Words 1401 to 1600 (pōscō to recordor) Flashcards
pōscō, pōscere, popōscī
DCC rank 487
to demand, claim;
to inquire into
possessiō, possessiōnis (f.)
possession, property
possibilis, -e (adj.)
possideō, possidēre, possēdī, possessum
to possess
possīdō, possīdere, possēdī, possessum
to take possession of
possum, posse, potuī
DCC rank 23
to be able, can;
impers., e.g., potest dīcī it can be said;
inf. as sb., posse ML ability, capability;
power, force, army
post (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 164
after, behind;
later, afterwards
posteā (adv.)
DCC rank 964
posterus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 877
next, later;
as pl. m. sb., posterī, -ōrum future generations, descendants, posterity;
comp., posterior that comes or follows after (adv., posterius afterwards);
superl., postrēmus last of all;
superl. adv., postrēmō lastly, last in order
postmodo, postmodum (adv.)
CL presently, shortly
postmodo, postmodum (adv.)
ML afterwards, after a while
postquam (subord. conj.)
DCC rank 384
after that
postulō, postulāre, postulāvī, postulātum
to ask, demand, claim
potēns, potentis (adj.)
[pres. ppl. of possum]
DCC rank 567
able, powerful
potestās, potestātis (f.)
DCC rank 737
potis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 947
powerful, able;
superl. as adv., potissimum by preference
potius (adv.)
pōtō, pōtāre, pōtāvī, pōtātum (pōtum)
to drink
pōtus, -ūs (m.)
prae (prep. + abl.)
before, in front of;
compared to, next to;
on account of, for
praebeō, praebēre, praebuī, praebitum
DCC rank 584
to furnish, supply, render, show;
praebēre sē to show oneself
praecēdō, praecēdere, praecessī, praecessum
to go before, precede
praecipiō, praecipere, praecēpī, praeceptum
DCC rank 945 (praecipiō)
DCC rank 825 (praeceptum)
to anticipate, advise, warn;
to instruct, command;
pf. ppl. as sb., praeceptum, -ī (n.) rule, precept;
command, instruction
praecipuus, -a, -um (adj.)
foremost, principal;
as adv., praecipuē most of all, especially
praeda, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 626
booty, spoils, prey
praedicātor, praedicātōris (m.)
praedicō, praedicāre, praedicāvī, praedicātum
CL to make known by proclamation
praedicō, praedicāre, praedicāvī, praedicātum
EL to preach
praedīcō, praedīcere, praedīxī, praedictum
to say before, premise;
to foretell, predict;
to advise, warn, admonish, prescribe;
pf. ppl. as adj., praedictus, -a, -um before-mentioned, aforesaid
praefātus, -a, -um
[pf. ppl. of praefor]
before-mentioned, aforesaid
praeferō, praeferre, praetulī, praelātum
to place before, prefer;
pf. ppl. as sb., praelātus, -ī (m.) prelate (a member of one of the higher orders of clerics, e.g., a bishop, an archdeacon, an abbot)
praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectum
to set over, place in authority over;
pf. ppl. as sb., *praefectus, -ī *(m.) prefect
praemium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 680
bounty, reward
praeparō, praeparāre, praeparāvī, praeparātum
to prepare
praepōnō, praepōnere, praeposuī, praepositum
to place before or above
praesēns, praesentis
[pres. ppl. of praesum] (adj.)
DCC rank 822
present (in time or place), in person, ready;
as sb., praesēns, praesentis (n.) the present (time)
praesentia, -ae (f.)
praesentō, praesentāre, praesentāvī, praesentātum
to hand to;
to present
praesidium, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 582
protection, defence;
CL also garrison
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
DCC rank 423
to provide, furnish;
to excel;
to exhibit, show;
praestāre sē to show oneself
praesum, praeesse, praefuī, praefutūrus (+ dat.)
to be in command of
praesūmō, praesūmere, praesūmpsī, praesūmptum
CL to take in advance;
to perform beforehand;
to take for granted
praesūmō, praesūmere, praesūmpsī, praesūmptum
ML to dare, presume
praeter (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 756
by, along, past;
besides, except;
praetereā (adv.) besides, moreover
praetereā (adv.)
