WK13 - Syndromes, S/Sx Flashcards
Review: What is the function of the Heart?
- governs Blood
- regulates pulses & vessels
- manifests in the face: complexion, color, luster
- opens at the tongue & controls speech
How does the Shen relate to the Heart? How is the Pericardium involved?
- the Heart houses the Shen (or Spirit, or Mind)
- “spiritual” disorders are related to the Heart, whereas the “physiological heart” is more about the Pericardium
How is the quality of Shen reflected?
reflected in:
- the face & eyes
- mental clarity, rational function of mental processes & consciousness
What emotion can damage the Heart?
Excess Joy can damage the Heart – e.g. anxiety, mania
What are some pathologies of Shen? (in TCM lingo)
- Fire
- Phlegm
- Blood Stasis
What are some disorders of the Shen? (how does it manifest in symptoms)
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
The Shen is controlled by Kidney Water. What happens if there is no Kidney water?
if no Kidney water cooling the Ming Men Fire, then KD Fire flares up, affecting the Heart
What are some Sleep Issues?
- heavy, vivid disturbing dreams: more HT / LV agitation (also called “wandering Hun” since the LV houses the Hun at rest)
- nightmares: more HT / GB Deficiency
- sleep can also be disturbed by Food Stagnation and/or alcohol consumption
What are 2 types of Insomnia?
1) Blood / Yin Deficiency Insomnia
2) Heart Fire Type Insomnia
What are some signs & symptoms of Blood / Yin Deficiency Insomnia?
- palpitations, anxiety, forgetfulness, poor memory, poor concentration, disorientation, insomnia, restlessness, panic attacks
- tongue: pale or red, maybe red tip (Heart area)
- pulse: thin, weak, maybe rapid (indicating heat)
How do you treat Blood / Yin Deficiency Insomnia?
- nourish and enrich Blood & Yin of HT & LV with seeds and nuts
- patient’s Yin time is too short, so encourage them to sleep more
- use more neutral herbs to cool
- avoid agitating with warm herbs
What are some signs & symptoms of Heart Fire Type Insomnia?
- manic behavior, bad temper, severe agitation
- tongue: red, esp. at tip
- pulse: fast & full, esp. at Left cun mai
How do you treat Heart Fire Type Insomnia?
- treatment: Sedate Heart and Calm the Spirit, Clear Fire
- use herbs that are sweet & cold, to clear heat
- toxic, heavy metals & minerals can settle spirit (caution for long term use due to toxicity & difficulty digesting; nourishing group better for long term)
- time of ingestion important if used for sleep: 30-60 minutes before bed
- pt’s yin time too late, so encourage them to go to bed earlier
What is an herb we learned to Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit? What are its key characteristics?
Long Gu - Fossilia Ossis Mastodi:
- calms with heaviness
- binds with astringency
- secures the normal qi (aka zheng qi)
What is an herb we learned to Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit? What are its key characteristics?
Suan Zao Ren - Ziziphi Spinosae Semen (Sour Jujube):
- nourishes the HT Yin & LV Blood
- promotes sleep
- inhibits sweating (sweat is fluid of the HT)
What is the difference between herbs that Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit, and herbs that Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit? Which category is milder?
- Herbs that Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit tend to be heavy (minerals, shells, bone); settle ascending HT & LV Yang; treat rebellious Qi; and may injure the ST Qi with long term use
- Herbs that Nourish and Calm the Spirit tend to be sweet & nourishing; nourish the HT & LV Blood; are used most commonly for general malaise, palpitations, irritability, and insomnia; and are mild with few side effects
- Herbs that Nourish and Calm the Spirit are milder
What is the main formula for Insomnia? What are its main actions?
Suan Zao Ren Tang (Sour Jujube Decoction):
- nourishes the blood
- calms the spirit
- clears heat
- eliminates irritability
What are the ingredients in Suan Zao Ren Tang? What is the chief herb?
- Suan Zao Ren (Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit – chief herb)
- Fu Ling (Drain Damp – goes to HT channel)
- Zhi Mu (Clear Heat, Drain Fire – generates fluids)
- Chuan Xiong (Invigorate the Blood – goes to GB, LV, PC channels)
- Gan Cao (Tonify Qi – envoy)
What are some characteristics of Wind?
- swift, changeable, rapid, violent, impetuous
- irregular movement characteristic of all Wind diseases (“moves still & stops moveable”)
What are some causes of Internal Wind?
- LV and/or KD Yin Deficiency
- Ascending LV Yang
- Blood Deficiency
- High fevers (which leads to fluid deficiency)
How does LV and/or KD Yin Deficiency cause Internal Wind? Is this an acute or chronic condition? What is the treatment?
