness, costliness, high price;
cāritās, cāritātis (char-, kar-) (f.)
ML love, charity, favour
carmen, carminis (n.)
DCC rank 254
carnālis, carnāle (adj.)
of the flesh, carnal, worldly
carō, carnis (f.)
cārus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 462
dear, beloved;
superl. as form of address, cārissimus, -a, -um (m.)(very dearly) beloved;
adv., cārē dearly, at a high price
castellum, -ī (n.)
CL castle, fort, stronghold
castellum, -ī (n.)
LL, ML town, village
castitās, castitātis (f.)
castrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 224
CL fortified place, fortress, castle;
but usu. as pl. with sg. sense, castra, castrōrum (n.) military camp, encampment
castrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 224
ML in sg., (fortified) town, castle
castus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 838
pure, spotless, chaste
cāsus, -ūs (m.)
chance, accident, (mis)fortune;
situation, plight, case
catholicus, -a, -um (adj.)
catholic, universal
causa, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 107
cause, reason, motive;
occasion, opportunity;
ML also thing(s) (= CL rēs, q.v.);
in abl. preceded by gen., (alicuius) causā for the sake of (something)
caveō, cavēre, cāvī, cautum
DCC rank 941
to be on guard, beware
-ce, -c (intens. enclit.)
-self , used with dem. pron.;
thus, hunce this (person/thing) itself;
huiusce of this (person/thing) itself;
esp. in huiusce modī [hic + modus] of this sort;
contr. to -c when appended to forms of ille and iste;
thus, istece becomes istīc that (person/thing) of yours him-/itself;
istudce becomes* istuc* that (thing) of yours itself
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
DCC rank 304
to go, move;
to yield, abandon
celeber, celebris, celebre (adj.)
famous, renowned
celebrō, celebrāre, celebrāvī, celebrātum
DCC rank 893
to frequent, throng, crowd;
celer, celeris, celere (adj.)
DCC rank 745 (celer)
DCC rank 967 (celeriter)
adv., celeriter swiftly
cella, -ae (f.)
CL place of concealment;
storeroom, granary
cella, -ae (f.)
ML (monastic) cell, monastery;
also as dim., cellula, -ae (f.) cell, monastery
cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātum
to hide, conceal (something from someone) (+ acc. of the thing hidden and acc. of person from whom it is hidden)
cēnseō, cēnsēre, cēnsuī, cēnsum
DCC rank 928
to assess, rate;
to think, decide
centum (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. C]
DCC rank 730
(one) hundred;
centēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (ord. num. adj.) (the) hundredth;
centēnī, -ae, -a (distr. num. adj.) (one) hundred each;
centiēns [-iēs] (num. adv.) (one) hundred times
cernō, cernere, crēvī, crētum
DCC rank 655
to see, discern, separate
certāmen, certāminis (n.)
contest, struggle;
combat, battle;
certō, certāre, certāvī, certātum
DCC rank 864
to decide by contest;
to fight, compete, vie
certus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 285 (certus)
DCC rank 601 (certē)
sure, certain, fixed;
adv., certē surely, by all means
cessō, cessāre, cessāvī, cessātum
to cease
cēterus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 596 (cēterus)
DCC rank 571 (cēterum adv)
the other, the others, the remainder, the rest;
phr.,* et cētera* (etcētera) and the rest, etc.;
phr., dē cēterō CL as for the rest;
ML also in the future, after that;
acc. sg. as adv., cēterum for the rest, in other respects, otherwise (passing to another thought or theme);
cēterum = aliōquin (q.v.) (introducing a conclusion contrary to fact) otherwise, else, in the opposite event;
cēterum contrasted with quidem or negative phrase, notwithstanding, still, on the other hand
ceu (conj.)
(coord.) as, just as;
(subord.) as though
chorus, -ī (m.)
CL dance in a ring, choral dance;
theatrical chorus
chorus, -ī (m.)
EL ML chorus, choir;
choir (clergy maintaining services in a church);
quire (portion of church building reserved for clergy and singers)
Chrīstiānus, -a, -um (adj.)
as sb., Chrīstiānus, -ī (m.) (a) Christian
Chrīstus, -ī (m. pr. sb.)