DCC rank 681
praetereō, praeterīre, praeteriī (praeterīvī), praeteritum
to go by, go past, pass by, pass
praetor, praetōris (m.)
DCC rank 878
praetor (one of the chief Roman magistrates)
praevaleō, praevalēre, praevaluī, —
CL to have greater power or worth;
to be of great virtue
praevaleō, praevalēre, praevaluī, —
ML to be powerful, have greater power, prevail
prātum, -ī (n.)
precor, precārī, precātus sum
DCC rank 492
to pray, invoke, beg
premō, premere, pressī, pressum
DCC rank 240
to press, pursue, overwhelm
presbyter, presbyteris (m.)
priest, presbyter
pretiōsus, -a, -um (adj.)
costly, of great value, precious
pretium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 629
price, worth, reward;
pretium operae a reward for trouble
prex, precis (f.)
DCC rank 520
prayer, entreaty
prīmitiae, -ārum (f.)
first fruits, first offerings
prīmōgenitus, -a, -um (adj.)
prīmus, -a, -um
(ord. num. adj. of ūnus, q.v.)
DCC rank 91 (prīmus)
DCC rank 252 (prīmum)
as adv., prīmō first, in the first place, in the beginning;
prīmum at first, firstly
prīnceps, prīncipis (adj.)
DCC rank 317
first, chief ;
as sb., prīnceps, prīncipis (m./f.) leader, person in charge;
captain (of an army)
prīnceps, prīncipis (adj.)
DCC rank 317
ML prince
prīncipium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 948
prior (prius, n.), priōris (comp. adj.)
DCC rank 526
earlier, preceding;
former, first (of two);
EL, as sb., prior, priōris (m.) prior, term applied to any superior or elder monk;
later applied to the second in dignity in a monastery or to the head of a monastic priory;
(f.), priōrissa, -ae prioress
prius, priusquam (comp. adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 484
before that
prīvātus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 882
personal, private
prīvō, prīvāre, prīvāvī, prīvātum
to free, release, deliver;
to deprive, rob, strip
prō (prep. + abl.)
DCC rank 128
for, on behalf of, in proportion to;
ML = CL propter on account of (q.v.)
prō, prōh (interj.)
forbid it! God forbid!
probō, probāre, probāvī, probātum
DCC rank 784
to test, try;
to approve, prove;
to convince someone (dat.) of a thing (acc.)
prōcēdō, prōcēdere, prōcessī, prōcessum
DCC rank 746
to go forth, advance, proceed
procul (adv.)
DCC rank 397
at a distance, from afar
prōcūrō, prōcūrāre, prōcūrāvī, prōcūrātum
to take care of, attend to, look after;
to arrange, bring about
prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditum
DCC rank 929
to publish, hand down;
to give over, betray
prōdūcō, prōdūcere, prōdūxī, prōductum
to lead forth, lead forward, bring out
proelium (praelium), -iī (n.)
DCC rank 348
profectō (adv.)
[prō + factō]
surely, certainly, by all means
prōferō, prōferre, prōtulī, prōlātum
to carry out, bring forth, produce;
to offer
prōficiō, prōficere, prōfēcī, prōfectum
to make progress;
to succeed, profit;
to accomplish, effect
proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 835
to set forth, go
profundus, -a, -um (adj.)
as sb., profundum, -ī (n.) depth
prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitum
DCC rank 604
to restrain, keep away
prōiciō, prōicere, prōiēcī, prōiectum
to throw forward
proinde (adv.)
in like manner, in the same manner
proinde (adv.)
