WK5 - Herbs Simplified Flashcards
How do you spell the pinyin for Gypsum Fibrosum?
Shi Gao
What is the latin for Shi Gao?
Gypsum Fibrosum
What are the properties of Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum?
Sweet, Acrid, Very Cold
What category does Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum belong to?
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
What channels does Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum enter?
What is the preparation of Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum?
mineral, so longer cooking time
however, Shang Han Lun doesn’t reference this!
What is the dosage range for Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum?
heavy because it’s a mineral
What are key characteristics of Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum?
- very cold
- excels at cooling the LU and ST Fire, while also dispersing to vent to the exterior and release the myo layer
What are the contraindications for Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum?
- cold from deficiency of the SP and ST
- fever from yin deficiency (bc need to tonify yin instead)
What herb enters the LU, ST channels?
Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum
What is the Latin name for Zhi Mu?
Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
How do you spell the pinyin for Anemarrhenae Rhizoma?
Zhi Mu
What are the properties of Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma?
Bitter, Sweet, Cold
What category does Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma belong to?
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
What channels does Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma enter?
What are key characteristics of Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma?
- clears fire
- nourishes the yin of the LU, ST and KI
What is the dosage range for Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma?
What are the contraindications for Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma?
- cold from deficiency of the SP and ST
- diarrhea
note: Zhi Mu is not usually used for KD yin deficiency, unless it is in a formula with other herbs
What herb enters the LU, ST, KD channels?
Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
What is the Latin name for Xi Gua?
Citrulli Fructus (watermelon)
How do you spell the pinyin for Citrulli Fructus?
Xi Gua
What are the properties of Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermelon?
Sweet, Cold
What category does Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermellon belong to?
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
What channels does Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermelon enter?
What are the contraindications for Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermelon?
cold from deficiency of the SP and ST
What is the dosage for Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermelon?
What are the key characteristics of Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermelon?
- cools, moistens
- facilitates urination
What herb enters the HT, UB, ST channels?
Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus - Watermellon
What is the pinyin for “White Tiger Decoction”?
Bai Hu Tang
What pattern is Bai Hu Tang the marquis formula for? What are the constituent herbs?
Bai Hu Tang is the marquis formula for Yang Ming channel heat (Qi level heat) and the constituent herbs are:
- Shi Gao
- Zhi Mu
- Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried licorice)
- Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice)
What is the Latin name for Shui Niu Jiao?
Bubali Cornu
How do you spell the pinyin for Bubali Cornu?
Shui Niu Jiao
What are the properties of Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - Water Buffalo Horn?
Salty, Cold
What channels does Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - water buffalo horn - enter?
What are the key characteristics of Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - Water Buffalo Horn?
- cools nutritive & blood level heat
- clears heat from the HT channel
- resolves toxic rashes & sores
- stops bleeding due to heat in the blood (by getting rid of heat, which is source of bleeding)
What is the category of Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - Water Buffalo Horn?
Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
What is the common dosage of Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - Water Buffalo Horn?
30-120g decoct
5-15g powder
What are the contraindications of Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - Water Buffalo Horn?
cold from deficiency of the middle burner
What herb enters the HT, LV, ST channels?
Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu - Water Buffalo Horn
What is the Latin name for Sheng Di Huang?
Rehmanniae Radix - Chinese Foxglove Root
How do you spell the pinyin of Rehmanniae Radix?
Sheng Di Huang
What are the properties of Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix?
Sweet, Bitter, Cold
What category does Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix belong to?
Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
What channels does Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix enter?
What is the common dosage range for Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix?
What herb enters the HT, KD, LV channels?
Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix
What are the key characteristics of Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix?
- enriches the yin
- cools the blood
- clears heat
What are the contraindications of Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix?
- where there is significant dampness from SP deficiency
- in those with loose stools & abdominal fullness
What is the Latin name for Huang Qin?
Scutellariae Radix
How do you spell the pinyin for Scutellariae Radix?
Huang Qin
What are the properties of Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix?
Bitter, Cold
What channels does Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix enter?
What are the key characteristics of Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix?
- cools heat, dries dampness
- stops bleeding
- quiets the fetus in pregnancy
What is the category of Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix?
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
What is the common dosage range of Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix?
What are the contraindications of Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix?
cold from deficiency of the SP and ST
What herb enters the LU, ST, GB, LI channels?
Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix
What is the Latin name for Huang Lian?
Coptidis Rhizoma
How do you spell the pinyin for Coptidis Rhizoma?
Huang Lian
What are the properties of Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma?
Bitter, Cold
What channels does Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma enter?
What are the key characteristics of Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma?
- cools heat
- drains fire (especially in the HT, ST)
- dries dampness
- resolves toxicity
What is the category of Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma?
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
What is the common dosage range of Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma?
What are the contraindications of Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma?
Because of its strong bitter cold & drying properties, it should be used with caution in those with patterns of Cold, Yang Deficiency or Yin Deficiency – especially those with Cold from SP and ST Deficiency.
What herb enters the HT, LI, LV, ST channels?
Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma
What is the Latin name for Huang Bai?
Phellodendri Cortex
What category does Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex belong to?
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
What is the spelling of the pinyin for Phellodendri Cortex?
Huang Bai
What are the properties of Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex?
Bitter, Cold
What channels does Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex enter?
What are key characteristics of Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex?
- directs fire downward
- clears damp-heat in the lower burner
What is the common dosage range of Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex?
What are the contraindications of Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex?
- cold from deficiency in the SP and ST
What herb enters the KD, UB channels?
Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex
what are some damp-heat signs and symptoms
dysenteric disorders (ie:puss, blood)
urinary difficulty or pain (Lin syndrome [UTI])
damp heat skin disorders (furuncles and eczema)
What are the general contraindications for herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Damp?
- can injure a weak middle jiao because they are Bitter and Cold
- caution with SP & ST Yang & Qi Deficiency
- too drying for Yin & Jin Ye Deficiency
all herbs that treat damp heat tend to be what taste and temperature
bitter & cold, which may injure a weak middle jiao
From a bio-medical standpoint, herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Fire are said to be…
antipyretic (reduce fever)