Noticing Potential Flashcards
noun : a prize or praise given to someone because they are very good at something

başarıdan dolayı ödüllendirme ya da övgü
The employees who make all of their sales goals or produce the most are the ones who get the most ——-s, raises, and promotions.
- accolade
verb : THINK : B2 to think that something is probably true
sanmak, düşünmek
I —– he likes her.
NUMBER : to guess that a particular number is correct
ummak, tahminde bulunmak
His fortune is —-ed at $5 million.
—— with sb/sth — phrasal verb
to deal with someone or something difficult
hesaba katmak, göze almak; zoru başarmaya çalışmak
This person, though, with the right level of investment and development, could become a force to be ——ed with.

- reckon
noun : WORK : a collection of designs, pictures, documents, etc that represents a person’s work, or the large, flat container that it is carried in
çalışmaların bir arada toplandığı dosya/klasör/koleksiyon
When someone’s résumé and —— are full of mediocre work, is this because they are mediocre at the job, or because they have been given mediocre opportunities?
MONEY : a collection of accounts, money, etc that is owned by a person or organization
kişi veya kuruluşun sahip olduğu hesaplar/para vs. yekünü/toplamı
a stock ——-

- portfolio
adjective : not good in quality
vasat, orta, şöyle böyle
The acting was ——-.
When someone’s résumé and portfolio are full of —— work, is this because they are mediocre at the job, or because they have been given mediocre opportunities?
——–ity noun : vasat olma durumu

- mediocre
verb : MOVEMENT : to make wild movements with your arms or body, especially because you are trying not to sink
batmamak için çırpınmak, debelenmek
NOT KNOW : to not know what to do or say
bocalamak, ne söyleyeceğini/yapacağını bilmemek
When he resigned, the team was left —–ing.
A person who is an amazing writer often ——promoted into a position where he has to manage junior writers.
FAIL : If a relationship, organization, or plan —— or begins to experience problems.
düşe kalka/bata çıka ilerlemek; sorunlar yaşamaya başlamak; iyi gitmemek; sorunlar yaşamak
By 1993 his marriage was —–ing.

- flounders
adjective : not level or smooth
pürüzlü, eğri büğrü, engebeli
an —— floor
unevenly adverb : pürüzlü
The high-potential person is the one whose performance is —–, but whose aptitude is high.

- uneven
adjective : quick to notice or understand things

anlayışlı, kavrayışlı
The person who asks —– questions, who uncovers problems before they happen, and who rapidly acquires new skills is demonstrating high levels of potential.
- perceptive
noun : a natural skill or an ability to do something well

yetenek, doğuştan gelen beceri, kabiliyet, yatkınlık
He has an —– for learning languages.
The high-potential person is the one whose performance is uneven, but whose —— is high.
- aptitude
adjective : annoyed because things are not happening in the way that you want, or in the way that they should

hüsrana uğramış, hayalleri boşa çıkmış, umudu kırılmış
I’m very —— at/with my lack of progress.
The trick is to tap this potential before the person gets ——- and goes elsewhere.
- frustrated
noun : B1 someone who is paid to work for a person or company

işçi, çalışan
When you find the right fit, these high-potential people will turn into the gold standard for an —— —both high potential and high performance.
- employee