ML therefore
prōmittō, prōmittere, prōmīsī, prōmissum
DCC rank 720
to send forth, offer;
to promise
prope (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 189
near, nearby;
nearly, almost;
near, next to;
comp. adv., propius more nearly, nearer;
superl. adv., proximē most nearly;
comp. adj.,* propior* nearer;
superl. adj., proximus nearest;
superl. adj. as sb., proximus, -ī (m.) neighbour
properō, properāre, properāvī, properātum
DCC rank 537
to hasten, speed
prophēta, -ae (m.)
propinquus, -a, -um (adj.)
near, near at hand, neighbouring
prōpōnō, prōpōnere, prōposuī, prōpositum
DCC rank 930
to put forth, propose, present;
pf. ppl. as sb., *prōpositum, -ī *(n.) plan, intention, design, resolution, purpose;
ML also manner of life, life, monastic vow
proprius, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 854
(one’s) own, peculiar;
as n. pl. sb., propria, -iōrum one’s own home, one’s own parts;
adv., propriē properly, correctly
propter (prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 560
because of, on account of;
quāpropter (adv.) for which reason, wherefore
proptereā (adv.)
on that account
prosper (prosperus), prospera, prosperum (adj.)
prōsternō, prōsternere, prōstrāvī, prōstrātum
to strew in front of (someone);
to throw to the ground, ruin, destroy;
to debase oneself
prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī, prōfutūrus
[pres. ind. act., prōdes, prōdest, etc.] (+ dat.)
DCC rank 373
to be of use, be helpful, do good (to);
to aid
prōtinus (adv.)
DCC rank 903
at once, forthwith
prōvincia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 620
official duty
prōvocō, prōvocāre, prōvocāvī, prōvocātum
to call forth;
to challenge, incite, provoke
prūdēns, prūdentis (adj.)
wise, prudent;
comp., prūdentior (prūdentius, n.), prūdentiōris wiser;
superl., prūdentissimus, -a, -um (superl. adj.) wisest;
abstr. sb., prūdentia, -ae (f.) wisdom, prudence
psallō, psallere, psallī, —
to play upon a stringed instrument
psallō, psallere, psallī, —
ML to sing (esp. to sing psalms in the liturgy)
psalmus, -ī (m.)
psalm (piece of biblical poetry)
pūblicus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 517
public, belonging to the state;
adv., pūblicē publicly, in public
pudor, pudōris (m.)
DCC rank 616
sense of shame, modesty, propriety
puella, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 233
puer, puerī (m.)
DCC rank 191
dimin., puerulus, -ī (m.) little boy;
little slave
pūgna, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 650
fist-fight, fight, battle
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātum
DCC rank 708
to fight
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
DCC rank 569
beautiful, handsome;
comp., pulchrior (pulchrius, n.), pulchriōris more beautiful;
superl., pulcherrimus, -a, -um (superl. adj.) most beautiful
pulchritūdō, pulchritūdinis (f.)
pulsō, pulsāre, pulsāvī, pulsātum
to push against, strike upon, keep hitting
pulvis, pulveris (m.)
dust, powder
pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī (pūniī), pūnītum
[arch. sp. poen-; also found as dep., pūnior, pūnīrī, pūnītus sum]
to punish
pūrus, -a, -um (adj.)
clean, pure, unspotted
putō, putāre, putāvī, putātum
DCC rank 166
to think, suppose
quā (adv.)
DCC rank 336
where, how
quācumque (adv.)
by whatsoever way
quadrāgēsima, -ae (f.)
[ord. num. adj. of quadrāgintā (q.v.) as sb.]
Lent (the liturgical season forty days before Easter, not counting Sundays)
quadrāgintā (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. XL]
ord. num. adj., quadrāgēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) fortieth;
distr. num. adj., quadrāgēnī, -ae, -a forty each;
num. adv., quadrāgiēns (-iēs) forty times
quadringentī (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. CCCC]
four hundred;
ord. num. adj., quadringentēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) four hundredth;
distr. num. adj., quadringēnī, -ae, -a four hundred each;
num. adv., quadringentiēns (-iēs) four hundred times
quadrivium, -ī (n.)