Christ (from Greek for Hebrew, Messiah, anointed one)
cibus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 863
cingō, cingere, cīnxī, cīnctum
DCC rank 814
to surround, bind, tie
cinis, cineris (m./f.)
DCC rank 779
ashes, embers
cippus, -ī (cīpp-) (m.)
CL boundary pillar
cippus, -ī (cīpp-) (m.)
ML stock, tree stump;
fetter, stock (for convicts);
descent, lineage
circā, circum (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 735
(of place/motion) around, about, in the neighbourhood of;
(of time) about, towards;
(of number) about, nearly, almost
circiter (prep. + acc.)
circumdō, circumdare, circumdedī, circumdatum
to encompass, encircle, surround (someone or something with something)
circumeō (circueō), circumīre, circumiī (circumīvī), circumitum
to go around;
to surround
circumquāque (adv.)
on every side
cis (prep. + acc.)
on this side of
citrā (prep. + acc.)
on this side of
citus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 590
as adv., citō swiftly
cīvis, cīvis (c.) [abl. usu. cīve]
DCC rank 471
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f.)
DCC rank 346
CL citizenship, the condition of a citizen;
the community of citizens, body politic, state
cīvitās, cīvitātis (f.)
DCC rank 346
ML city, town
clam (adv. and prep. + acc., rarely + abl.)
unknown to (+ acc.)
clāmō, clāmāre, clāmāvī, clāmātum
to cry out, to shout
clāmor, clāmōris (m.)
DCC rank 605
outcry, shout
clāritās, clāritātis (f.)
brightness, splendour;
distinction, renown
clārus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 395
clear, bright;
distinguished, renowned;
adv., clārē clearly
classis, -is (f.)
DCC rank 505
class, division, fleet
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausum
DCC rank 392
to close, shut
claustrum, -ī (n.)
CL barrier, hindrance;
frontier fortress
claustrum, -ī (n.)
ML enclosure, cloister, monastery
clāvis, -is (f.)
clericus, -ī (m.)
cleric, member of the clergy (one who has been ordained to a sacred order for service in the church);
scholar, student, scribe, secretary
cōdex, cōdicis
[from caudex: trunk of a tree, block] (m.)
book, codex
coenobium, -iī (n.)
—, coepī, coepisse, coeptum [no pres.]
DCC rank 312
began, to have begun
coerceō, coercēre, coercuī, coercitum
[pronun. co-er-]
to force, coerce
cōgitātiō, cōgitātiōnis (f.)
thinking, considering;
thought, reflection, meditation
cōgitō, cōgitāre, cōgitāvī, cōgitātum
DCC rank 515
to think, reflect
cognātiō, cognātiōnis (f.)
relationship, association;
concr., kindred, relations
cōgnōscō, cōgnōscere, cōgnōvī, cōgnitum
DCC rank 339
to learn, become acquainted with;
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctum
DCC rank 250
to drive together;
to force, compel
cohors, cohortis (f.)
DCC rank 666
cohort, band, troop
colligō, colligere, collēgī, collēctum
DCC rank 820
to gather together, collect
collis, -is (m.)
collocō, collocāre, collocāvī, collocātum
to put in place, arrange, set in order, dispose
collum, -ī (n.)
colō, colere, coluī, cultum
DCC rank 333
to cultivate;
to inhabit;
to care for, cherish;
to worship
color, colōris (m.)
DCC rank 725
columna, -ae (f.)
column, pillar
coma, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 405
hair, tresses
comedō, comedere, comēdī, comēsum
to eat, consume;
to waste, squander
comes, comitis (c.)
DCC rank 448
companion, associate, partner;
attendant, follower;
ML also count, earl;
phr., vītā comite with life as a companion, i.e., as long as I live / if he lives, etc.
comitor, comitārī, comitātus sum (dep.)
to join as an attendant;
to accompany, follow, attend
commendō, commendāre, commendāvī, commendātum
to commend
committō, committere, commīsī, commissum
DCC rank 608
to join, commit to, entrust to (+ dat.);
to perform, do
commoveō, commovēre, commōvī, commōtum
to set in motion, shake, agitate;
to dislodge, confute;
to throw into disorder
commūniō, commūniōnis (f.)
community, mutual participation, fellowship;
EL also communion (i.e., reception of the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist;
= corpus Dominī Body of Christ)
commūnis, commūne (adj.)
