factors contributing to differences in global health status & global trends Flashcards
what are the factors?
- access to clean water
- access to sanitation
- poverty
- inequality & discrimination (race, religion, sex, sexual orientation & gender identity)
- global marketing and distribution of:
- tobacco
- processed foods
- alcohol
what are the global trends studied?
- climate change (rising sea levels, changing whether patterns, more extreme whether conditions)
- conflict and mass migration
- increased world trade and tourism
- digital technologies that enable increases knowledge and sharing
what are the implications on H+W of climate change- rising sea levels? (global trend)
physical= land for crop and livestock production is lost- food supply- reduced physical H+W and less efficient functioning of body systems
mental= people forced to leave homes- stress & anxiety, ability to earn income
social= communities will be impacted and forced to re-establsih, children- school
emotional= people forced to leave home- anxiety,
spiritual= loss of security and sense of belonging when relocating, hopelessness & helplessness
what are the implications on H+W of climate change- changing whether patterns? (global trend)
extreme heat conditions=contribute directly to deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, heat waves cause death
changing rainfall patterns= impact on supply of fresh water, alcohol of safe stare impacts on sanitation (communicable diseases), will impact on food production with water scarcity leading to drought & famine- increases rates of malnutrition, increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts
more stream whether events=natural disasters such as floods, storms, heatwaves and droughts. floods directly cause injury and death, contaminate fresh water supplies, increase the risk of water borne diseases & create ideal breeding conditions for disease carrying insects such as mosquitoes- malaria, displacement of people from homes and communities, creating stress and tension and sometimes conflict. drownings, physical injury and damage to homes and the impact of health services and the supply of medicines
physical= increased health risks due to increased spread of diseases such as malaria caused by increasing temperatures, food shortages, reduced access to healthcare
mental= unable to meet demands of everyday life, loss of income and shelter= stress, living in fear increases anxiety
social= leave homes and communities
emotional= feelings of grief and loss due to death, difficulty feeling secure
spiritual= lack of sense of belonging, may cause questioning of meaning of life, helpless and hopeless
what are the implications on H+W of conflict? (global trend)
physical= increased injury and death due to fighting, increased female assault, food insecurity= lead to malnutrition, reduced access to clean and safe water increasing risk of communicable diseases
mental= constant state of fear, stress and anxiety, inability to think logically, stress caused by unable to protect and provided (water) for family
social= homelessness resulting in loss of community interaction and social setting, lack of empathy for others, school shut down
emotional= strong feelings of fear, sadness and grief due to loss of loved ones/fear of, inability to regulate ones emotions, lack of security and the ability to be emotionally positive creating increased stress
spiritual= loss of sense of hope, peace and connection
what are the implications on H+W of mass migration? (global trend)
migrants are met with suspicion, fear and intolerance
many migrants seen years living in refugee camps= crowded conditions, sharing tents and resources with only basic supplies. face increased risk of communicable diseases such as respiratory infections
physical= the travel conditions may cause injuries, malnutrition
mental= travel conditions may cause extreme stress especially losing a loved one, fear and insecurity
social= children removed from parents in refugee camps, forced to leave communities
emotional= living in fear, moving to a strange land which one doesn’t understand causes anxiety snd may be unable to cope with feelings and therefore may be unable to regulate and control emotions
spiritual= sense of belonging is lost, los of identity and refugees may struggle to see purpose and meaning in life, sense of belonging is lost, peace and harmony destroyed
what are the implications on H+W of increased world trade? (global trend)
physical= increased trade increases a countries and an individuals income and therefore more money can be directed towards healthcare, food, and adequate shelter enduring diseases can be treated effectively and prevented. may be injured/overwokred at work due to some of the poor working conditions
mental= increased trade opportunities within a country enhances employment opportunities and therefore provides more fair and steady income to the population which reduced stress and anxiety when employment opportunities are available- population more optimal and happy
social= more job opportunities fro those previously unemployed- workforce provides opportunities for people to expand their social networks and build positive relationships, increased incomes also allows children to go to school
emotional= work allows people to feel secure, positive and resilient in everyday life
spiritual= many people find a sense of purpose and meaning in life through meaningful employment
what are the implications on H+W of increased tourism?(global trend)
positive impacts:
