Words 1401 to 1600 (pōscō to recordor) Flashcards
pōscō, pōscere, popōscī
DCC rank 487
to demand, claim;
to inquire into
possessiō, possessiōnis (f.)
possession, property
possibilis, -e (adj.)
possideō, possidēre, possēdī, possessum
to possess
possīdō, possīdere, possēdī, possessum
to take possession of
possum, posse, potuī
DCC rank 23
to be able, can;
impers., e.g., potest dīcī it can be said;
inf. as sb., posse ML ability, capability;
power, force, army
post (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 164
after, behind;
later, afterwards
posteā (adv.)
DCC rank 964
posterus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 877
next, later;
as pl. m. sb., posterī, -ōrum future generations, descendants, posterity;
comp., posterior that comes or follows after (adv., posterius afterwards);
superl., postrēmus last of all;
superl. adv., postrēmō lastly, last in order
postmodo, postmodum (adv.)
CL presently, shortly
postmodo, postmodum (adv.)
ML afterwards, after a while
postquam (subord. conj.)
DCC rank 384
after that
postulō, postulāre, postulāvī, postulātum
to ask, demand, claim
potēns, potentis (adj.)
[pres. ppl. of possum]
DCC rank 567
able, powerful
potestās, potestātis (f.)
DCC rank 737
potis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 947
powerful, able;
superl. as adv., potissimum by preference
potius (adv.)
pōtō, pōtāre, pōtāvī, pōtātum (pōtum)
to drink
pōtus, -ūs (m.)
prae (prep. + abl.)
before, in front of;
compared to, next to;
on account of, for
praebeō, praebēre, praebuī, praebitum
DCC rank 584
to furnish, supply, render, show;
praebēre sē to show oneself
praecēdō, praecēdere, praecessī, praecessum
to go before, precede
praecipiō, praecipere, praecēpī, praeceptum
DCC rank 945 (praecipiō)
DCC rank 825 (praeceptum)
to anticipate, advise, warn;
to instruct, command;
pf. ppl. as sb., praeceptum, -ī (n.) rule, precept;
command, instruction
praecipuus, -a, -um (adj.)
foremost, principal;
as adv., praecipuē most of all, especially
praeda, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 626
booty, spoils, prey
praedicātor, praedicātōris (m.)
praedicō, praedicāre, praedicāvī, praedicātum
CL to make known by proclamation
praedicō, praedicāre, praedicāvī, praedicātum
EL to preach
praedīcō, praedīcere, praedīxī, praedictum
to say before, premise;
to foretell, predict;
to advise, warn, admonish, prescribe;
pf. ppl. as adj., praedictus, -a, -um before-mentioned, aforesaid
praefātus, -a, -um
[pf. ppl. of praefor]
before-mentioned, aforesaid
praeferō, praeferre, praetulī, praelātum
to place before, prefer;
pf. ppl. as sb., praelātus, -ī (m.) prelate (a member of one of the higher orders of clerics, e.g., a bishop, an archdeacon, an abbot)
praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectum
to set over, place in authority over;
pf. ppl. as sb., *praefectus, -ī *(m.) prefect
praemium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 680
bounty, reward
praeparō, praeparāre, praeparāvī, praeparātum
to prepare
praepōnō, praepōnere, praeposuī, praepositum
to place before or above
praesēns, praesentis
[pres. ppl. of praesum] (adj.)
DCC rank 822
present (in time or place), in person, ready;
as sb., praesēns, praesentis (n.) the present (time)
praesentia, -ae (f.)
praesentō, praesentāre, praesentāvī, praesentātum
to hand to;
to present
praesidium, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 582
protection, defence;
CL also garrison
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
DCC rank 423
to provide, furnish;
to excel;
to exhibit, show;
praestāre sē to show oneself
praesum, praeesse, praefuī, praefutūrus (+ dat.)
to be in command of
praesūmō, praesūmere, praesūmpsī, praesūmptum
CL to take in advance;
to perform beforehand;
to take for granted
praesūmō, praesūmere, praesūmpsī, praesūmptum
ML to dare, presume
praeter (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 756
by, along, past;
besides, except;
praetereā (adv.) besides, moreover
praetereā (adv.)
DCC rank 681
praetereō, praeterīre, praeteriī (praeterīvī), praeteritum
to go by, go past, pass by, pass
praetor, praetōris (m.)
DCC rank 878
praetor (one of the chief Roman magistrates)
praevaleō, praevalēre, praevaluī, —
CL to have greater power or worth;
to be of great virtue
praevaleō, praevalēre, praevaluī, —
ML to be powerful, have greater power, prevail
prātum, -ī (n.)
precor, precārī, precātus sum
DCC rank 492
to pray, invoke, beg
premō, premere, pressī, pressum
DCC rank 240
to press, pursue, overwhelm
presbyter, presbyteris (m.)
priest, presbyter
pretiōsus, -a, -um (adj.)
costly, of great value, precious
pretium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 629
price, worth, reward;
pretium operae a reward for trouble
prex, precis (f.)
DCC rank 520
prayer, entreaty
prīmitiae, -ārum (f.)
first fruits, first offerings
prīmōgenitus, -a, -um (adj.)
prīmus, -a, -um
(ord. num. adj. of ūnus, q.v.)
DCC rank 91 (prīmus)
DCC rank 252 (prīmum)
as adv., prīmō first, in the first place, in the beginning;
prīmum at first, firstly
prīnceps, prīncipis (adj.)
DCC rank 317
first, chief ;
as sb., prīnceps, prīncipis (m./f.) leader, person in charge;
captain (of an army)
prīnceps, prīncipis (adj.)
DCC rank 317
ML prince
prīncipium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 948
prior (prius, n.), priōris (comp. adj.)
DCC rank 526
earlier, preceding;
former, first (of two);
EL, as sb., prior, priōris (m.) prior, term applied to any superior or elder monk;
later applied to the second in dignity in a monastery or to the head of a monastic priory;
(f.), priōrissa, -ae prioress
prius, priusquam (comp. adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 484
before that
prīvātus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 882
personal, private
prīvō, prīvāre, prīvāvī, prīvātum
to free, release, deliver;
to deprive, rob, strip
prō (prep. + abl.)
DCC rank 128
for, on behalf of, in proportion to;
ML = CL propter on account of (q.v.)
prō, prōh (interj.)
forbid it! God forbid!
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātum
DCC rank 784
to test, try;
to approve, prove;
to convince someone (dat.) of a thing (acc.)
prōcēdō, prōcēdere, prōcessī, prōcessum
DCC rank 746
to go forth, advance, proceed
procul (adv.)
DCC rank 397
at a distance, from afar
prōcūrō, prōcūrāre, prōcūrāvī, prōcūrātum
to take care of, attend to, look after;
to arrange, bring about
prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditum
DCC rank 929
to publish, hand down;
to give over, betray
prōdūcō, prōdūcere, prōdūxī, prōductum
to lead forth, lead forward, bring out
proelium (praelium), -iī (n.)
DCC rank 348
profectō (adv.)
[prō + factō]
surely, certainly, by all means
prōferō, prōferre, prōtulī, prōlātum
to carry out, bring forth, produce;
to offer
prōficiō, prōficere, prōfēcī, prōfectum
to make progress;
to succeed, profit;
to accomplish, effect
proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 835
to set forth, go
profundus, -a, -um (adj.)
as sb., profundum, -ī (n.) depth