Words 0601 to 0800 (ērigō to honōrō) Flashcards
ērigō, ērigere, ērēxī, ērēctum
to raise up, set up, erect
ēripiō, ēripere, ēripuī, ēreptum
DCC rank 349
to snatch away, rescue, save
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum
DCC rank 402
to wander, go astray;
to make a mistake, be in error
error, errōris (m.)
DCC rank 832
error, mistake
ērubēscō, ērubēscere, ērubuī, —
to blush, be ashamed
ērudiō, ērudīre, ērudīvī (ērudiī), ērudītum
to educate, instruct, teach
et (coord. conj. and adv.)
DCC rank 1
et… et… both… and…;
as adv., et even, also
etiam (eciam) (adv. and conj.)
DCC rank 67
also, even
etiamsī (subord. conj.)
even if, although
etsī (subord. conj.)
even if, although
ēvādō, ēvādere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum
to go out, ascend, disembark;
to pass beyond, leave behind;
to get away, flee, escape from
ēvangelium, -iī (n.)
ēveniō, ēvenīre, ēvēnī, ēventum
to come out, come forth
exaltō, exaltāre, exaltāvī, exaltātum
to raise, elevate, exalt;
to praise
exaudiō, exaudīre, exaudīvī (exaudiī), exaudītum
to listen to, heed;
to hear favourably
excēdō, excēdere, excessī, excessum
to exceed
excelsus, -a, -um
[pf. ppl. of excellō as adj.]
elevated, lofty, high;
EL phr., in excelsīs in the highest places, in the heavens
excipiō, excipere, excēpī, exceptum
DCC rank 394
to take out, catch up;
to receive;
to except
excitō, excitāre, excitāvī, excitātum
to rouse up, kindle, excite
exclāmō, exclāmāre, exclāmāvī, exclāmātum
to cry out, cry aloud;
to call upon
exemplum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 519
example, sample, model, copy
exeō, exīre, exīvī (exiī), exitum
DCC rank 597
to go forth, go out
exerceō, exercēre, exercuī, exercitum
DCC rank 576
to train, exercise, carry on
exercitus, -ūs (m.)
DCC rank 267
exhibeō, exhibēre, exhibuī, exhibitum
to show, display, exhibit
exigō, exigere, exēgī, exāctum
DCC rank 500
to drive out;
to collect, exact (something from someone)
exinde (exin) (adv.)
from there (of place);
after that (of time)
exīstimō, exīstimāre, exīstimāvī, exīstimātum
DCC rank 613
to think, believe
exitus, -ūs (m.)
going out, issuing
exōrō, exōrāre, exōrāvī, exōrātum
CL to move, prevail upon, persuade
exōrō, exōrāre, exōrāvī, exōrātum
ML in weaker sense of CL ōrō, ōrāre (q.v.)
expediō, expedīre, expedīvī (expediī), expedītum
to extricate, set loose, disentangle;
to put in order, set right;
impers., to be advantageous, beneficial;
pf. ppl. as adj., expedītus, -a, -um unimpeded, unincumbered, disengaged
expellō, expellere, expulī, expulsum
to drive out, force out, remove
expendō, expendere, expendī, expēnsum
to weigh out, pay out, expend;
pf. ppl. as sb., expēnsae, -ārum (f.) expenses
experior, experīrī, expertus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 713
to discover by experience, find, test
expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētum
to fill up, complete, finish
expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, expositum
to set forth, propose;
to explain, expound
expugnō, expugnāre, expugnāvī, expugnātum
to subdue, conquer
exsilium (exilium), -iī (n.)