CL a place where four ways meet
quadrivium, -ī (n.)
ML quadrivium, the second group of the seven liberal arts (viz., arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy)
quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesītum
DCC rank 113
to seek, look for;
to inquire, ask;
also as quaesō, quaesumus I/we pray (introducing a polite request)
quālis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 263
interr. or rel., of what sort, what kind of, what;
correl., talis… qualis… such… as…
quāliscumque (univ. rel. adj.)
of whatever kind
quāliter (adv.)
just as, as;
ML = CL quōmodo (interr. adv.) how?
quam (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 29
how…! how very…! how greatly…!;
as, in what degree;
after comp., than;
adv. phr., quam diū (quamdiū) how long?;
as long as
quamobrem? (adv. and conj.)
wherefore, for which reason
quamquam (conj.)
DCC rank 644
although, however
quamvīs (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 489
however you like;
however much;
quandō (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 621
sī quandō if ever
quandōcumque (adv.)
whensoever, at whatever time
quandōque (adv.)
at what time soever, whenever, whensoever, as often as
quandōquidem (subord. conj.)
since, because
quantus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 311 (quantus)
DCC rank 557 (quantum)
interr., how great?;
rel., of what size, amount, etc.;
as n. sb., quantum (+ gen.) how much of…?;
interr., quantī at what price?;
rel., at which price;
adv., quantum how much? how greatly?;
how much! how greatly!;
as much as;
quantum ad (+ acc.) regarding;
abstr. sb., quantitās, quantitātis (f.) amount, size
quantuscumque, quantacumque, quantumcumque (univ. rel. adj.)
however great
quāpropter (conj.)
for which reason, wherefore
quārē (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 786
why, for which reason, wherefore
quasi (adv. and conj.)
[quam + sī]
DCC rank 938
as if, as it were
quātenus (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 867
to what point, how far;
till when, how long, how far;
to which extent;
ML also as final coord. conj. so that, in order that, to the end that (= CL ut, q.v.)
quattuor (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. IIII or IV]
ord. num. adj., quārtus, -a, -um (the) fourth;
distr. num. adj., quaternī, -ae, -a four each;
num. adv., quater four times
quattuordecim (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. XIIII or XIV]
ord. num. adj., quārtus decimus, -a, -um;
num. adv., quattuordeciēns (-iēs) fourteen times
-que (encl. conj.)
DCC rank 4
-que… -que… both… and…;
-que… et… both… and…
quemadmodum (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 531
as, just as, how, in what manner
queō, quīre, quīvī (quiī), quitum
to be able;
queror, querī, questus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 518
to complain of, lament
quī, quae, quod (pron. and adj.)
DCC rank 3
who, which, what
quia (conj.)
DCC rank 132
because, for
quia (conj.)
DCC rank 132
LL etc., introducing direct discourse, that…
quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque (pron. and adj.)
DCC rank 284
whoever, whatever
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (pron. and pronom. adj.)
DCC rank 126
a certain (one), someone, something
quidem (adv.)
DCC rank 136
certainly, assuredly;
at least;
indeed (emphasizing the word it follows);
nē… quidem not even…
quiēs, quiētis (f.)
quiēscō, quiēscere, quiēvī, quiētum
DCC rank 969
to keep quiet;
to sleep
quīlibet, quaelibet, quidlibet (quodlibet) (pron. and pronom. adj.)
any (one/thing);
anyone/anything you like;
n. sb., quidlibet whatever
quīn (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 456
but that, so that… not (+ subj.);
indeed, in fact
quīndecim (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. XV]
ord. num. adj., quīntus decimus, -a, -um (the) fifteenth;
num. adv., quīndeciēns (-iēs) fifteen times
quīngentī (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. D or IↃ]
five hundred;
ord. num. adj., quīngentēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) five hundredth;
distr. num. adj., quīngēnī, -ae, -a five hundred each;
num. adv., quīngentiēns (-iēs) five hundred times
quīnquāgintā (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. L]
ord. num. adj., quīnquāgēnsimus, -a, -um (-ēsimus) (the) fiftieth;
distr. num. adj., quīnquāgēnī, -ae, -a fifty each;
num. adv., quīnquāgiēns (-iēs) fifty times
quīnque (card. num. adj. indecl.)
