Words 0201 to 0400 (bonitās to cottīdiē) Flashcards
bonitās, bonitātis (f.)
bonus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 68
comp., melior (melius, n.), meliōris better;
superl., optimus, -a, -um best;
adv., bene, melius, optimē (q.v.);
as n. pl. sb., bona, -ōrum goods, possessions
bōs, bovis (m.)
DCC rank 808
gen. pl. boum
brāchium (bracchium), -iī (n.)
brevis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 589 (brevis)
DCC rank 992 (breviter)
short, brief; shallow;
adv., breviter briefly
cadāver, cadāveris (n.)
dead body, corpse, carcass
cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsum
DCC rank 210
to fall;
to be killed
caecus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 728
blind, unseeing;
dark, obscure
caedēs, caedis (f.)
DCC rank 415
killing, slaughter
caedō, caedere, cecīdī, caesum
DCC rank 612
to strike, kill, cut down
caelestis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 960
from heaven, of heaven;
as pl. sb., caelestēs, caelestium (m.) the gods
caelum (coel-), -ī (n.)
DCC rank 117
sky, heaven;
climate, weather;
as m. pl. sb., caelī, caelōrum the heavens
calix, calicis (m.)
cup, goblet, drinking vessel
calor, calōris (m.)
campus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 391
plain, field
candidus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 692
white, fair
canis, -is (c.)
DCC rank 687
canō, canere, cecinī, cantum
DCC rank 389
to sing
canticum, -ī (n.)
song, ballad;
EL, canticle (esp. a passage of biblical poetry other than the Psalms)
cantō, cantāre, cantāvī, cantātum
to sing
cantus, -ūs (m.)
song, chant
capillus, -ī (m.)
hair (human or animal)
capiō, capere, cēpī, captum
DCC rank 131
to seize, take;
contain, hold;
pf. ppl. as adj., captus, -a, -um captured, taken prisoner
capitulum, -ī (n.)
[dim. of caput]
CL a little head, darling, pet
capitulum, -ī (n.)
[dim. of caput]
EL ML chapter = heading, section, agenda item;
short liturgical reading;
governing body of a cathedral;
business meeting of a monastic community or religious order, or the building used for such meetings
captīvitās, captīvitātis (f.)
captivity, bondage
captīvus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 344
as sb., captīvus, -ī (m.) captive, prisoner
caput, capitis (n.)
DCC rank 124
carcer, carceris (m.)
prison, jail
careō, carēre, caruī,
[fut. ppl. caritūrus]
DCC rank 572
to lack (+ abl.)
cāritās, cāritātis (char-, kar-) (f.)
CL dearness, costliness, high price;
cāritās, cāritātis (char-, kar-) (f.)
ML love, charity, favour
carmen, carminis (n.)
DCC rank 254
carnālis, carnāle (adj.)
of the flesh, carnal, worldly
carō, carnis (f.)
cārus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 462
dear, beloved;
superl. as form of address, cārissimus, -a, -um (m.)(very dearly) beloved;
adv., cārē dearly, at a high price
castellum, -ī (n.)
CL castle, fort, stronghold
castellum, -ī (n.)
LL, ML town, village
castitās, castitātis (f.)
castrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 224
CL fortified place, fortress, castle;
but usu. as pl. with sg. sense, castra, castrōrum (n.) military camp, encampment
castrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 224
ML in sg., (fortified) town, castle
castus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 838
pure, spotless, chaste
cāsus, -ūs (m.)
chance, accident, (mis)fortune;
situation, plight, case
catholicus, -a, -um (adj.)
catholic, universal
causa, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 107
cause, reason, motive;
occasion, opportunity;
ML also thing(s) (= CL rēs, q.v.);
in abl. preceded by gen., (alicuius) causā for the sake of (something)
caveō, cavēre, cāvī, cautum
DCC rank 941
to be on guard, beware
-ce, -c (intens. enclit.)