DCC rank 794
exile, banishment
exsistō (existō), exsistere, exstitī, —
CL to stand forth, arise;
to come into being
exsistō (existō), exsistere, exstitī, —
ML to be, to exist
exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvī, exspectātum
DCC rank 442
to watch (for), wait or await, expect
exsultō (exult-), exsultāre, exsultāvī, exsultātum
to leap or jump up;
to exult, rejoice exceedingly;
to revel, boast
extendō, extendere, extendī, extentum (extēnsum)
to stretch out, spread out;
to extend, increase, enlarge
exter (exterus), extera, exterum (adj.)
on the outside, foreign, strange;
rare as posit.;
more usu. as comp., exterior (exterius, n.), exteriōris outward, outer, exterior;
also as superl., extrēmus, -a, -um outermost, utmost, extreme
extrā (prep. + acc.)
outside of, without
extrahō, extrahere, extrāxī, extractum
to drag out, pull out, extricate;
to draw out, prolong
extrēmus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 385
farthest, situated at the end or tip, extreme
fābula, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 966
account, tale, story
faciēs, faciēī (f.)
DCC rank 479
form, appearance;
aspect, sight;
ML face
facilis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 451
comp., facilior;
superl., facillimus;
abl. as adv.,* facile* easily;
comp., facilius;
superl., facillimum
facinus, facinoris (n.)
DCC rank 646
deed, crime
faciō, facere, fēcī, factum [impv. sg. fac]
DCC rank 32 (faciō)
DCC rank 611 (factum)
to do, make;
pf. ppl. as sb., factum, -ī (n.) deed, accomplishment
fallāx, fallācis (adj.)
fallō, fallere, fefellī, falsum
DCC rank 503
to deceive
falsus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 633
deceptive, false;
as adv., falsō falsely;
abstr. sb., falsitās, falsitātis (f.) falsehood
fāma, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 278
rumor, fame, report;
famēs, famis (f.)
DCC rank 828
hunger, famine
familia, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 943
household, family
famulus, -ī (m.)
servant, attendant;
member of a household;
famula, -ae (f.) [dat./abl. pl.,* famulābus*] maidservant
fateor, fatērī, fassus sum (dep.)
DCC rank 689
to admit, confess;
to profess, declare;
to assent, say yes
fatīgō, fatīgāre, fatīgāvī, fatīgātum
to fatigue, make tired
fātum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 157
fax, facis (f.)
DCC rank 511
fēlis, -is (c.)
proverb, fēle absente, mūrēs lūdunt when the cat’s away, the mice will play
fēlīx, fēlīcis (adj.)
DCC rank 309 (fēlīx)
DCC rank 994 (fēlīciter)
lucky, fortunate, happy;
adv., fēlīciter luckily
fēmina, -ae (f.)
DCC rank 501
fenestra, -ae (f.)
ferē (fermē) (adv.)
DCC rank 907
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum
DCC rank 45
to bear, carry;
to bring
ferōx, ferōcis (adj.)
ferrum, -ī (n.)
DCC rank 231
iron, iron weapon or implement;
metaph., sword, force of arms
ferus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 222
wild, fierce;
as sb., fera, -ae (f.) wild animal
ferveō, fervēre, ferbuī, —
to be boiling hot, ferment;
to burn, glow;
to be inflamed, agitated;
pres. ppl. as adj., fervēns, ferventis fervent, zealous (= CL fervidus, -a, -um)
fessus, -a, -um (adj.)
DCC rank 625
weary, tired
festīnō, festīnāre, festīnāvī, festīnātum
to make haste, hurry, be quick
fēstīvitās, fēstīvitātis (f.)
CL good humour, pleasantry
fēstīvitās, fēstīvitātis (f.)
ML festal occasion, feast, festivity (= CL fēstum, -ī, n.)
fēstus, -a, -um (adj.)
of holidays, festive, festal, solemn, joyful, merry;
as sb., fēstum, -ī (n.) [usu. pl.] CL holiday, festival, banquet;
ML (liturgical) feast (a day consecrated to the memory of a saint or important event in sacred history);
fidēlis, -e (adj.)
DCC rank 979
faithful, loyal;
as pl. sb.,* fidēlēs, fidēlium* the (Christian) faithful (opp. to infidels);
adv., fidēliter faithfully