[Rom. num. V]
ord. num. adj., quīntus, -a, -um (the) fifth;
distr. num. adj., quīnī, -ae, -a five each;
num. adv., quīnquiēns (-iēs) five times
quīppe (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 499
indeed, surely;
inasmuch as;
quīppe quī (or quae) seeing that he (or she) (introducing a relative clause)
quis, qua, quid (indef. pron.)
anyone, anything
quis (m./f.), quid (n.) (interr. pron.)
DCC rank 212
who? what?
quiscumque, quaecumque, quodcumque (comp. pron.)
whosoever, whatsoever
quisnam (quīnam), quaenam, quidnam (quodnam) (interr. pron.)
who/what, pray? who/which exactly?
quispiam, quaepiam, quippiam [quodpiam] (indef. pron.)
quisquam, quidquam [quicquam] (pron.)
DCC rank 280
any (single) person;
anyone at all;
used only sg., usu. in neg. sentences, corresponding to the adj. ūllus (anyone);
thus, haud quisquam not anyone at all
quisque, quaeque, quidque (quodque) (pron. and adj.)
DCC rank 197
every or each one (severally), everyone;
whoever, whatever
quisquis (quidquid/quicquid, n.) (indef. pron.)
[found only in nom., acc., and abl.]
DCC rank 129
whosoever, whatsoever
quīvīs, quaevīs, quidvīs [quodvīs] (indef. pron.)
anyone/anything you like
quō (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 305
to what place, to which place, to where, whither;
for which reason, in order that;
quā (adv.) by what way;
phr., sī quō if to anywhere;
sī quā if by any way
quoad (conj.)
while, so long as
quōcircā (conj.)
quōcumque (adv.)
whithersoever, to anywhere at all
quod (conj.)
phr., eo quod lit., for this, (namely) that, i.e., because;
prō eō quod because;
in eō quod inasmuch as
quōdammodo (quoddammodo) (adv.)
in a certain way
quodsī (quod sī) (conj.)
but if
quōminus (subord. conj.)
whereby not, in order that not
quōmodo (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 831
how, in what manner;
as, just as
quondam (adv.)
DCC rank 542
at some time, formerly, once
quoniam (conj.)
DCC rank 510
since, seeing that, because, that
quoque (conj. and adv.)
DCC rank 76
also, too
quot (indecl. interr. and rel. adj. indecl.)
how many? (usu. expecting response of a cardinal number, e.g., trēs/tria);
as (many)
quotcumque (rel. adj.)
however many
quotēnī? (interr. adj.)
how many each?
quotiēns, quotiēs (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 970
how many times, how often;
as often as, whenever
quotiēnscumque (adv.)
however often
quotquot (indecl. univ. rel. adj.)
how many soever, however many;
transf. adj., all, every
quoūsque (adv. and conj.)
how long?
rādīx, rādīcis (f.)
rāmus, -ī (m.)
rapāx, rapācis (adj.)
greedy (grasping)
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptum
DCC rank 273
to seize, tear away, carry off
rārus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 752
wide apart, loose, thin;
rare, seldom encountered;
adv., rārō seldom
ratiō, ratiōnis (f.)
DCC rank 256
method, plan, system;
reason, reckoning;
manner, way
recēdō, recēdere, recessī, recessum
DCC rank 826
to step back, recoil, recede, withdraw
recēns, recentis (adj.)
DCC rank 781
fresh, new
recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptum
DCC rank 319
to take back, receive, regain;
sē recipere to betake oneself, go
recordor, recordārī, recordātus sum (dep.)
to remember