health promotion Flashcards
what is health promotion?
the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health
- the role society plays in promoting health
- examples of health promotion include social marketing, education, legislation & regulations that all aim to change the social, political and physical environment in order to promote behaviours
why was/is smoking targeted?
- is a risk factor for many chronic conditions (cancers, CVD)
- one of the leading risk factors contributing to diseases & death in Australia however os completely modifiable
QUIT’s purpose is to encourage, support and promote people to quit smoking for preventative health reasons as well as economic impacts that smoking can have on the individuals and the health acre costs associated with smoking
-examples: Quitline, QUIT coach, QUIT media campiagns,
national tobacco campaign- quit now
targets all smokers however focuses particularly at risk population groups (indi, rural areas, pregnant women)
- media campaigns- (don’t make smokes your story)
- website
- ‘quit for you- quit for two’ apps
- the quit book
why is Aboriginal health targeted?
experience a LE approximately 10 years less and experience significantly higher rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes & heart diseases compared to non Indigenous Australians
road to good health
aimed at the prevention of diabetes and improving the H+W of families and communities through helping them make healthy nutritional choices particularly by teaching the skill of reading food labels
- helps individuals make healthier choices and create healthy habits to prevent type 2 diabetes
- ran by aboriginal health workers & services
how does QUIT develop personal skills? (reflect actions areas of the Ottawa charter)
through QUIT’s website, provides information about the impact of smoking & advice & strategies to assist people with quitting, media campaigns also educate communities
how does QUIT reorient health services? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
provides a range of face-face & online learning opportunities designed to help health professionals support their patients to quit smoking
how does QUIT strengthen community action? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
- helps in developing specific anti smoking campaigns and woking with particular population groups (aboriginal quite line)
- has worked with a range of groups within the community to increases the success of the program initiatives
how does QUIT build healthy public policy? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
has assisted in the implementation of policies & laws aimed at reducing the impact of smoking on the health of victorians
- e.g. banning of tobacco advertising, banning of smoking in public smoking, tobacco taxation, plain packaging, increasing at which can purchase, banning display
how does QUIT create supportive environments? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
through Quitline- QUIT provides a supportive social environment with the purpose of assisting individuals to quit smoking.
- online support available on website
- helping to ban smoking in public places- the physical environment has been improved by reducing the impact of passive smoking
how does road to good health strengthen community action? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
through working with other programs & services such as ‘the life’ program- the road to good health diabetes prevention program is able to implemented into programs ran in communities
how does road to good health create supportive environments? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
through providing support for Aboriginal health workers + professionals & running groups sessions the program is able to create a supportive social environment
how does the road to good health develop personal skills? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
Indigenous people are taught how
- different foods affect their health
- how to read food labels
- how to get active
- how to maintain a healthy body weight
- how to purchase inexpensive healthy foods
how does the road to good health reorient health services? (reflect actions areas of the Otattwa charter)
the aboriginal road to good health provides support to health professional to help Indigenous people prevent type 2 diabetes
how effective has the health promotion about smoking been?
due to the effectives of anti-smoking campaigns including media campaigns there has been positive changes to smoking rates
- people are delaying the uptake of smoking
- smokers are smoking fewer cigarettes
- fewer people are being exposed to second hand smoke.
changes to policy, legislation & taxation are examples of health promotion that have been effective in reducing tobacco smoking rates. Legislation that has banned smoking in public places has had a significant impact as well as the increases in taxation has also led to he reduction in smoking rates.
other health promotion exmaples:
- health warnings on cigarette packets
- banned advertising of tobacco
- anti smoking commercials on TV
- graphic warning signs on tobacco packs
- ban of smoking in public
- change in policies & laws regarding the age at which one can purchase