What Do You Do Flashcards
verb : SAY : B1 to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe you

ısrar/inat etmek, direnmek, diretmek
Mia ——ed that she and Carlo were just friends.
- insist
adjective : If something is ——, it is real, true, or what people say it is.
hakiki, orijinal, gerçek
——— Italian food
——–ally adverb : orijinal, gerçek bir şekilde
——–ity noun : gerçek, orjinal
for the first time I was recognizing in—-ity myself.

- authentic
noun : a polite word or phrase that is used to avoid saying something embarrassing or offensive
örtmece, ayıp/çirkin şeylerin daha uygun/usturuplu şekilde söylenmesi
‘Passed away’ is a ——- for ‘died’.
——-istic adjective : üstü kapalı (söz)
——–tically adverb : üstü kapalı bir şekilde

- euphemism
noun : WORKPLACE : someone who works on different projects with different companies instead of being a company employee:

serbest çalışan
He started off his career working as a —— at a design firm.
Other people like —–s just have too complicated of an answer.
- freelancer
noun : (SOMETHING ADDED) : formal something added or connected to a larger or more important thing:

yardımcı, tamamlayıcı, ilave, ek
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful —— to my other studies.
- adjunct
adjective : heavy and solid in an ugly way:

The —– handsets looked old-fashioned as soon as they were launched.
Now I do bits of several of those things, so my —– answer to what do you do is, ‘Uh, a bunch of stuff?’“
adjective : making you think a lot about a subject

düşünmeye sevkeden; düşündüren
a ——-__——- book/film
If you want to kill a conversation, try asking, “What do you do?” So says Elizabeth Spiers in a ——-__—— blog post for Medium.
- thought-provoking
sosyal farkındalık
- social-mindedness