Words 1801 to 2000 (speciēs to veniō) Flashcards
speciēs, speciēī (f.)
DCC rank 599
aspect, appearance;
species (of a genus)
speciōsus, -a, -um (adj.)
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātum
DCC rank 473
to look at, consider
spernō, spernere, sprēvī, sprētum
DCC rank 648
to despise, scorn, reject
spērō, spērāre, spērāvī, spērātum
to hope
spēs, speī (f.)
DCC rank 232
spīritālis (spīrituālis), -e (adj.)
spiritual, of the spirit
spīritus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 703
breath, wind;
life, spirit;
spīritus sanctus the holy spirit
splendor, splendōris (m.)
splendour, brightness
spoliō, spoliāre, spoliāvī, spoliātum
to strip, plunder, despoil
spondeō, spondēre, spopondī, spōnsum
to promise, pledge, give assurance
statim (adv.)
DCC rank 798
immediately, right away
statuō, statuere, statuī, statūtum
DCC rank 678
to set up, determine
status, -ūs (m.)
station, position;
condition, situation;
rank, status
stella, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 934
sternō, sternere, strāvī, strātum
to spread abroad, extend, strew, scatter
stō, stāre, stetī, statum
DCC rank 168
to stand;
to be;
to remain, stop, stay
studeō, studēre, studuī
DCC rank 989
to be eager, be zealous, care for, apply oneself to, pursue eagerly, practise, study (often + dat.)
studiōsus, -a, -um (adj.)
eager, zealous, studious
studium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 450
eagerness, zeal, enthusiasm;
pursuit, study;
good will
stultus, -a, -um (adj.)
sb., stultus, -ī (m.) dolt;
sb., stultitia, -ae (f.) stupidity
suāvis, -e (adj.)
sweet, agreeable;
adv., suāviter
(prep. + acc. denoting motion towards, or abl. denoting rest)
DCC rank 118
up to, under
subdō, subdere, subdidī, subditum
[sub + dare]
to put under;
to substitute
subeō, subīre, subiī (subīvī), subitum
DCC rank 538
to go under;
to endure
subiciō (subiiciō), subicere, subiēcī, subiectum
to place under, subject (to)
subitō (adv.)
DCC rank 848
suddenly, unexpectedly;
right away
substantia, -ae (f.)
essence, being;
material, substance;
fortune, property
subsum, subesse, [no pf.], —
to be under
(prep. + acc. denoting motion towards, or abl. denoting rest)
subtīlis, -e (adj.)
thin, fine;
marked by delicate precision or fineness of detail;
finely discriminating
subvertō, subvertere, subvertī, subversum
to overturn, upset, overthrow
succēdō, succēdere, successī, successum
to follow after, come into the place of;
to succeed to, receive by succession
succendō, succendere, succendī, succēnsum
to kindle, inflame
succurrō, succurrere, succurrī, succursum
to run to help, hasten to the aid of, succour
sufficiō, sufficere, suffēcī, suffectum
[sub + faciō]
to supply, be sufficient
suī (gen.), sē (sēsē) (acc. and abl.), sibi [sibī] (dat.) (refl. pron.)
DCC rank 17
sum, esse, fuī,
[theor. sup. futum, fut. ppl. futūrus]
DCC rank 2
to be, exist;
fut. inf. often = fore, impf. subj. often = forem for essem
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptum
DCC rank 454
to take up;
to spend
(prep. + acc. denoting motion towards, or abl. denoting rest)
DCC rank 401
over, upo;
also + abl. about, concerning, beyond
superbia, -ae (f.)
haughtiness, pride, arrogance
superbus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 656
overbearing, proud, haughty
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātum
DCC rank 668
to overcome, surpass, defeat
superstes, superstitis (adj.)
supersum, superesse, superfuī, —
DCC rank 623
to be over;
to remain, survive, be left over;
to be in abundance or superfluous
superus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 99 (superus)
DCC rank 714 (superī)
situated above, upper;
as pl. sb., superī, -ōrum (m.) those above, i.e., the gods;
comp., superior (superius, n.), superiōris higher;
last, previous, preceding;
superl., summus, -a, -um highest, uppermost;
suprēmus, -a, -um last, extreme, final, supreme;
superl. adv., summē extremely
superveniō, supervenīre, supervēnī, superventum
to come in addition;
to arrive;
to follow, supervene
supplicium, -iī (n.)
DCC rank 683
punishment, penalty
suprā (adv. and prep. + acc.)
DCC rank 588
above, beyond, more
surgō, surgere, surrēxī, surrēctum
DCC rank 570
to rise
sūrsum (sūrsus)
suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptum
DCC rank 937
to take up, receive;
to undertake;
to beget or bear a child
suscitō, suscitāre, suscitāvī, suscitātum
to stir up, set in motion;
to encourage, excite;
to awaken, resuscitate
suspendō, suspendere, suspendī, suspēnsum
to hang up, hang, suspend
sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentum
DCC rank 762
to hold up, bear up, sustain;
to endure
suus, -a, -um (poss. refl. pron.)
DCC rank 27
his (own), her (own), its (own), their (own)
tabernāculum, -ī (n.)
dwelling place
tabernāculum, -ī (n.)
EL curtained tent containing the Ark of the Covenant
tabula, -ae (f.)
board, plank;
writing tablet;
inscribed stone or metal plaque;
table-top, table
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitum
DCC rank 369
to fall silent, be silent
talentum, -ī (n.)
talent (unit of money or weight)
tālis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 203
correl., tālis… quālis/atque/ut/quī… such… as/that/as who…;
adv., tāliter so, in such a way
tam (adv.)
DCC rank 96
so, so very, to such an extent, so much;
correl., tam… quam… as… as…, both… and…, just as… as… (implying equality of degree);
phr.* tam diū (tamdiū)* (adv.) so long (as, that)
tamen, attamen (conj.)
DCC rank 58
still, yet, however, nevertheless
tametsī (subord. conj.)
tamquam (tanquam) (conj.)
DCC rank 363
as it were, as if
tandem (adv.)
DCC rank 427
at last, finally
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctum
DCC rank 534
to touch
tantus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 105 (tantus)
DCC rank 216 (tantum, tantummodo)
so great, so much;
as pron., such a quantity, so much;
tantī at such a price, of such worth;
in tantum (intantum) so much, to such a degree;;
adv.,* tantum* so much;
tantum, tantummodo only
tardus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 738
slow, sluggish, lingering
-tē (intens. enclit.)
-self , used only with nom. sg. tū;
thus,* tūtē* you yourself;
sometimes in combination with -met, as tūtēmet you yourself
tēctum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 386
building, house
tegō, tegere, tēxī, tēctum
DCC rank 376
to cover, conceal
tellus, tellūris (f.)
DCC rank 337
the earth
tēlum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 255
missile weapon, spear, javelin
tempestas, tempestātis (f.)
DCC rank 753
period of time, season;
bad weather, storm
templum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 485
temporālis, -e (adj.)
of time, temporal
temptō, temptāvī, temptātum
DCC rank 430
to try, test
tempus, temporis (n.)
DCC rank 89