DCC rank 660
common, general;
adv., commūniter communally, in a shared manner
comparō, comparāre, comparāvī, comparātum
[from compar, comparis (adj.) equal]
DCC rank 890
to bring together, compare
comparō, comparāre, comparāvī, comparātum
[cum + parō]
DCC rank 890
to get ready, obtain, provide
compellō, compellere, compulī, compulsum
to urge, force, compel
comperiō, comperīre, comperī, compertum
to find out, learn
competō, competere, competō, competīvī (competiī), competītum
to coincide with, happen at the same time;
to be adequate, be suitable, be fit;
ML pres. ppl. as adj., competēns, competentis proper, appropriate
compleō, complēre, complēvī, complētum
to fill up, make full;
to make complete, finish, fulfil
compōnō, compōnere, composuī, compositum
DCC rank 443
to put together;
to compose, arrange;
to build, construct
comprehendō, comprehendere, comprehendī, comprehēnsum
to seize, grasp;
to attack, lay hold of, arrest;
to perceive, understand
computō, computāre, computāvī, computātum
to compute
concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessum
DCC rank 663
to yield, withdraw;
to grant
concipiō, concipere, concēpī, conceptum
to conceive (become pregnant);
to understand, perceive;
to imagine, think
conclūdō, conclūdere, conclūsī, conclūsum
to enclose, shut in;
to end, close;
to argue, demonstrate
concupīscō, concupīscere, concupīvī (concupiī), concupītum
to be very desirous of;
to covet
condīciō, condīciōnis (f.)
DCC rank 920
agreement, condition
condō, condere, condidī, conditum
DCC rank 540
to build, found;
to store up;
to hide, conceal
cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātum
DCC rank 645
to collect, bring to
cōnfessiō, cōnfessiōnis (f.)
confession, acknowledgment
cōnfessiō, cōnfessiōnis (f.)
EL creed, avowal of belief;
suffering for acknowledgement of Christ
cōnfestim (adv.)
speedily, without delay
cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectum
DCC rank 894
to complete, accomplish;
to destroy, kill, consume
cōnfīdō, cōnfīdere, cōnfīsus sum
to trust, confide, rely upon;
ML = fīdō
cōnfirmō, cōnfirmāre, cōnfirmāvī, cōnfirmātum
to make firm, establish, strengthen;
to encourage, embolden;
to settle, fix, demonstrate, assert as true
cōnfiteor, cōnfitērī, cōnfessus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 972
to acknowledge or admit (a fact);
to confess (a crime);
to reveal, disclose
cōnfortō, cōnfortāre, cōnfortāvī, cōnfortātum
to strengthen;
to console, comfort
cōnfundō, cōnfundere, cōnfūdī, cōnfūsum
to mix, blend;
to confuse, bring into disorder;
to perplex, perturb, put to shame
cōnfūsiō, cōnfūsiōnis (f.)
mixing, combining;
confusion, disorder;
blushing, embarrassment
congregō, congregāre, congregāvī, congregātum
to assemble a multitude together;
to collect, gather
coniunx (coniux), coniugis (c.)
DCC rank 218
spouse, husband, wife
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 905
to try, attempt
cōnsecrō, cōnsecrāre, cōnsecrāvī, cōnsecrātum
to devote, dedicate, consecrate;
to hallow, recognize as holy
cōnsentiō, cōnsentīre, cōnsēnsī, cōnsēnsum
to agree, determine in common;
to accord, harmonize with, fit
cōnsequor, cōnsequī, cōnsecūtus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 917
to follow up, overtake, attain
cōnservō, cōnservāre, cōnservāvī, cōnservātum
to maintain, preserve;
to keep, observe
cōnsīderō, cōnsīderāre, cōnsīderāvī, cōnsīderātum
to consider
cōnsilium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 217
council, group of advisors;
counsel, advice;
reason (what is sensible)
cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstitī, cōnstitum
DCC rank 780
to take one’s place, take a position;
to halt, stand still;
to consist in, be composed of
cōnsōlor, cōnsōlārī, cōnsōlātus sum (dep.)
