AUS dieteray guidelines, nutrition AUS & challenges to bring dietary change Flashcards
why is nutrition important?
- nutrition gives people the ability to withstand illness + diseases & injuries
- nutrition prevents malnutrition and undernourishment
- lack of nutrition can accelerate/ increase the risk of chronic conditions such as colorectal cancer
- can decrease LE, increases burden of disease & burden on the healthcare system
what are the Australian guidelines about?
its the publication of a policy which encourages healthy eating through educating people on the basic principles of human nutrition. They do this by providing recommendations for healthy eating which are realistic & practical but also help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve health & wellbeing
guideline 1
to achieve & maintain a healthy body weight, be physically active & choose amounts of nutritious foods & drinks to meet your energy needs
guideline 2
enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from the 5 food groups every day
guideline 3
limit foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars & alcohol
guideline 4
encourage, support & promote breastfeeding
guideline 5
care for your food; prepare & store it safely
why is guideline 1 important?
- the primary factors that influence energy balance are physical activity & dietary energy intake
- regularly obtaining more energy from food eaten than is needed to meet energy requirements can lead to excess body fat.
- insufficient PA in relation to energy intake can also lead to excess body fat
why is guideline 2 important?
a diet contains a wide variety of foods from the different food groups is most likely to offer protection against non-communicable chronic diseases such as CVD, obesity & diabetes
why is guideline 3 important?
- saturated fat= fats are the most concentrated form of energy an an overconsumption of them contributes to an energy dense diet which increases the risk of overweight & obesity
- added salt= reduction in dietary sodium intake will decrease the overall population blood pressure and reduce the prevalence of hypertension
- added sugars= diets high in added sugars have been associated with the development of obesity & dental; carries
- alcohol= alcohol is energy dense & can contribute to weight gain. excess alcohol use has been linked to many chronic conditions such as hypertension, stroke, liver cancer
why is guideline 4 important?
breastfeeding is the normal & most appropriate method of feeding infants and is closet related to immediate & long term health outcomes.
brest feeding provides health benefits to infants including the reduced risk of infections & asthma, & contributes to improved intellectual development
why is guideline 5 important?
- correct handling of food is required during al staged of its preparation and storage in order to reduce the incidence of food bourne illnesses
what is nutrition Australia?
a non=government organisation which uses scientific information + research to help inform the public about the basics of nutrition
- they send information to inform nutrition policy makers, media, consumers & educators
what is the health eating pyramid by nutrition Aus
- a simple visual guide to the types & proportions of foods that people should be easting everyday for good health.
- its a guide for healthy and glanced diet
- divides into 5 groups & has 3 different sections (foundation, middle & top)
- includes health facts such as drink water, don’t add salt
what are 5 things nutrition Australia does?
- healthy eating pyramid
- product & menu assessments
- workshops & programs
- recipe, fact sheets & publications
- national nutrition week
explain what products & menu assessments are by nutrition Australia
nutrition Aus woks with food & drink manufacturers so their food products can be independently reviewed to determine whether they fit within the guidelines outlined in school canteens & food services. The assessments allow the manufacturers to determine whether its products can be supplied to Vic schools, workplaces, vending machines & retail outlets
list 8 challenges to bring about dietary change
- income
- family & peers
- culture
- attitudes & beliefs
- education, knowledge & skills
- personal taste preferences
- stress
- time management
explain how skills, knowledge & education is a challenge to bring about dietary change
- people with lower levels of education may eat larger amounts of unhealthy, energy dense food then someone with a higher income same goes with income
- good nutrition knowledge is important to enable healthy food choices
- skills: preparation, cooking, how to read food labels
explain how personal taste preferences are a challenge to bring about dietary change
many people make their food choices based on if they taste good therefore even if people are educated and have the knowledge about the importance of good nutrition they may still choose to ignore these messages and choose food which they believe taste good
draw conclusions as to why healthy eating is hard to achieve in Australia
the biggest challenge by health professional & governments is motivating people to engage i healthy behaviour
explain the workshops & programs ran by nutrition Aus
nutrition aus offers various different services to workplaces to promote H+W in relation to food & nutrition including:
- cooking demonstrations
- nutrition education seminars
- personal 1-1 consultations which provides advice from a dietitian
- workplace vending machine & catering services assessment
explain how income is a challenge to brining about dietary change
people with low incomes may not be able to afford nutritious foods but rather choose to eat foods more processed foods and foods high in fat, sugar and salt as they tend to be cheaper