WHO prerequisites for health Flashcards
what are they?
what is meant by peace?
peace is more than just an absence of war or conflict it also means access to education, health, and essential services, developing sustainability and protecting the planet’s biodiversity
what is meant by the prerequisites by health?
the prerequisites (or means conditions) and resources must be available if any gains in health are to occur
what is meant by shelter?
a dwelling that provides safety, security & privacy. shelter is more than a roof over individual heads
- adequate privacy
- adequate space
- physical accessibility
- adequate security
- structural stability
- adequate lighting, heating & ventilation
- adequate basic infrastructure (water, sanitation & waste management )
- adequate location with regard to work & basic facilities
- affordable cost
why is shelter important?
- adequate housing provides a safe envrionmnet that provides memebers of the household with the secuirty they need to participate in the community
- homelessness- risk of long term poverty, unemploymnet & social exclusion & lll health
- expensive housing can cause impcats on H+W as may result in reducing besic necessities inclusing food & heating- emotional stress
- shelter provides facilities to prepare nutritious foods-less reliance on fast foods
- privacy- mental H+W
- overcrowding can cause higher rates of communciable diseases
- respsuarttory conditions from smoke
why is peace important?
- violence causes deathe & injury
- reduced access to health systems
- increased incidence of communicbale diseases
- reduced water & saniation & diseases prevention
- extreme stress & anxiety
- closing of schools (social, emotional, spirtual)
- no available work
- malnutrition
- sense of belonging is lost
- may have to flee home
- countries experincing peace are able to utilise their resources to ensure H+W of the popultaion wheras countries experiecing conflict often divert resources away from health to other areas such as defence
why is eductaion important?
- education is strongly linked to better H+W
- reduces risk of risk taking behviours
- encourages use of health related info & preventative healthcare services
- eductaion- eomplymnet opportunities, level of literacy skills & level of income
- eductaion increases an indivudals level of health literacy
what is health literacy?
described as the degree to which individuals have the capcity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
- low level of health literacy = more likley to have to use health care services more often (higher costs)
why is food important?
all people should be able to access safe, culturally acceptable , nutritious foods in order to attain good H+W
- nutritious foods= ability to withstand the effects of exposure to illness & injury
- malnutrition- school, work, premature mortality
- undernousihed preganat women more likley to have low brithweight babies
- iron deficianey anaemia can cause fatigue- abaility to work & earn an income
- lack of nutritious foods can accelarate the impcat of chronci diseases
why is income important?
the higher the perosns income, eductaion level and occupation levels the healthier they tend to be
- income effects the ability of individuals to access resources such as water, saniation, adequate nutrition, hosuing, warmth, eductaion and health care system
what is meant by a stable eco system?
refers to a balanced relationships between the landscape and species that live in an environmnet
why is a stable ecosyetm imrportant?
- provides many resoruces for health- food, air & water
- the disruption of balance betwen the living and non living elements (global warming & air pollution) can cause respiratory conditions
what is meant by sustainable reosurces?
relates to enabling natural systems to function, remain dievrse and prodcuce what is required for the ecology to remain in balance while still being used to mainatin cureent living standards but also have these resoruces availble for future generations
why are sustaianble resoruces important?
- waterways, energy soruces, food production, environmnets, air quality & wildlfie habitats
- provides resources now & for future gnerations
- overfishing
what is meant by social justice?
relates to all people within a community recieving fair treatment at all times
why is social justice important?
- discrimination can cause violnece
- stress, anxiety & depression
- fair access to resources such as healtcare
what is meant by equity?
refers to addressing the causes of inequality & providng strategies to ensure fairness, equity is not about treating everyone equally but rather providng what people require for H+W
why is equity important?
all people shpuld have access to and equitable provision of servcies including eductaion, health and social services