WK5 - Herb & Formula ID Flashcards
What is the Pinyin & Latin name for this herb?
What is the category?
Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Will we find it in this form in the clinic pharmacy?
Shi Gao - Gypsum Fibrosum
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
The clinic pharmacy only carries the powder form.
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizome
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Xi Gua - Citrulli Fructus (Watermelon)
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Shui Niu Jiao - Bubali Cornu (Water Buffalo Horn)
Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
What are the Latin & Pinyin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix
Clear Heat, Cool the Blood
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Huang Qin - Scutellariae Radix
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Huang Lian - Coptidis Rhizoma
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
What are the Pinyin & Latin names for this herb?
What is the category?
Will we find it in this cut in the clinic pharmacy?
Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex
Clear Heat, Dry Dampness
The clinic pharmacy does not sell this cut.
What is the name of this formula?
It is the marquis formula for what pattern?
What are the Pinyin names of the ingredients (starting from the bottom, going clockwise)?
Bai Hu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) for Yang Ming channel heat (Qi level Heat):
- Shi Gao
- Zhi Mu
- Geng Mi (non glutinous rice)
- Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried licorice)
What is the name of this formula?
What is its main action?
What are the Pinyin names of the ingredients (starting from the upper left, going clockwise)?
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis Decoction to Dispel Toxin), which clears fire in all three burners:
- Huang Lian (MJ & HT)
- Huang Qin (UJ)
- Huang Bai (LJ)
- Zhi Zi (Gardenia fruit)