What environmental problems are common in your country? Flashcards


What environmental problems are common in your country?


It’s accepted that there a few hazards involved with the situation. Essentially, one fundamental concern is probably + global warming which leads to an increase in number of natural disasters such as storm, floods etc+ Additionally, another major problem has to be pollution + There are many types of pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution etc. They decrease the quality of life and also cause many health diseases.

In my view there are a number of actions that could be taken. When dealing with the first problem, the easiest way to work it out would be + using electric cars since these type of cars doesn’t release CO2. As you know cars are the main source of CO2 which cause the global warming + Taking on the second problem, the most effective way would be that + government should have campaign to educate people about the importance of environment and we need to protect it.

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