to console, comfort;
to alleviate, soothe
cōnspectus, -ūs (m.)
sight, view (of something);
survey, consideration
cōnspiciō, cōnspicere, cōnspexī, cōnspectum
to look at attentively, perceive, observe
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum
DCC rank 652
to establish, put together
cōnstō, cōnstāre, cōnstitī
[fut. ppl. cōnstātūrus]
DCC rank 731
to agree (with) (+ dat. or cum + abl.);
impers., cōnstatit is agreed or recognized (that) (+ acc. and inf.)
cōnstringō, cōnstringere, cōnstrīnxī, cōnstrictum
to bind
cōnstruō, cōnstruere, cōnstrūxī, cōnstrūctum
CL to heap together, pile up, accumulate;
to compose (sentences);
gram., to construe
cōnsuēscō, cōnsuēscere, cōnsuēvī, cōnsuētum
to accustom, inure, habituate
cōnsuētūdo, cōnsuētūdinis (f.)
DCC rank 954
custom, habit
cōnsul, cōnsulis (m.)
DCC rank 321
consul (one of the two highest magistrates in the roman republic, with two elected annually by the senate)
cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī, cōnsultum
DCC rank 757
to consult, plan (+ acc.);
to consider the interests of (+ dat.)
cōnsummō, cōnsummāre, cōnsummāvī, cōnsummātum
to bring about, accomplish;
to complete, make perfect
cōnsūmō, cōnsūmere, cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptum
DCC rank 869
to use up, consume
contemnō, contemnere, contempsī, contemptum
DCC rank 615
to despise, scorn, disdain
contendō, contendere, contendī, contentum
to strive, exert oneself;
to contend
conterō, conterere, contrīvī, contrītum
to grind, pound, crumble;
to rub off, wear out, obliterate;
to waste, exhaust
contineō, continēre, continuī, contentum [cum + teneō]
DCC rank 804
to contain
contingō, contingere, contigī, contactum
DCC rank 494
to touch, be contiguous to;
impers., contigitit happened (that), it befell (that)
contrā (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 271
phr., ē contrā (ēcontrā) on the contrary
contrahō, contrahere, contrāxī, contractum
to draw together, collect, assemble;
to cause, to produce, to bring into effect;
to make a contract
contrārius, -a, -um (adj.)
contrīstō, contrīstāre, contrīstāvī, contrīstātum
to make sad, sadden;
to afflict
conturbō, conturbāre, conturbāvī, conturbātum
to confuse, disturb, throw into disorder
conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum
DCC rank 698
to assemble, meet;
to agree
conventus, -ūs (m.)
meeting, assembly, throng;
phr., ex conventū by agreement
conventus, -ūs (m.)
EL convent, monastery
conversātiō, conversātiōnis (f.)
familiar intercourse, association
conversātiō, conversātiōnis (f.)
EL change, reform (synon. with conversiō);
manner of life;
monastic life
convertō, convertere, convertī, conversum
DCC rank 834
to turn about, turn;
to change, convert
convīvium, -iī n.
DCC rank 921
banquet, feast
convocō, convocāre, convocāvī, convocātum
to call together, assemble, convoke
cōpia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 331
abundance, plenty;
usu. pl., cōpiae, -ārum forces, troops
coquīna, -ae (f.)
cor, cordis (n.)
DCC rank 795
phr., cordī est it is pleasing to (+ dat.)
cōram (prep. + abl.)
in the presence of
cornū, -ūs (n.)
DCC rank 591
corōna, -ae (f.)
corōnō, corōnāre, corōnāvī, corōnātum
to furnish with a garland or wreath;
to encircle (as with a wreath);
LL etc. to crown (a king)
corporālis, -e (adj.)
of the body, corporal
corpus, corporis (n.)
DCC rank 75
corrigō, corrigere, corrēxī, corrēctum
to amend, improve, correct
corripiō, corripere, corripuī, correptum
to seize;
to shorten
corrumpō, corrumpere, corrūpī, corruptum
DCC rank 870
to break up, destroy, ruin
cottīdiē (cotīdiē, quotīdiē) (adv.)
every day