- improved incomes due to more people visiting
- providing jobs
- creating new markets for goods and services (especially traditional practices)
negative impacts:
- biodiversity nd environmental ecosystem from increased population, transport and human interaction
- increased communicable diseases transfer
- environmental problems can cause health risks for local communities e.g. water pollution
physical= incomes can be spent on nutritious foods and healthcare
mental= less stress and anxiety due to no income, can send children to school
social= more interactions with different people and cultures, work can help people contribute to the community, can send children to school
emotional= can positively form emotions and feelings due to a positive outlook of life, resilient
spiritual=may feel a sense of belonging, purpose and meaning in life, may feel at peace
what are the implications on H+W of digital technologies? (global trend)
- text messaging to collaborate and are information about disease outbreaks
- social media posts provide real time information
- increases knowledge and awareness
- helps health organisations coordinate and respond during crisis
physical= greater access to health information increasing health literacy and preventive health measures/actions reducing the spread of diseases and improving physical health
mental= greater ability to access information in the event of a health emergency such as the ebola outbreak warnings improves mental health
social= allows communities to work together
emotional= less stress and more costive thinking knowing that health information is available
spiritual= may feel more at peace
how does marketing of tobacco impact on H+W
physical= reduced physical fitness and poor functioning body systems due to illness and diseases
social= potential decrease in ability to from intimate relationships if partner is abasing smoking
mental= lower confidence and self esteem due to bad breathe, increased levels of stress
emotional= may be unable to control; emotions when forced to go long periods without a cigarette (plane)
how does marketing of processed foods impact on H+W?
physical= reduced physical fitness due to overweight and obesity, poor functioning of body systems due to illness and diseases
social= social exclusion of bullying due to overweight/obesity
mental= lower confidence and self esteem due to weight
emotional= may suffer low resilience levels because of bullying
spiritual= may struggle to find a sense of belonging due to social isolation, feelings of helplessness, may feel uneasy in everyday life
hoe does marketing of alcohol impact on H+W?
physical= reduced reaction time= physical injuries or death, functioning of body due to increase in illness, violence and injuries
social= alcohol abuse can lead to relationship breakdowns, abusive relationships
mental= increases risk of depression and other mental illnesses
emotional=uncontrolled mood swings, unable to control emotions and act appropriately in different social situations , bursts of anger and violence
spiritual= may loose sense of purpose and meaning in life as alcohol may lead to factors such as unemployment
how does inequality & discrimination impact on health status?
- poor Physical H+W outcomes such as diabetes, high blood pressure
- injury
- depression, anxiety and suicide
why is smoking worse in low income countries?
- lack of regulations on the sale of tobacco- often sold cheaply to children
- no restriction on where people can smoke
- limited knowledge on the health consequences of smoking due to lack of health promotion and warnings such as on packets
- advertised and promoted widely
- no health warnings on cigarettes
whereas in high income countries:
- sold people 18+
- many public places are smoke free
- health promotion campaigns
- banned advertisements
- graphic packaging
why are processed foods worse in low income countries?
- aggressive marketing strategies targeting children and advertising cheaper products
- lack of health promotion awareness
- increased urbanisation
why is alcohol consumption worse in low income countries?
- weak restrictions related to the sale of alcohol- minimum legal drinking age
why is alcohol consumption worse in low income countries?
- weak restrictions related to the sale of alcohol- minimum legal drinking age and limited advertisement
- lack of health promotion and warnings of things such as drink driving
- feeling of low cost products to target younger drinkers
- lack of tax on alcohol
why is inequality & discrimination worse in low income countries
all people have the right to be free from discrimination and high income countries have better laws and regulations to fight and deal with discrimination however not all people in low income countries experience what should be a human right
will climate change impact on high or low income countries more?
the poorest countries will experience the berates impact. High income countries are predominantly responsible for climate change yet low income countries will be impacted the most, as they will be hit the hardest by natural disasters such as extreme whether conditions and do not have the resources to adequately cope with such disasters
consequences of climate change
- increased spread of infectious diseases
- impact on clean air, water and sufficient food
- malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea, heat stress
- fluctuations in rain fall and temperatures= impact on growth of crops and therefore food supply
- expansion of deserts through poor rain fall, rising sea levels = flooding