Turning on the Lights Flashcards
noun : MAN : an attractive man who is often young and has a strong body
yapılı gösterişli ve çekici adam
PIECE : a piece of something, usually large and not flat or smooth
iri parça, iri dilim
*a —— of bread*
* What could you do with a part of a bicycle, a few ———s of discarded PVC pipe, and a tractor

- hunk
verb : to throw something away
(işe yaramayan şeyi) atmak, ıskartaya çıkarmak
*———ed food wrappers*
* What could you do with a part of a bicycle, a few hunks of ————ed PVC pipe, and a tractor fan?*

- discard
noun :: TEACHING
the teaching of one person or of a small group of people
özel ders, öğretim, öğretme
*French ————*
MONEY mainly : money that you pay for being taught, especially at college or university
okul ücreti; eğitim öğretim ücreti

- tuition
adjective : needing a lot of hard, physical effort and making you feel extremely tired:

*Digging the vegetable garden was ———— work.*
- backbreaking
— phrasal verb : to use something slowly or carefully because you only have a small amount of it
idareli/dikkatli/azar azar kullanmak; yetirmek
- eke sth out
noun : US corn
a tall plant with yellow seeds that are eaten as food

- maize
noun : a building with long parts at the top that turn in the wind, used for producing power or crushing grain

yel değirmeni
- windmill
noun : a long, narrow cut or hole in something

uzun kesik, yarık
*Make a —— in the pastry to allow the steam to escape.*
- slit
verb : to get something from someone else instead of paying for it yourself

ondan bundan dilenmek, beleşçilik yapmak, bedavaya konmak
*He’s always —–ing money off you.*
*Kamkwamba, assisted by a cousin and a friend, ———d around a dump for old parts.*
- scrounge
noun : a machine or object that looks strange or complicated

neye benzediği anlaşılmayan makina veya nesne
*He put the whole ——- on top of a rickety fifteen-foot tower.*
- contraption
adjective : likely to break soon

çürük, eften püften, elde kalacakmış gibi olan
*a —– wooden chair*
*He put the whole contraption on top of a ——- fifteen-foot tower.*
- rickety