What problems are associated with the news media (journalists)? Flashcards
What problems are associated with the news media (journalists)?
It’s accepted that there a few hazards involved with the situation. Essentially, one fundamental concern is probably that + News is now sponsor driven. The media is more about making money and swaying opions as opposed to just providing nonbiased information.+ Additionally, another major problem has to be the permission + In some countries If there is a problem with the government all news are not permited to be published though it is said to be a free press.
In my view there are a number of actions that could be taken. When dealing with the first problem, the easiest way to work it out would be + reading a news but from many sources so you can have an overview about the problem you are reading + Taking on the second problem, there is no other way but journalists have to fight for the right to publish the true even they are the fails of gov.