-self , used with dem. pron.;
thus, hunce this (person/thing) itself;
huiusce of this (person/thing) itself;
esp. in huiusce modī [hic + modus] of this sort;
contr. to -c when appended to forms of ille and iste;
thus, istece becomes istīc that (person/thing) of yours him-/itself;
istudce becomes* istuc* that (thing) of yours itself
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
DCC rank 304
to go, move;
to yield, abandon
celeber, celebris, celebre (adj.)
famous, renowned
celebrō, celebrāre, celebrāvī, celebrātum
DCC rank 893
to frequent, throng, crowd;
celer, celeris, celere (adj.)
DCC rank 745 (celer)
DCC rank 967 (celeriter)
adv., celeriter swiftly
cella, -ae (f.)
CL place of concealment;
storeroom, granary
cella, -ae (f.)
ML (monastic) cell, monastery;
also as dim., cellula, -ae (f.) cell, monastery
cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātum
to hide, conceal (something from someone) (+ acc. of the thing hidden and acc. of person from whom it is hidden)
cēnseō, cēnsēre, cēnsuī, cēnsum
DCC rank 928
to assess, rate;
to think, decide
centum (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. C]
DCC rank 730
(one) hundred;
centēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (ord. num. adj.) (the) hundredth;
centēnī, -ae, -a (distr. num. adj.) (one) hundred each;
centiēns [-iēs] (num. adv.) (one) hundred times
cernō, cernere, crēvī, crētum
DCC rank 655
to see, discern, separate
certāmen, certāminis (n.)
contest, struggle;
combat, battle;
certō, certāre, certāvī, certātum
DCC rank 864
to decide by contest;
to fight, compete, vie
certus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 285 (certus)
DCC rank 601 (certē)
sure, certain, fixed;
adv., certē surely, by all means
cessō, cessāre, cessāvī, cessātum
to cease
cēterus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 596 (cēterus)
DCC rank 571 (cēterum adv)
the other, the others, the remainder, the rest;
phr.,* et cētera* (etcētera) and the rest, etc.;
phr., dē cēterō CL as for the rest;
ML also in the future, after that;
acc. sg. as adv., cēterum for the rest, in other respects, otherwise (passing to another thought or theme);
cēterum = aliōquin (q.v.) (introducing a conclusion contrary to fact) otherwise, else, in the opposite event;
cēterum contrasted with quidem or negative phrase, notwithstanding, still, on the other hand
ceu (conj.)
(coord.) as, just as;
(subord.) as though
chorus, -ī (m.)
CL dance in a ring, choral dance;
theatrical chorus
chorus, -ī (m.)
EL ML chorus, choir;
choir (clergy maintaining services in a church);
quire (portion of church building reserved for clergy and singers)
Chrīstiānus, -a, -um (adj.)
as sb., Chrīstiānus, -ī (m.) (a) Christian
Chrīstus, -ī (m. pr. sb.)
Christ (from Greek for Hebrew, Messiah, anointed one)
cibus, -ī (m.)
DCC rank 863
cingō, cingere, cīnxī, cīnctum
DCC rank 814
to surround, bind, tie
cinis, cineris (m./f.)
DCC rank 779
ashes, embers
cippus, -ī (cīpp-) (m.)
CL boundary pillar
cippus, -ī (cīpp-) (m.)
ML stock, tree stump;
fetter, stock (for convicts);
descent, lineage
circā, circum (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 735
(of place/motion) around, about, in the neighbourhood of;
(of time) about, towards;
(of number) about, nearly, almost
circiter (prep. + acc.)
circumdō, circumdare, circumdedī, circumdatum
to encompass, encircle, surround (someone or something with something)
circumeō (circueō), circumīre, circumiī (circumīvī), circumitum
to go around;
to surround
circumquāque (adv.)
on every side
cis (prep. + acc.)
on this side of
citrā (prep. + acc.)
on this side of
citus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 590
as adv., citō swiftly