- LV / KD Yin Deficiency means that Yin is not anchoring Yang, and this stirs Internal Wind
- usu. a long term deficiency or more severe (e.g. wind stroke, which is a biomedical stroke)
- treatment: nourish LV & KD, Calm Yang, Extinguish Wind
What are signs & symptoms of Internal Wind due to LV and/or KD Yin Deficiency?
- headache, dizzy, blurred vision, tinnitus, irritability, twitching (all signs of not enough Yin)
- possibly nausea, vomiting, palpitations, anxiety
- more severe wind-stroke pattern: tremors, unconsciousness, spasms, paralysis, hemiplegia, aphrasia
How does Blood Deficiency stir Internal Wind? Is this a milder or more severe form of Internal Wind? What is the treatment?
- Blood Deficiency cannot anchor Qi (just as Yin anchors Yang)
- therefore Qi is unsettled and restless
- usu. milder movement disorders from lack of nourishment to head & sinews
- treatment: Extinguish Wind and Nourish Blood
What are signs & symptoms of Internal Wind due to Blood Deficiency?
dizziness, tremors, tics, twitches, numbness, blurred vision, pallor (blood not getting to areas, usu. extremities)
How does Heat create Internal Wind? Is this an acute or chronic condition? What is the treatment?
- Exterior Heat or internal LV Fire can lead to Interior Wind if left untreated
- more sudden and violent – but not usu. long term (bc LV Fire excess burns out and everything moves up as Wind)
- treatment: Clear Heat, extinguish Wind, stop spasm
What are signs & symptoms of Internal Wind due to Heat?
fever induced seizures & convulsions (fright wind in children)
What are some diseases treated by herbs that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors?
- Parkinson’s, Menieres Disease, Stroke, Hypertension, Epilepsy, Bells Palsy
- emotional, neurological, drug-induced, blood sugar, thyroid, fever, head injury, circulatory, infections
What are some indications for herbs that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors?
- dizziness, headache
- tremors, convulsions, tremors
- shaking head, shakiness
- deviated tongue
(think movement)
What is an herb we learned to Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors? What are its key characteristics?
Gou Teng - Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis:
- drains LV Heat
- settles LV Wind
What are the 7 orifices of the head that we treat with Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices? What is the function of these orifices?
- eyes, nose, ears, mouth
- these portals give consciousness and clarity to the Shen
Orifices can be blocked, causing what disorders?
- clouded spirit-mind (Jing-Shen)
- reversal, also called ‘veiled orificies’, delirium, and/or sudden clouding reversal (syncope, stupor, coma)
What are some conditions of blocked orifices?
- wind-fright (infantile convulsions usu. seen in febrile diseases) like encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, uremia, septicemia
- epilepsy & seizure disorders
- wind-stroke (CVA), angina, Coronary Heart Disease
- Summerheat stroke
- febrile disease on the Ying level affecting the PC
What do Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices treat?
- Bi Zheng (closed / locked up disorder)
- Turbid Phlegm veiling the sensory orifices (Heat & Wind)
- actions: opens the sensory orifices and awakens the spirit
What are some indications for use of Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices?
coma, lock jaw, clenched fists, rigid limbs, forceful pulse
extreme condition, for which a modern patient should go to hospital
What is an herb we learned that is an Aromatic Substance that Opens the Orifices? What are its key characteristics?
She Xiang - Moschus (Deer Musk):
- intensely aromatic to open all the orifices and awaken the spirit
- stops pain
- unblocks the channels & collaterals by invigorating the blood
Herbs that Treat Parasites are primarily used for what?
primarily treat intestinal parasites like roundworms, tapeworms & hookworms
(herbs are matched to parasite & although weaker than modern anti-parasitic meds they are less toxic & have longer effect. therefore a patient with parasites might take antibiotics in short term and supplement afterward with herbs.)
What are the signs & symptoms of a patient with parasites?
- can be no pain or para-umbilical pain
- vomiting
- change in appetite or deranged appetite (e.g. pica)
- itching rectum, nose, ears
- if prolonged: fatigue & emaciation with distended abdomen
What is an herb we learned to Expel Parasites? What are its key characteristics?
Da Suan - Allii Sativi Bulbus (Garlic Bulb):
- kills parasites
- transforms meat & Food Stagnation
- unblocks accumulations
- promotes qi movement
- expels Cold-Dampness
What are the 2 types of disorders treated by Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices?
- Heat Closed Disorders (due to Heat)
- Cold Closed Disorders (due to Cold +/- Phlegm)