Basic Income Flashcards
verb : GIVE SUPPORT : to come together or bring people together to support something
topla(n)mak; bir araya gelmek/getirmek; birleşmek/birleştirmek
*Her fans —-ied behind her from the start.*
*Activists in Switzerland —–ied at the Parliament building in Bern as they prepared for a vote on a referendum that would guarantee every adult citizen a basic level of income, with no strings attached.*
GET BETTER : to get stronger or better after being weak
toparlanmaya başlamak; iyileşmeye yüz tutmak
*The stock market —-ied late in the day.*
- rally
noun : the quality of being generous
cömertlik, eli açıklık
*Switzerland is a rich country and can probably afford this ——-.*
- generosity
noun : someone who supports a particular idea or plan of action
taraftar, destekleyici, savunucu
*a ——- of nuclear energy*
*———s insist that having a basic income would allow people to have a better work-life balance and to advocate for better wages and working conditions.*
- proponent
adjective : CAREFUL THOUGHT : A ——- argument, plan, etc is clear, and each part of it has been carefully considered.
tutarlı, ahenkli, kolay anlaşılır, bağdaşık, mantıklı
*Like many German words, it has no English equivalent,
but it means something like ‘——– and harmonious,’ with a dash of ‘beauty’ thrown in.*
UNDERSTAND : If someone is ——, you can understand what they say.
anlaşılır, tutarlı, mantıklı
→ Opposite in——–
——–ce noun : uyum, netlik
——–ly adverb : uyumlu bir şekilde
- coherent
adjective : PEACEFUL : friendly and peaceful
dostça, uyumlu
*a ——- business relationship*
Like many German words, it has no English equivalent, but it means something like ‘coherent and ———,’ with a dash of ‘beauty’ thrown in.*
SOUND : having or making a pleasant sound
uyumlu, ahenkli
- harmonious
noun : calm and serious behaviour that makes people respect you
olgunluk, vakar, ağırbaşlılık, saygınlık
*He behaved with great —– and courage.*
- dignity
adjective : impossible to deal with
başa çıkılmaz, üstesinden gelinmez
*an ——– problem/task*
*That would still leave a gap of $1.3 trillion, which is significant, though not ——–.*
- insurmountable
noun : a situation in which the traffic cannot move in any direction because all of the roads are blocked with cars
trafik tıkanıklığı/sıkışıklığı
*Congress is too ——–ed to do anything this radical.*
- gridlock
noun : a person or a piece of work that has been nominated
aday, namzet
*They can’t even pass a budget or approve ——s to minor positions.*
- nominee
verb : to examine a machine or a system carefully and improve it or repair it
baştan aşağı gözden/bakımdan geçirmek; bütünüyle bakım onarım yapmak
*to ——- an engine*
——- noun : gözden geçirme, kontrol etme
- overhaul
verb : discourage by removing an incentive. demotivate.
demotive etmek
*Critics fear that giving people money just for existing will ——– work.*
- disincentivize
adjective : EXCITING : very exciting or interesting and making you want to watch, listen, etc
heyecan verici, ilgi çeken, dayanılmaz
*a ————-— story*
TRUE : If a reason, argument, etc is —————, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong.
zorunlu, kaçınılmaz, mecburi, zorlayıcı, itekleyici
*————— evidence*
- compelling